Looking to hire.

Looking to hire.

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Posted by: Jasiri.9807


Need 4 of the best PVPers to hire to carry my 7 other professions to 200 rated wins each. We’ll discuss your pay via some chat program or in-game party chat. If I’m not online, send mail letting me know your interested, and I will get back to you when I can.

Also, the 4 I hire need to be on at the same time so number of matches always stay equal, so that I can pay you all in a timely manner.

19 Charr, 2 Asura, 2 Norn, 1 Sylvari, no boring humans EVER!

Looking to hire.

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Posted by: Saiyan.1704


It’ll probably be cost effective and time effective if u were to pay just 2 or 3 people. If they’re good, they’ll carry.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Looking to hire.

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Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

u wanted the champ title? u can do that in unranked. ezpz

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jasiri.9807


u wanted the champ title? u can do that in unranked. ezpz

Better to hire a premade that wants coin then solo and get 80% losses and 20% wins.
Much faster, and I want to spend very little time in PVP since my Warrior and Mesmer took forever to get their wins.

19 Charr, 2 Asura, 2 Norn, 1 Sylvari, no boring humans EVER!

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


im intersted. s1-4 legend, all classes. i live PST (west coast US)

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jasiri.9807


im intersted. s1-4 legend, all classes. i live PST (west coast US)

Mail in-game has been sent to you.

19 Charr, 2 Asura, 2 Norn, 1 Sylvari, no boring humans EVER!

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Malediktus.3740


Just soloQ it in unranked. Game forces you into 50/50 winrate anyway. You will barely save any time by paying people to carry you and probably spend thousands of gold.

200 wins * 9 classes * 50% winrate = 2800 matches to play
Even if your carry service would have 100% winrate it would be 1400 matches. So you are looking at minimum 10000 gold if they want fair payment for their time, since even at 100% winrate you are looking at minimum 450 hours.

One of my 30 accounts (Malediktus.9250).

(edited by Malediktus.3740)

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jasiri.9807


Just soloQ it in unranked. Game forces you into 50/50 winrate anyway. You will barely save any time by paying people to carry you and probably spend thousands of gold.

200 wins * 9 classes * 50% winrate = 2800 matches to play
Even if your carry service would have 100% winrate it would be 1400 matches. So you are looking at minimum 10000 gold if they want fair payment for their time, since even at 100% winrate you are looking at minimum 450 hours.

The pricing has yet to be negotiated and win/loss rate is not 50%. Depending on who’s playing, you lose more then you win or vice versa, setting up a premade isn’t guaranteed a win either, but the percentage is higher of winning. Spending the smallest amount of time in PVP is what I want, not the painful hours it took to get just 200 wins for my War and Mes.

19 Charr, 2 Asura, 2 Norn, 1 Sylvari, no boring humans EVER!

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Just soloQ it in unranked. Game forces you into 50/50 winrate anyway. You will barely save any time by paying people to carry you and probably spend thousands of gold.

200 wins * 9 classes * 50% winrate = 2800 matches to play
Even if your carry service would have 100% winrate it would be 1400 matches. So you are looking at minimum 10000 gold if they want fair payment for their time, since even at 100% winrate you are looking at minimum 450 hours.

The pricing has yet to be negotiated and win/loss rate is not 50%. Depending on who’s playing, you lose more then you win or vice versa, setting up a premade isn’t guaranteed a win either, but the percentage is higher of winning. Spending the smallest amount of time in PVP is what I want, not the painful hours it took to get just 200 wins for my War and Mes.

The forced 50/50 mm can absolutely be abused. plenty have already done it to get legend in multiple seasons, 1,2, and 4 come to mind specifically.

And as OP correctly notes, it is INCREDIBLY easier to win with a premade than solo, provided ur comp isnt crazy bananas 5 thieves and every one in the group is aware of their match ups. I can also put forth my anecdotal experience in the matter, having soloq to legend in 2 seasons, and premade/pug to it in others (seasons 2 i soloq to legend in 3 nights). At a certain point, soloq will be hard walled by the players who ACTUALLY WANT TO WIN, and form groups, the only way to get better, is to play with/against people better than you. Not to mention I’m sure he wants the ranked title as well.

And as far as pricing goes, idc what he gives me, i want to get him his titles (even after nearly 18k matches played, I still don’t have all the champion titles). I can’t promise a 100% win rate, as I do not even have that, but I can promise with 2(3) other strong players, it’s going to be a high win percentage, I’m currently sitting arround 70%+.

In fact, I’m currently a member of a guild who happens to enjoy helping others get to [LGND].

I’m also interested in doing this for my own reasons, I’ve been thinking about trying to find people for AG’s and other GW2 casual tournaments, this would be a good opportunity for ME to start getting a lot more serious about my play, for me to get to legend (in all of these joke seasons) I’d say I put in ~45-55% effort, and established some notable bad habits because of it (thanks anet for ur very forgiving elite specs). I’m more than capable of remedying that if I, and the people around me, are actually going to be serious. I regularly get queued with and against esl players, and I enjoy it regardless of win or loss, other people want to have enjoyable challenging games too, and CURRENTLY the ONLY way to do that is to get to prestiged legend queue (which even still is completely hit or miss in caliber) or join a tournament (which is the higher-highest echelons of pvp).

(edited by Vicariuz.1605)

Looking to hire.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Malediktus.3740


Another idea to get easy class wins: When you are winning (at around 400-450pts, depending on your loading speeds) a match relog to the class where you need the class wins. That way you can play on your best class and get these titles.

One of my 30 accounts (Malediktus.9250).