Looking to Move into World Server
Really just about any server except maybe the lower tier ones would fit the criteria. You may want to stay away from T1 (Sanctum of Rall, Jade Quarry, and Blackgate) because WvW is generally queued and the wait times (30 minutes to an hour on weeknights) tend to be a little annoying.
A T2 or T3 server should fit what you’re looking for. I’ve heard Sea of Sorrows had a fairly good PvE as well as WvW community so you might want to try there
You can’t go wrong with Sanctum of Rall, we would love to have you be part of our community. Check out http://www.sanctumofrall.com/about/ and https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/recruitment/Meet-Sanctum-of-Rall-s-Army/ for more information.
What are your play times? If you play at night (server time) you’ll enjoy Sea of Sorrows. I don’t think you’d go wrong with Crystal Desert either for PvE only.
JQ is a great PvE server with WvW based elements.
I’m fairly new to Guild Wars and was wondering which world server is better in the sense of pve. I love to play with other people especially on big quests, it’s just much more fun! I would like to get into PVP and WVW once I get the hang of it.
I’ve heard Sanctum of Rall is great, Tarnished Coast and I’ve been told Crystal Desert is extremely friendly. I’m looking for a server that isn’t a ghost town but isn’t just about WVW or PVP, a little balanced among the three.
Avoid the top servers as you won’t be able get into WvW with their ques.
CD is awesome! We have a very large pve community as well as a decent size WvW Community. We also do training sessions for class builds both for pve and wvw. We also have Homeland defense training and Zerg Training. So you can learn alot about the game. We have lots of fun events too. And for sure we are a friendly bunch!
I’m fairly new to Guild Wars and was wondering which world server is better in the sense of pve. I love to play with other people especially on big quests, it’s just much more fun! I would like to get into PVP and WVW once I get the hang of it.
I’ve heard Sanctum of Rall is great, Tarnished Coast and I’ve been told Crystal Desert is extremely friendly. I’m looking for a server that isn’t a ghost town but isn’t just about WVW or PVP, a little balanced among the three.
We would love to have you in our community , you won’t be alone in getting the hang of PvP/WvW due class sessions/WvW trainings and PvE community events and it is true , we are friendly in PvE , not so much in WvW vs the other servers..maybe a quaggan parade here and there , Check out our thread
Really just about any server except maybe the lower tier ones would fit the criteria. You may want to stay away from T1 (Sanctum of Rall, Jade Quarry, and Blackgate) because WvW is generally queued and the wait times (30 minutes to an hour on weeknights) tend to be a little annoying.
A T2 or T3 server should fit what you’re looking for. I’ve heard Sea of Sorrows had a fairly good PvE as well as WvW community so you might want to try there
As usual, the non tier1s spreading lies about tier 1. On BG, I can safely say we que not more than 2 maps during NA, which don’t last more than 10 minutes. During Eu, we que only 1 map occasionally.
To the OP, if you are interested in organised wvw gameplay, there are tones of wvw oriented guilds and PVX guilds for you to join in tier 1. There are guilds in every timezone, something which other tiers can’t offer
New bunker meta sux
JQ is a great place for PvE/WvW check us out : ) and if you have any questions shoot me a message.
Gate of Madness has a very large PvE community with big and active guilds and a small spunky WvW community with a lot of heart (with no queues).
Lower tier servers have more balanced match ups. Tier 1 servers have very boring blow out matches (see Jade Quarry this week) a lot of the time (which is gonna be a bigger deal since in the new leagues they are guaranteed to have those match ups).