(edited by Maggie.3082)
Looking to be absorbed [JQ]
Hello Maggie,
I invite you review our community. Instead of giving some TL:DR article, I have provided some key points below.
Our Community
- New – Nearing 3 months old we have room for you to rank up.
- Mature – We screen our applicants. Our ages range from 18 – 60. We are not religious & you may hear some cursing.
- Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 50+ members
- Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin, paid up for a year.
- Helpful – Useful and easy to navigate information on our site. Enjoy answering questions.
- Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
- Live Streamers – We support Twitch. Our streamers often do giveaways.
- Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and welcome new players.
- Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
In-Game Activity
- WvW – Actively involved. We often run alone. Recently bought our first commanders tag.
- sPvP – Currently putting together a tPvP team, will soon have a custom arena. Regular Meetings.
- Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
- Dungeons – Some dungeon running. Activity will increase as we recruit new members and our low levels reach 80.
- Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are at level 3-5.
- World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
- Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.
I believe this covers just about everything. If you have any questions feel free to mail me in-game. You may also submit an application at http://greatarchitect.enjin.com
Thank you,
-Great Architect Admin
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
Champions of Old Tyria is a guild that will welcome as many members as you need. We are located in JQ and use Dolby Axon for our chat. You can send me an ingame message if you want to join or have any questions.
(edited by Silvercyclone.1462)
Maggie, you guys sound like a great group of people!
I think our guild would be an ideal fit for you, but one big obstacle is that we are on a different server. If if you are willing to transfer then I think this merge could be the best decision you guys would make for you gw2 experience, and we could work something out about helping you finance the move.
We are a large guild, and we have fun people who enjoy all aspects of the game. Although our numbers are big (450), many of us have been together since the game’s launch and know each other very well. We have that family feel that is usually only found in small guilds, and many of us spend hours on end in TeamSpeak, even when not playing the game. We are extremely organized and have scheduled events throughout the week. We also run missions on a schedule that you can view on our calender, and we always finish all missions in under 1 hour without breaking a sweat.
The upkeep of such organization takes a lot of work, and we have many tasks split up among officers. That being said, if you or anyone else in your guild likes to be involved in guild management, we could give you some power and responsibility.
I’m not sure how much you enjoy T1 WvW. If that’s something you are really into, then you probably wouldn’t want to step down to a lower tier WvW server. However, I can assure you that we have tons of fun doing organized WvW with small groups rather than zergs. Additionally, there are never queues for borderlands (and ~10-15 min for EB), so you can do WvW whenever you feel like it.
Let me know if you are interested, and we could discuss details in TeamSpeak. In the meantime, feel free to check out our website www.darkhavenelite.com
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)