MoD recruiting Crystal Desert WvW players

MoD recruiting Crystal Desert WvW players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a havoc-oriented WvW guild on Crystal Desert recruiting mainly for NA prime time. We operate on a 10-15 man skill group running havoc and working to pull pressure off of our side of the map.

Our guild run times are:
Friday: 9pm EST – 12am EST
Saturday: 9pm EST – 12am EST
Sunday: 9pm EST – 11pm EST
Wednesday: 9pm EST -11pm EST

We attempt to keep it somewhat laid back by only having four guild run each week. On our off nights or on Wednesdays sometimes, we’ll work on sPvP to really better ourselves individually.

We do require guild builds and TS3 while we’re running in WvW. We have to be able to coordinate and our builds have to be able to work together too. Though we run havoc, we’re not here to roam and just kill people. Our focus is to help out Crystal Desert.

Best of all, we enjoy having fun. After hours we love to roam in our zerker builds or just go hang out in the Kitten Training Academy.

If you have questions, post them here or hit me up in game!

Our website: