Looking for people to start a guild
Why not keep it as Personal Storage and get a nice guild that’s already up and running?
It’s really tough to create your own guild at this stage of the game, especially if you don’t have a big plan for it :/
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg
Why not keep it as Personal Storage and get a nice guild that’s already up and running?
It’s really tough to create your own guild at this stage of the game, especially if you don’t have a big plan for it :/
I personally disagree with this: WISE was made not even a year ago, and we are in full stride. Sure we have our ups and downs, our fast days and slow days, but it is all worth it in the end…
But… In a sense, I agree too. It IS tough to start up your own guild, especially coming down to finding people with a common interest: makes it even more difficult as they are most likely in a guild that suits that need.
I do give you my sincere best of luck, and wish you the best in the future and your hopeful guild. =)
Had my fair share of guild management, not only in GW. I am not persuing the “stardom” with this guild. Dont want a big guild actually. Size was one of the main reasons I left the one I was. But the input was appreciated. Thanks.
First, you should provide more details, including what type of guild you envision. There many choices – what makes yours stand out? Your current justification is unappealing at best.
Second, demonstrate your commitment. What do you bring to the table besides a partially built private bank guild? Recommend as a start setting up a guild site to showcase aforementioned experience.
Good luck – I hope you create something worthwhile without adding to the usual rote spam invitation posts around here (yes you know who you are).
Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle