Looking for small & active guild
If you think that guild leaders are going to read everyone’s wall of text out of ALL the other LFguild request in this forum then good luck. Now I try to answer all questions that someone could possibly ask in one easy to read list formatted thread. I also provide methods for contacting me if they have further questions. I posted in your first thread and don’t think there is any need for you to create a second. Get a grip guy & good luck in your adventures.
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
(edited by SeeingBlue.8453)
If guilds are sincere in recruiting quality people that are the right fit for THEIR guild, rather than meeting a quota or just padding their numbers, yah I think they would appreciate a more personalized approach. Spamming the message to every LFG in site says one thing about most guilds: they dont care who the person is they are trying to lure in, they just want numbers. Whether or not that person is an actual fit for the guild comes second. And if a guild leader cannot bother to read that the person looking for a guild DOESNT want to transfer, and he/she spams their message anyways, I mean..is that a guild people really want to join? But I digress..
Im trying to find a small friendly casual tight-knight group, maybe even one that is semi-exclusive to ensure all of that.
Good luck to you.
(edited by cesmode.4257)
Like I said, I try to cover all points in the original post. Lots of people don’t realize they can guest to a server, which our guild allows. New players don’t often realize they can delete their character to transfer for free, so just because someone is looking for a guild on a specific server doesn’t mean they aren’t willing to transfer or guest once they realize the possibilities.
Also quality screening is done in two ways. Via the application form on our website, and then a two week trial period. Also members are required to speak and spend some time with an officer in-game before being allowed into mumble.
So you see I fear your assumptions are misleading you as not everyone is carelessly recruiting like you believe.
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
There’s actually an interesting discussion about that right in this thread.
As a former guild recruiter myself, for several guilds in both GW2 and my old MMO, I prefer the longer, more personal posts written with both thought and personality, and when I look to recruit someone, I either write out the message from scratch and personalize it, or include a personalized bit at the top talking to the person themselves before putting down general info later. Usually, I also try to contact them in-game or ask them to do a few activities with us to see if they fit. Maybe it’s overkill, but I’ve been in past guilds which broke apart or got a bad reputation because people recruited the wrong sort.
Maybe I’m a bit antiquated, but I feel guilds have a duty to the people they recruit to give them what they ask for and ensure the person will be happy there, rather than just use the person to pad their numbers. To a reasonable extent, of course- a guild that advertises itself as helpful shouldn’t be expected to give every new member gold on demand to “help.” It’s things like reading to make sure the recruit’s playstyle meshes with the guild- if someone wants RP in the guild, only guilds that RP should contact them. If someone is pure PvE, only PvE guilds should contact them. If someone wants a small and social guild where people talk and group with each other, then the guild should be small and social and have people who will group together for more than the occasional dungeon run. Guild recruiters, when recruiting, should always take a cold, honest look at their guild and ask, “Can I provide what this person is looking for?”
Anyway, rant over, sorry about that. Wishing you the best of luck with finding a guild, ces.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
Hiya Cesmode,
I was going to reply to your post before, but I saw that you’re not really interested in a guild that has requirements and regulations. Then I was thinking that we might have different ideas about that, so I’d reply anyway, and you can see if you think it’s not gonna be a good fit.
Remnants of Hope is on TC, but since you said you might be willing to consider a transfer, I thought that might not be a deal-breaker.
We’re on the smaller side (a core group of about 15-20 people who play daily and other members who log in a few times a week), and we definitely have a close-knit feel (part of that comes from our sponsorship program, which involves helping members get to know one another. Also, we have a website, http://www.remnantsofhope.com/boards, although the server is experiencing some difficulty this morning. We have very active forums, complete with games and contests, like our Weekly Caption the Picture contest and our new Weekly Riddle Contest.
As for requirements and regulations, we do have an application and a two-week trial process, which is designed to make sure you get your needs met (we’re doing the kinds of events you like to do, our guild environment fits you, etc.) and makes sure we have a dedicated, tight-knit group of players who actually care about each other. So, it might seem like a lot, but it has worked really well to ensure everyone ends up with an arrangement they like.
Anyway, if that might fit what you’re looking for (even with the requirements and regulations) or if you have any questions, you can PM me here on these forums, message me in game, or check out the application on our forums (they should be back up soon). Also, I attached a screenshot of several of us running around Plains of Ashford the other night. =)
Cesmode, usually, the “template guild message” is were most of the info from it comes, so thats why most of guild recruiters use it. Thats the “profile” of it.
I recommend you try many small-medium guilds before you decide, play with some members, talk to their officers, run some dungeons/events.
I guess chossing a small knit guild is a longer and harder process than just joining a huge group (what is, in the end, a collective of pugs mostly).
Feel free to contact me ingame, if you are interested, and we can talk about our little group of friends (we are on NA Tarnished Coast)
And our forums are back up, if you’re interested in checking them out. =) Hope you’re having a relaxing Friday.
Greetings Ces,
I think I might have what you’re looking for in my family. We are called The Gryphons Aerie. We make our home on Tarnished Coast, have about 60 members, we’re close-knit due to our recruiting process, and run on a mostly east coast schedule. We’re primarily PvE/RP with some PvP as well; with members enjoying WvsW and going toe to toe in our custom arena. Participation in RP is not required in any way, nor are any guild events mandatory. For added fun, we also have two Dj’s in the guild who do live radio shows for a community station.
We have a website/forum and a TeamSpeak 3. Our site is at http://www.thegryphonsaerie.com and we make good use of our forum to organize our events and communicate in general.
Our requirements:
- Know that “real life” takes precedence over anything game related (none of our events are mandatory)
- Be at least 18yrs of age
- Fill out our application on our forum to join (it’s just a short “tell us a little about yourself” sort of thing)
TC tends to be sitting on Very High or Full population status, so you won’t be at a loss for seeing people exploring the world, though it seems Orr is dead everywhere. Sometimes you’ll get people doing the camp events, but not as often as it used to be.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me in game or via PM. I will be glad to answer them for you to the best of my ability.
Join Us – http://www.thegryphonsaerie.com
Hey Ces,
I’ll be honest with you. I read your first post and replied to you with a copy/paste. Only because that is easier for me instead of feeling like I am forgetting something. I want you to know everything there is to know about my guild so you can have a good feeling when applying. I know how annoying it can be to apply to a guild and find out they weren’t honest or truthful in who they are and find out you just don’t fit well with them.
I ONLY reply to LFG posts that I feel the person is describing my guild, because I personally am not after numbers, I’m looking for cool cats that sound like they would have a grand time with us and have good things to offer to the rest of the group.
Here I am again, reading your post. I will type everything in by hand and hopefully not forget something so I will also just direct you to our Guild Thread and website in case I do.
[UM] Is a small-medium sized PvX guild that is social, uses TS3 (but does not require) and enjoys all things the game has to offer. We are on FA but don’t let the tier fool you as FA is the server that is used to fighting outmanned, but not outgunned. In WvW the server has many smaller guilds like us, all coordinating across the map, with only 2-3 “larger” guilds so the amount of zerg on our server isn’t non-existant it’s just that the server knows how to work by splitting off. [UM] WvWs twice a week on schedule with ~10 of us and anytime off schedule through out the week.
In PvE we have another Dungeon Master group in the works, almost 2 groups in-fact so if goal progression like that interests you then we are the place to be as our guild enjoys helping each other reach their goals!
Most of our events are scheduled around Eastern time so I think with what you described above that we would work out well. Let me know if you have any other questions and again, check out the links I provided so you can fill in the blanks for me, haha. Good luck!
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood