MEAN on Darkhaven recruiting for HoT launch
Bump Because We Are Good
bump good guild hot girls
bump if you have a ranger
Got our guild hall last night. And welcome to the new members that have joined so far <3
Don’t kick me from ts tryden
Mini Helio or Kicked from Ash
s5 #76 s6 #10 s7 #2
????????????? Tryden?
Welcome to everyone who joined. Still looking for more players, come do some pve with us or whatever
You know that psycho hot chick you should have stayed away from but keep hooking up with (and it’s not because she can cook.. at least not in the kitchen).
Being in [MEAN] is a little bit like that. There are times you question your sanity, well being and life choices while in the guild but my god when things are good they’re spectacular.
Also everything you’ve read or heard about us being a WvW or GvG guild with some PvP thrown in… It’s a lie. That’s the old us. The new us is all about the PVE content, we even managed to somehow get a guild hall!
BTW great job on the [MEAN] videos Tryden! The intro of the hypening video posted above encapsulated perfectly the milieu of the guild, for anyone interested check them out and check us out!
I bump for Olcan, not that Tryden guy. My friend (Nutmeg Crudum) started playing other games with him, then shortly after she disappeared from gw2.
Screw you Tryden! This means war.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
I bump for Olcan, not that Tryden guy. My friend (Nutmeg Crudum) started playing other games with him, then shortly after she disappeared from gw2.
Screw you Tryden! This means war.
this makes me sound like a murderer
thanks for the bump ppt king jorek
So last night we gathered in the new PVE map of Verdant Brink to farm some flax in order to upgrade our newly acquired guild hall.
While engaging in this fun activity we thought we should have even more fun and prove our newfound PVE prowess by doing something called an “event”. The event seemed innocuous enough as all we were asked to do was gather eggs for a very friendly looking frog. We climbed some cliffs and found a great boatload of eggs just sitting there next to some cute little wyverns. As we began to collect the eggs the cute little Wyverns started attacking us for no apparent reason at all! Next thing we knew was that our entire guild wiped to these wolves in sheep clothing.
It was in that moment that we realized how terrible and unprepared we were into this PVE foray and that we are in desperate need of PVE masters to teach us the ancient ways of PVE.
As such if you are one of those mighty people with the Dungeon Master title that can tell us the difference between a 1 and a 3 option in dungeons (they are difficulty levels right?) or if you are a fractal god with dreams of organizing PVE raids and groups and have ever felt a calling or desire to expand your PVE crushing skills to try out Guild VS Guild, World VS World or Player VS Player content… check us out!
We will worship your PVE abilities like the God or Goddess you truly are!
Come check us out and help us get good, or at least come watch the trainwreck unfold from the inside. Either way you will likely have a good time!
PS: You don’t actually have to be a full fledged god player to join our guild we are also accepting people that just barely have their training wheels, as long as you are active, friendly, older than 18 and are willing to learn.. you may be just what we are looking for and hopefully we can satisfy your needs in return
Looking for people who want to main revenants and dragonhunters
Also willing to help with transfers, especially if you used to be on DH and are thinking about coming back
Reset was a blast last night. Looking for a few more people to fill out our roster. Any class welcome, though we have a preference for guards and dragonhunters right now
Fun raid tonight. Still recruiting, hit us up
(edited by Tryden.6738)