Hello everyone, I’m Jace and I lead MeSi, a WvW guild located on NSP. While transfers are free we are expanding our recruiting so that it not only encompasses our server but other servers aswell. We are a guild that started big, getting over 60 members in our first week. A combination of leniency and aggressive pursuits allowed us to grow at an astonishing rate. From then, things have only gone up and we have attracted talent from all corners of the game. Here you have access to top class roamers who are extremely professional and friendly, completely willing to work with you. We do organized zerg busting fully commissioned through TS, operating with official formups on the weekends as well as unscheduled, unofficial formups that take place on our off days. Our goal as a guild is, and has always been, to attract talent in WvW and use the said talent to improve our sevrers WvW player base as a whole. The community is rapidly expanding and surprising tight nit for its current size of near 180 fully active members, and despite being a dedicated WvW guild you will find you can find a group for pretty much anything that interests you. I encourage everyone to try, but if you are the type of person who is proactive and likes to go into big organizations making their own, cumulative influence, this is definitely the guild for you. Everyone is welcome despite their experience level, and we allow members to represent other guilds for their events. We consider our appeal to be leniency with the same amount of organization you get in other guilds, and trust me it gets intense.
Rules (Very simple):
-Do your thing, be it WvW or otherwise
-Come out to our events. They aren’t mandatory, but between the bags, guild missions, and all around fun, most come anyway.
-Sunday – Formup 2PM servertime ( 5PM EST, 2PM PST)
-Monday – Quaggan Parade! We march around in WvW in 30+ Quaggan zergs, somehow we still win. 5PM server time (8PM EST, 5PM PST)
-Wednesday – Guild missions. All of them. 6PM server time (9PM EST, 6PM PST)
-Friday – Reset. 5PM server time (8PM EST, 5PM PST)
-Saturday – Formup. 2PM servertime (5PM EST, 2PM PST)
What we offer:
-Guild builds
-Organized zerg busting, fully commissioned through TS.
-Rapidly growing community, very welcoming and supportive.
-Access to extremely talented players willing to train new players throughout all sections. (Roaming, commanding, mesmer plays, the list goes on…)
-Did I mention Quaggan Parades?
-A cool guild tag
Looking forward to working with all of you! If interested, mail/whisper Calente.1524
Keep it clean guys, not really~