The team Magnum Squad aka Magnum kitten aka XXL is accepting applications for the team. We are solely focused on structured PVP.
Our Goal and Agenda
To become a superior team that competes in various tournaments and scrimmages, with the hopes of making it into the top tier brackets.
-Rank 80
-Have discord and mic
-Able to attend practices, scrims, and tournaments
-NA Region
Available Openings
The following what we currently have spots open for.
Note: We are accepting requests for tryouts from players who meet the requirements, but play a different class that is not listed above. You will be placed as a standby.
Contact me in game via mail.
Billionaire.5607 aka Gambler
twitch: www.twitch.tv/gamblerbihz
5k Hours Played over last 1.1k days – “I love this game”