Maguuma needs OCX Defense/PPT 7/25/2114

Maguuma needs OCX Defense/PPT 7/25/2114

in Looking for...

Posted by: Truearrow.3527


Upon recent discussion amongst the Maguuma community we have determined that in order to stay competive in our tier we should reach out and try to recruit some allies. Currently we are stable rating-wise in tier 2 but need some specific things to help keep the game fun for everyone and ensure that we remain a solid tier 2 server.

1. Most needed right now is one or two 15-25 man Oceanic timeslot guilds, you must like to fight, Sea of Sorrows is a server we face most of the time and they have a very healthy OCX population, YOU WILL BE GUARANTEED FIGHTS IN THIS TIMESLOT as long as SoS remains in Tier 2

2. PPT/Defense focused guild, to say most of Maguuma doesnt care about the scoreboard is pretty accurate, our guilds want fights and dont like to share, the scoreboard is only a tool,,, but to stay competitive in tier 2 we need PPT/Defense oriented guilds in any timeslot since our tiermates Sea of Sorrows and Fort Aspenwood have MANY PPT nerds, you would have fun trying to out-strategize them and you would get to play alongside some of some of the deadliest open-field and GvG guilds in the game, you would not be fighting alone, we have ppt focused players like the guild BUS and guilds that would help defend in a crisis like SiX. It would take very little time to make your mark as a serious PPT guild here, even our figthing and GvG guilds know this.

3. OCX militia commanders. We have OCX and late NA players who are in good WvW guilds, that play during off-raid hours, all we need is good leadership, throw your tag on and be competent, you can and will get a map blob if you want it.

4. Skilled EU commanders/drivers… Maguuma has an EU timeslot presence competitive with ANY server NA, unfortunately our main EU commander Nachonix is going to be playing alot less soon due to school obligations. Again here, throw your tag up and be competent you will get many tough dudes to fight with. In addition to that a skilled EU guild would flourish here with very good recruitment opportunities and serious fights against guilds on FA and SoS like BOMB and Pain.

5. Open field guilds in OCX/EU/SEA timeslots look for a fight, you will not have to look far. You could more than likely get a good gvg in once or twice a week as well.

6. SEA players/militia commanders. Amongst the ranks of our SEA community are same outstanding SEA guilds, such as ETA, TED and Olaf… they are always recruiting

I’m not going to lie, Maguuma know;s how to have fun and that is our focus but accountability is a big deal here. if you make a mistake it will probably be pointed out so that you can learn and grow, we do not hold players’ hands, but our community watches each other’s back, will help out and it is not nearly as toxic as people from other servers has portrayed it to be. Ask for help or advice, you will get it, just dont be an idiot and repeat your mistakes.

Roamers/scouts havoc groups and 5-mans, the fights will find you and you will have tough havoc guilds like lion to square off against.

We cannot fund transfers but we can support in any way possible once you have transferred, this includes influence for your guild and recruiting. You must want to be here.

NA GvG and fighting guilds currently struggle to find challenging fights, DO NOT come here if you are an NA GvG or open-field guild, our maps are full of these types of guilds and they do not like to share.

We have a 500 slot community mumble that anyone is welcome on and guilds that make a contribution in wvw can ask for their own channel, one of my most recent memories is seeing 211 players logged on during NA primetime.

Join us on the toughest server NA

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Embrace the Evil [TIE][PYRO] Maguuma

(edited by Truearrow.3527)

Maguuma needs OCX Defense/PPT 7/25/2114

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827



Commander Nachonix