Looking for two guilds

Looking for two guilds

in Looking for...

Posted by: DeadBecauseIKilledIt.4065


I have tried to whisper and message the leaders of these guilds [Bridge to the Nine Worlds and Emerald Knights] in which I have taken interest in joining, and none have seem to be online to reply. If any of you are in these guilds and are wanting to recruit me, please invite me (or inform your guild leader to invite me). That would be great
PS please message me with mail, don’t whisper since i might not be online

(edited by DeadBecauseIKilledIt.4065)

Looking for two guilds

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254


If it’s this difficult to connect with the leaders of said guild(s) I’d wager they aren’t your best bet for a community to join. /cheers

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer