Looking for smallish friendly guild (EU)

Looking for smallish friendly guild (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: blahdeblah.7536


Hi all!

As the title says I’m looking for a guild, around the 50 mark ideally. I’m on the Desolation server and would rather not move if I have to but will do if the guild I find is perfect for me. I would rather a guild that isn’t so fussed on equipment and builds – although advice is appreciated!
An English speaking guild is a must, 18+ and mature is desired but not essential. I would rather a UK guild due to time zones, but I usually play between 6pm – midnight GMT, so if other guilds have players active at this time, that’s good for me!
I’m looking for a genuinely friendly guild where I can get to know people, and it would be nice if when I say hello on logging in, I get at least one hello back Quite often find you can have 50 people online, and never get a reply to anything.

I will stay in a guild I’m comfortable in and represent just the one, not a guild jumper if I can help it. I have only been playing the game for a few months but played GW1 for a few years so undoubtedly will do so with this one too. I mostly play pve atm as I’m still leveling a couple of characters but do a lot of world bosses and solo arena pvp. I’m still learning with dungeons/fractals/wvw but want to do more. Also love joining in with guild activities, whether that’s just helping someone out, a dungeon story or guild bounty.

So if I sound like your kind of member and you have my kind of guild, send me a message! I don’t need every box ticked if the guild is right in other ways

Looking for smallish friendly guild (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: harris.7964


Hey there weird-name guy!

We are XII Aurora Legion from Aurora Glade server and we are currently open to new recruits both from PvE and WvW!

For more information,please check

Looking for smallish friendly guild (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zaxian.6035


Hey blahdeblah,

Our guild, Pandion Knights [PK], is currently looking for new members and I think we might be a good fit for what you’re looking for (other than server, I’m afraid!).

A quick summary:
- We’re a fun and ‘casual’ medium-sized PvX guild on Seafarer’s Rest. (Casual here meaning we impose no restriction on how/when you play – we have members ranging from people who play once or twice a month to people with multiple legendaries).
- We host weekly guild missions, dungeon runs, WvW, PvP groups and fractal runs amongst other things.
- We have an active and friendly (English speaking) TS server, as well as a website and forum, http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/.
- Our recruitment thread has more info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/EU-Seafarer-s-Rest-Pandion-Knights/first#post3847902.

We place an emphasis on members being friendly and helpful, and the only ‘requirement’ is that you make an account on our forums as we use it to coordinate the guild calendar and post notices. The majority of our members are 18+ (a few are quite a lot ‘+’ lol) and guild events typically start from 7pm or 8pm BST.

If you’re interested, feel free to contact one of the admins in game – fizzypetal.7936 or Jknrich.1549– or submit an ‘application’ (i.e. tell us what your GW2 account name is and that you might like to join the guild!) through our website, http://www.pandionknights.co.uk/gw2recruitment (I think you need to make an enjin account to access it). Or drop me a PM on here if you have any questions – you’re always welcome to join for a ‘trial’ period where you can see if we’re right for you before making any commitment

