[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Update: Recruitment Paused for the time being

Dragon’s Descent is shorthanded. We could use some help. So who are we?

We’re a small guild. We do open world. We fractal. We dungeon. We raid. Not necessarily all of those in the same day. That would be a bit insane. We play casually. We play other games. Random CAH, anyone?

Now don’t mistake that for being weak players. Our main roster has thousands of hours logged in this game. We just don’t sleep in the Black Lion TP, or regiment ourselves with endless dungeons.

So where do we need you? Simple.

Our raid team is shorthanded. We’ve done well so far. We’ve skated on many sides of a raid group. High dps, low dps, juuuust enough, juuust shy. We’ve gotten Wing 1 Eternal 4 weeks in a row, and then struggled for a few weeks. We like improving as players. We like bringing a synergistic team. We don’t expect people to no-updraft a boss, or demand that you only play the broken overpowered class of the week.

That said, we have limitations. We want people to be familiar with the highest dps builds for their class, their condi options, and their supportive buffs. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the highest damage. Heck oftentimes, we take damage losses to improve squad synergy. But we like to know what we’re losing.

Raids challenge players to be part of a team. To take a personal damage loss where they can offer protection, boons. Or to take a few of those powerhouse builds and really rock them. Raids challenge players to quickly see where they’re struggling and try to improve for that next attempt. Do you get to VG’s circle late? Can you dig up some speed buffs to get there faster the next time. Do you keep getting egged by gorseval? Do you try to look for the pattern of his attacks to prepare for when he may cast them?

That’s what we want to do. If we can clear a raid in 4 pulls, then fantastic. We’re on our game. If we struggle, that’s ok. We figure out what we’re doing wrong. Do we have too many might sources? Not enough? Could we switch these roles? Hey, one of our players thinks he can help by bringing his engie, can we replace the role that he was just filling? Are we sending too much damage to orbs instead of Gorseval? There’s always ways to improve. And we’re always looking for them.

So what are our accomplishments? Well we’ve definitely hit eternal a fair number of times. We’ve succeeded in one-shotting all the bosses in Spirit Vale.

We’re still working on Salvation Pass. We’d love for our new recruits to bring in tips and tricks that they’ve stumbled on.

Brownie points go to people who know chronomancy, druid or condi. If you don’t…Well you’re still very welcome. You just don’t get brownies. But that’s ok cause the brownies were a lie anyway.

What about content outside of raids.

Are you looking for a group that runs 75+ fractals. We like to get those quadruple chests. We ran 1-100 fractals back when the instabilities were hell. Back when bosses would accidentally steal a dozen stacks of stability and retal. Bring whatever class you like. The classes that we run…..well they’re just the characters that happen to have 148 AR. The characters we like to play. (It costs so much to put AR on alts).

Are you looking for the occasional dungeon run where you can bring any class you like?
We run dungeons. Not as often as we used to but we still remember all the paths very well. We like to LoS groups of mobs, but we don’t like to stick to corners like some kindergartners punished by their teacher. We’ll fight bosses out in the open. Except Fyona. She keeps spamming Thief Shortbow 3. You can’t really fight her out in the open.

We are a level 30 guild. This means we can offer the majority of guild missions and guild buffs. We have been trying to get guild missions going on a regular basis, and hope any new recruits will help us make regular missions into a reality. That said, if you want some quick commendations, poke a lieutenant and they can trip a guild trek for you.

Our peak hours are around reset and for the 5 hours after it. People will probably be on earlier or later, but most activity is centered around reset.

The main guild rules are simple.
-Don’t be a jerk.
-Don’t be a negative nancy.
-Treat people as people.
-Avoid Elitism.

We do have a Teamspeak, but it is not mandatory, and you can feel free to just chat in /g /p /s, etc. Except for raiding. We would like our raiding sheeples to be in teamspeak to listen to the calls.

We are PvE focused, so we don’t offer much for WvW or PvP. That said, some people like to do their WvW dailies. We used to hop into WvW back when the tournaments were up. We also had a few people climb to sapphire and ruby in PvP season 2.

If you have an interest in joining, leave a comment down below. I can also be contacted by sending mail to “Sicarine”, or messaging me via these forums.

(edited by Sicarine.3985)

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: zealotsfear.5610


add me please
looking for high success rate for raid weekly sir
dont want to wast time to find good group in LFG anymore

appreciate :]

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: Derek.9021


It’s Doctor Derek! Could I please get an invite? Have Eternal and Matthias experience!

[NA] [DD] Raids, Casual FotM 75+, Dungeons

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Hi zealots. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee us falling in the high success category. We have been struggling recently, mostly due to an inconsistent roster. So at the moment we’re looking to rebuild our roster to make it a bit more stable. Once we get our new players and our veterans acquainted and they feel comfortable fighting together, we will probably start killing more consistently. Unfortunately until we get the wheels spinning back up to speed, I’m not sure we might be the best fit for you.

For players reading this after April 27th. We are pausing recruitment for the time being to see if we can get our new players to fit in, get comfortable, etc. Will repost if we do end up needing more members. Thank you for the interest!