Looking for small and friendly guild

Looking for small and friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi all, I ‘m an experienced player with a few Level 80 characters (Warrior, Necro, Ranger and Mesmer). I’m looking for a small to medium sized guild that is very social, friendly and consist of mainly mature players. I am from Australia so looking for an Australian based guild preferably.

I am not fussed if you don’t have a fancy website, voice chat or if you run guild missions, I just want a small and friendly guild where I can get to know everyone and build a great relationship with everyone.

I am a PvE player and I am based on the Ehmry Bay server.

Looking for small and friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Midgie.1830


Hey Wynter, it sounds like you’d fit in with us like a comfy glove. I’m from The True Inquisitors guild, which is an old online community spread across diff. games- and our primary focus has always been about community and friendship. We’ve recently opened up a division here in Guild Wars 2 <Just 3 weeks ago!> to find more friendly faces for our growing family, and would love to have you join us.

We’re an international guild, so we’re spread across different timezones- but we do have Aussie players with us. We also have people from South Korea, Denmark, United States, Malaysia, and many other countries- so you get a great mix of familiarity and meeting people from different walks of life and cultures.

For detailed information you can always check out our recruitment page as well, which describes the guild personality and whatnot to see if you’d like to join, or you can always hang with us for a while in Skype <Just add laura.mattoon for an invite to Skype> or Guild Wars 2 to see if the Inquisitors are a community for you.
