Mi Hoy Minoy [Suh] recruiting new raiders

Mi Hoy Minoy [Suh] recruiting new raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


We are a new guild formed from a core of familiar players whose life circumstances have largely excluded them from participating in raids until now. To that end we have decided to form a guild to try and recruit players with limited experience and gear in order to provide a raiding experience for more players. Our goal is to level, gear, and learn together and to make raiding more accessible to a wider segment of the population.

We ask that our members have some individual drive to improve their gear and their play, but paired with that to have a desire to help one another progress.

Our current intentions are to raid at least two days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays at 10pm EDT for 1.5 hours a night. We are only a few days old as a guild, and as such are trying to hammer our details and accommodate our members.

We ask that applicants at the minimum have exotic equipment with appropriate runes and sigils. If you are borderline due to expensive sigils go ahead and apply.

We as a group routinely run dungeons, fractals (of all level ranges), do map farms, and run guild missions in order to improve our gear and to kit out alts.

If you have questions please feel free to post below or to contact: Asudementio.8526

If you are interested in applying you can go to : suh.enjin.com/recruitment

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

(edited by Asudementio.8526)