MadCast Gaming [MCG] [SoR]
Hiya! I’ve been perusing your site, seeing how you conduct yourselves, and I must say that I’m impressed. I recently came back to the game after a hiatus due to IRL stuff and have been looking for a guild to hangout in and meet new friends. Your guild seems to have a really good community and I’d like to join, if you’ll have me. I have a very sporadic schedule due to my job and I see that you don’t have strict time requirements, which suits me greatly. I’d like to be part of a good community and hopefully become a serious and helpful contributor in the near future.
Please take me in! (/-_-)/ Lol
More then happy to have you my friend! Will send you an invite
Hiya! I’ve been perusing your site, seeing how you conduct yourselves, and I must say that I’m impressed. I recently came back to the game after a hiatus due to IRL stuff and have been looking for a guild to hangout in and meet new friends. Your guild seems to have a really good community and I’d like to join, if you’ll have me. I have a very sporadic schedule due to my job and I see that you don’t have strict time requirements, which suits me greatly. I’d like to be part of a good community and hopefully become a serious and helpful contributor in the near future.
Please take me in! (/-_-)/ Lol
Sporadic schedules are very common sometimes. I’m glad that you’ve gotten to discover Tyria again after your hiatus! We have a lot of returning players and new players in the guild, as well as friendly and helpful core members. You are in wonderful company.
Mahret has already sent your guild invite and we look forward to meeting you.
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Hey, after looking at your website I am very interested in joining your guild. I have been looking for a guild with active members who are also very flexible. Please send me an invite if possible.
Hey, after looking at your website I am very interested in joining your guild. I have been looking for a guild with active members who are also very flexible. Please send me an invite if possible.
Hi there Equinox,
As requested an invite has been sent. Look forward to meeting you
Monday Night Dungeon Madness is happening at 8pm EST! Get those dungeons out of the way and come join us for some mad fun
I’d love to join as well! i’ve had a hard time finding an active guild since i don’t know anyone else that plays
I’d love to join as well! i’ve had a hard time finding an active guild since i don’t know anyone else that plays
Looks like you’ve come to the right place my friend, I shall send you an invite
Guild Missions tonight guys! 9pmEST cant wait to see you all there
Looking so forward to the Zephyr Sanctum and Queens Pavilion being opened back up! Anyone else?
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Awesome run for guild missions last night, great turn out Hope to see more of your wonderful faces next week
Fractal Friday is here once again. If you have ever been curious about fractals well heres your chance learn. Join us at 9pm est
Interested in joining us for story dungeons tonight at 6:00 pm EST? Send a whisper to hermitBird.3529 and she’ll get you grouped up!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Another fun filled weekend is almost over guys. Come join us over at for more events during the week.
Hey, just getting back into the game here recently. Any chance of getting an invite to check you cats out?
Skaukatt – Engi
Cräsher – Warrior
Hey, just getting back into the game here recently. Any chance of getting an invite to check you cats out?
Of course! I’ll warn you thought, we’re some pretty cool cats. You might not ever wanna leave! Sending you a message in game.
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
I would like to give this guild a try, as I think it will meet my expectations.
Please give Lanthun a whisper in game, and I’ll try you guys out!
I would like to join this guild.
I would like to join this guild.
I shall send you an invite my friend! Look forward to seeing you in game
Another big night at the weekly guild missions. Hope to see even more next wednesday!
Fractal Fridays are tomorrow evening and our monthly 1v1 PvP Tournament is Saturday with prizes! If you’re interested in joining in, feel free to message any of our admin team. =)
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
(edited by KitOnlyHuman.6807)
This looks like a great guild to be in. Can I possibly join your guild?
This looks like a great guild to be in. Can I possibly join your guild?
I’ll message you in game right now. =)
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Is there any possibility that I could join this guild. It looks like a good/fun one.
Is there any possibility that I could join this guild. It looks like a good/fun one.
Sending a message to you right now! Look forward to chatting with you!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Nice to see all the new faces! Hope to see you all at Fractal Friday! 9pm EST you don’t want to miss out on all the fun
Been reading about your guild and it seems awesome
I’ve only been playing for two months or so, but I’ve learned a great deal. I would very much like to join if it’s possible.
Been reading about your guild and it seems awesome![]()
I’ve only been playing for two months or so, but I’ve learned a great deal. I would very much like to join if it’s possible.
We absolutely love new players! We have “Newbie” groups that explain everything at Dungeon Nights, Fractal Fridays (see Kelica’s post above!) and anytime you have a question, feel free to ask and I can almost assure you someone will know the answer. I’ll be sending you a message in game!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Its the final countdown now, Fractal Friday is at 9pm EST! As always exp level or knowledge of fractals does not matter so come along and join in on all the fun!
Another epic Fractal Friday has come and gone! Big thanks for everyone who came along
Our May 1v1 Dueling Tournament is in 45 minutes! Come spectate with us as our guild members kick each other’s teeth in! =D
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Hey guys, coming back to this game during some free time over the summer and looking for a group of great people to play with. Be great if I could join in on the fun. Thanks
Hey guys, coming back to this game during some free time over the summer and looking for a group of great people to play with. Be great if I could join in on the fun. Thanks
Welcome back to GW2! I’ll be sending you an in game message to get you started. Look forward to meeting you.
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Hello guys! Here is a list of upcoming events we have this week! Most of our events listed reoccur every week! Just a little look into how active our community is in just Guild Wars 2!
May 26th – 9pm EST – Monday Night Dungeon Madness
May 28th – 9pm EST – Wednesday Night Guild Missions
May 30th – 9pm EST – Monthly Booze Bolt (Jumping Puzzles)
May 31st – 9pm EST – Guild Wars Throwback (Original Guild Wars)
My Youtube Channel
Its all about the dungeons tonight guys, so come along and join in on all the craziness! 9pm EST
What up Guild Wars 2 fans! Wednesday Night Guild Missions 9pm EST. Great time to see how organized our community is and meet a lot of friendly faces. (If you call that scared up Charr face friendly…) Check it out! Check us out! Hope to see you!
My Youtube Channel
(edited by Sabre Wolf.1657)
What up Guild Wars 2 fans! Wednesday Night Guild Missions 9pm EST. Great time to see how organized our community is and meet a lot of friendly faces. (If you call that scared up Charr face friendly…) Check it out! Check us out! Hope to see you!
Why ya gotta be callin’ out Mr. Axe Bloodclaw?! =P He’s the sweetest charr you’ll ever meet!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Wednesday is now here guys, 9pm EST for guild missions. Come join us and see what a fantastic community we are
What up Guild Wars 2 fans! Wednesday Night Guild Missions 9pm EST. Great time to see how organized our community is and meet a lot of friendly faces. (If you call that scared up Charr face friendly…) Check it out! Check us out! Hope to see you!
Why ya gotta be callin’ out Mr. Axe Bloodclaw?! =P He’s the sweetest charr you’ll ever meet!
Hey, haters gonna hate… And I dont like them big kitty kats!
(Yes I know my current favorite is a Female/Charr/Necro but play along…) >.<
My Youtube Channel
Hi can i join up with MadCast? I’m interested in doing weekly guild missions
Hi can i join up with MadCast? I’m interested in doing weekly guild missions
Thanks for messaging me in game!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
I’m loving the Queen’s Pavilion! If anyone is looking for taxi and groups to run it with, let us know. =)
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Central Command just relayed some troubling news… it seems that Queen Jennah’s event has spread across the lands of Tyria, using her Mesmer powers to attract heroes to fight in her pavilion. I beseech you all to resist this temptress and stick to your duty. We have bounties to hunt, obstacle courses to tackle, puzzles to solve and a battle against our darkest foe. Join me brothers and sisters tonight in The Great Hall, tonight 9pm EST. And together, we will be victorious!
(and we can jump in the hot tub with the queen after…)
My Youtube Channel
Fractal Friday is fast approaching again, If you’ve ever been interested in running a Fractal but never been sure come a long and we can show you how fun they can be
45 Mins and then the fun begins with another Fractal Friday!
It’s Monday Night! That means that it’s time for our organized Dungeon runs tonight at 9PM EST!! If you’re interested in running something with us tonight, please let us know!
Guild missions are tonight at 9pm EST! Join us for commendations, quaggan, and friendly fun!
Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee
Fractal Friday is just around the corner. If you have ever been the slightest bit curious as to what a Fractal is feel free to come along!
Fractal Friday, Friday the 13th woo!!
I never did post back here on how the guild was:
Let me tell everyone who is looking for a nice, casual guild: this is the one for you. I have, personally, always looked at the guild, and simply hesitated to try it out, as I didn’t think I would fit, or have anyone to talk to here in the guild. It turns out: I was wrong. MadCast is a GREAT community. Not only is the member base a unique one, but it’s also a family friendly base, too.
I recommend this guild to those casual gamers out there that is looking for a great community to keep with for a long time. I, honestly, have left all of my other guilds on my characters, and made MCG my primary guild to my account: it’s just that awesome!
Fractal Friday is tonight! Come join the guild for some fun!!! I can’t wait for it myself, personally!