{NA} A callout to all would-be raiders!

{NA} A callout to all would-be raiders!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Murdock.6547


Bothered by the stupid high dps requirements people arbitrarily put on you in pugs?
Sick of seeing requirements of 200+ LI?
Annoyed that even some training groups expect mechanical perfection?

Me too. I got so sick of these asinine groups that I made my own, arguably more asinine group.

I call it…
The Wipe-o-Matic.

I intend to teach players the basics of raids, how to play their class(es) if need be, and resources and techniques on how to research future raids. I will not make someone play a class they hate, since currently in the meta all classes have some form of solid utility or intense survivability.

Because here’s the thing that so many people seem to either not know, or think otherwise for some reason.

Raids are easy.
Mechanically and numbers wise, gw2 raids are casual and inviting in comparison to other games I’ve not only played, but raided in. Dps requirements on some bosses are as low kitten per player, 10k in other cases. I think the highest I bothered to calculate was about 14k? And even then, enrage timers aren’t always brutally punishing… One or two can be absolutely ignored.

Most to all classes can hit 20k+ with perfect boon uptime. I would assume only things like magi healing classes and minstrel tanks can’t hit 10k.
Compared to another game I’ve played where a class can, under perfect conditions and play, hit 3k dps? And 2.6-2.7 is the personal requirement?

Guild wars 2 also has less difficult mechanics, more visible telegraphs, less intense rng, and less punishment in a lot of cases for screwing up a mechanic.
I know that so long as a group knows the mechanics they can clear regardless of comp, class, and boon uptime on many of the bosses.

There have been clears with masterwork gear, clears with all of one class (such as necro, thought to be weaker in raids at the time), and I have heard of a clear on vg with all naked classes.

So join my discord, make some friends, have some fun, learn some bosses. Maybe get some mag shards and kills as well!

Guild wars 2: Heart of thorns expansion (duh)
A level 80 character (Also duh)
Less toughness than our main tank (2.1k. You have to be in full minstrel to beat that out.)
A willingness to sit through nights of wipes as everyone learns mechanics.
A working headset to listen to instructions.
Discord. (You don’t need to speak if you’re shy)
Decent enough English understanding. (If there are too many communications issues purely because we cannot understand eachother, I’m sorry but you have to find another group.)
A not-garbage set of priorities. .. I’ve heard stories of people ditching raid because they simply didn’t feel like it and watched twitch for the night instead.

This is a casual group for a casual set of raids.
Currently set for thursdays, but until we’re set up properly the discord will simply be to get to know eachother.


What a circus. Complete with clowns and monkeys that do tricks.

(edited by Murdock.6547)

{NA} A callout to all would-be raiders!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Murdock.6547


lets give this a bump, and some fun math shall we?

22,000,000 hp.
Split 1:
Red = 540,705 HP
Green = 722,579 HP
Blue = 540,705 HP
Split 2:
Red = 540,705 HP
Green = 722,579 HP
Blue = 540,705 HP

total hp to drain: 25,607,978
timer: 8 minutes (480 seconds)
Group dps = HP to drain / Timer
53,349.95416666666… rounding up to 53,350
53,350dps / 10 members = 5,335 personal dps requirement.

My necromancer, geared in valkyrie gear, can hit 7-8k dps in an extreme solo situation by simply auto attacking in reaper shroud.

What a circus. Complete with clowns and monkeys that do tricks.

{NA} A callout to all would-be raiders!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Murdock.6547


Another bump and here to say that the first training run on VG is this Thursday. Spots are still open.

What a circus. Complete with clowns and monkeys that do tricks.