Looking for pve/wvw guild
Hey there Bolvine! In-Sane-Ity here! Sounds like you’re describing our Guild already! We’ve recently come back from a bit of a break and really want to get the ball rolling again, especially with people with your play-style! So I must ask…
Are you a fan of devouring dungeons? Havoc group destruction in WvW? Collecting achievements and various PvE goodies? Or rocking some toons in PvP perhaps?
Well if you’ve answered yes to any one of these, then you might have already found yourself a cozy little spot here at The Unholy Mackerels [UM]!
We are a FULLY UPGRADED guild looking to add some new faces to our tight knit family of gamers!
Currently [UM] is looking to bring in more active, friendly, and social gamers to be apart of our growing family! As long as you enjoy at least one aspect of what Guild Wars has to offer, you’ll find you have a place amongst us! Who knows, in time you might grow to enjoy all aspects of the game! Don’t worry about your skill level, we all grow together as a guild and individual gamers, so its all a matter of time! Don’t be afraid to dive in and get dirty!
Scheduled Events For All Areas
- Dungeons on a regular basis (Don’t be afraid to shout at us to do some runs! We love them!)
- sPvP and tPvP
- Fractals and Guild Missions
- WvW Havoc runs
Fully Upgraded Guild
- All guild missions available
– 3 guild bank tabs for sharing mats, dungeon potions, food for lvling, siege etc.
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gathering Bonus buffs
– Scheduled crafting, karma, experience and gold buffs !
Extremely Social
– Website with Forums
– TeamSpeak with users on usually at all hours
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– Contests with $$ prizes
– 99.9% drama free We are here to have an enjoyable experience! Leave the dirt outside.
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships. Maturity with a tiny bit of immaturity is what we like to call it. AKA adults having fun.
Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help!
Rits.4036, Slipstream.6405,
Hellfire.3591, InSaneIty.8621
or check out our recruitment thread with more details.
Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at http://theunholymackerels.enjin.com to apply!
Hi, Bolvine! You might be interested in my little family, the Druids of Dhuum [DoD]. In [DoD] our #1 focus is having fun, but WvW havoc is one of the things we do most frequently. We’re a small bunch, with around 15 active members, and we’re located on the Eredon Terrace server. Another thing we do very often is dungeon running, particularly teaching runs.
One thing I can definitely say about us is that we do feel like a family. Our website is located at http://druidsofdhuum.enjin.com, and you can PM me or my co-leader Turkadactyl.5308 for more information. If you’d like to run a dungeon with us to try us on for size, that’s great, and we’d be happy to help you with dungeons even if you decide another guild is more your style!
If you do end up liking us and want to transfer to ET to join the WvW fight (havoc forever!), we’d be happy to help fund a transfer. Anyway, let me know if you’d like to play with us sometime, you sound like fun, and a good fit for our little group!
The Rescuer – Smoke And Flowers – Nectar Protector – Dhuumwind –
Specter Protector – Pushed Daisies – Imprinted – Die Groundlings
Hi Bolvine,
You may want to consider our guild, Straightjacket Syndicate [CRZY]. We’re on Tarnished Coast and we are a fully upgraded PvX guild. We have friendly and funny people and in this guild you won’t be just a name in roster. On WvW nights we run as a havoc of 10-15 and we have a lot of fun, and we can take down groups bigger than us. On PvE nights we run dungeons, guild missions or other gold or fun generating events.
Pay our website a visit, and if you like what you see, apply. Currently our main requirements are TC server and mumble use for events (even if just to listen). We do offer 2 week transfer period if needed (so you can get to know us), but you will obviously need to be on TC for the WvW fun You can message me in game if you have questions.
Thanks for your consideration!
(edited by Night Priestess.8123)
Synergy is a guild started by some friends with a goal to create a small community of friendly players. We aren’t interested in having 500 members where no one knows anyone else. We are currently playing Guild Wars 2 primarily on the Jade Quarry server.
For Guild Wars 2, we participate both PvE and organized PvP in both WvWvW and structured PvP. Most of us have been gaming together since the days before Guild Wars 1 and continue to do so. Because of our long standing community, you will find that it is an atmosphere where everyone knows each other and learns to play well as a well oiled machine, hence the name Synergy.
•Focus on Living Story achievements
•Chance to play with friendly players
•Structured PvP teams
•Active TeamSpeak
•Strong leadership with two PvE officers and two PvP officers to back up our leader.
•Scheduled events including Dungeons such as high end fractals and the like.
•Assistance with farming legendary items.
•Guild website available at synergygw2.enjin.com
•Officer positions available for:
PvE – with a focus on dungeons
WvW – we prefer to run smaller organized teams.
What we expect
•18 and up preferably
•Have a working Mic and TeamSpeak preferred
•Have a sense of humor but realize things may not always be PG13
•Attributes of a team player with a good attitude.
To join or if you have any questions feel free to PM myself or one of our officers listed below.