NA Dungeon Master LF Dungeon guild
Hello Nayaru,
We have a large percentage of new players that will be interested dungeons very soon. We still have several 80s that are currently looking to run dungeons now. We could really use a DM to run with us. I invite you review our community. Instead of giving some TL:DR article, I have provided some key points below.
Our Community
- Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
- Mature – We screen our applicants. Our ages range from 18 – 60. We are not religious & you may hear some cursing.
- Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 50+ members. Most active around 10PM+- EST.
- Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin, paid for a year. Active forums.
- Helpful – Useful and easy to navigate information on our site. Enjoy answering questions.
- Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
- Live Streamers – We support Twitch. Our streamers often do giveaways.
- Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and welcome new players.
In-Game Activity
- WvW – Weekly WvW night.
- sPvP – Currently putting together a tPvP team, will soon have a custom arena. Regular meetings twice a week.
- Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
- Dungeons – Eager to run Dungeons.
- Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are at level 3-5.
- World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
- Missions – Actively unlocking missions.
- Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.
I believe this covers just about everything. If you have any questions feel free to mail me in-game. You may also submit an application at
Thank you,
-Great Architect Admin
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
Your post seems to fulfil every requirement I could possibly want from a guild. But looking at your posting history I can see you only ever copy/paste that. And you do that a lot. Which makes me think that actually you’re just trying really really hard to get members, which suggests you need members. And after looking at your site… yeh. Do yourself a favour and reply less formally to people if you want them to be interested. The same very formal post over and over doesn’t look inviting and since your guild clearly isn’t as developed as you’re presenting it to be, makes you look stupid too. Try more informal, try concise, try accurate. You may find it’s more efficient and yields positive responses.
Edit: Apologies for the harshness. I’ve just been through 3 “Experienced active guilds” which were neither experienced or active and only barely guilds.
(edited by Nayaru.4716)
Not sure what about our site makes you think I lied or exaggerated anything I said especially when guest are not allowed to see our entire site. Most people looking for a guild want to know specific details so instead of answering the same questions over and over I decided to make one catchall thread. Suit yourself.
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
Sorry it’s just you’ve posted that so often I can’t take it seriously. If there was some evidence to support what you’re saying then maybe it’d be different. But from where I’m standing it’s looking like a small guild with a very small minority putting in a huge pile of work to make it stand out more than it does on its own. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, I’m saying that misleading whether intentional or not just isn’t… good.
Maybe as a guest I can’t see the full volume of posts and threads but your forums (when I looked) had mostly boards which had topics equal to half or a third of posts and there were not many of either.
I also want to point out that I clearly am looking for a very particular type of guild. I haven’t asked for a guild that plays all aspects of the game and can help me with my cause in between all the other things they do. I couldn’t be much more specific and this is something I’ve seen you do before, the one aspect someone is looking for in a guild is one of the many listed aspects your guild would hope to be active in so you post the whole thing. It’s like an annoying salesman that you can’t get rid of and you can’t remember why you’re talking to them in the first place.
Sorry, bad day :S
Well I believe you are very wrong in your assumptions but It doesn’t matter now because you seems like a know it all elitist and that is not the type of players I am looking for. I am very proud at how far my guild has come in the barely 3 months it has been alive. Good luck in finding your perfect guild with that attitude.
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
If you are still looking for a guild, I invite you to check out Darkhaven Elite [DHE].
We are a large but very organized guild, and we have plenty of experienced members like yourself. We have dungeon groups going at virtually all times.
Feel free to come on our TS and try to do a run with one of our groups before you make your decision, but you won’t be disappointed.
Hi there, you might like our guild.
We are on Sea of Sorrows server.
Our highest FoTM member is 36 – with others in the 20’s. All members regardless of rank are able to organise dungeons either impromptuly in game or more organised via our Website event calendar. We always have people wanting to do dungeons. Good gold these days.
Senility aims to be a multi-gaming casual guild for the adult gamer (18+). We all lead busy lives with our work and family commitments – that at the end of the day we want a stable and competitive guild, without the fear of being dismissed or berated for prioritising our real life responsibilities over those of MMo’s and gaming in general.
Senility is not a hard-core guild. We are tailored to the working adult and/or parent who cannot afford to spend countless hours on an MMO when life’s priorities demand our attention. Senility offers an adult community that specialises in casual play for adults who want to enjoy MMO’s without the pressures and time demands that other guilds sometimes inadvertently place on their members.
We are not about the race, we enjoy the journey and adventures getting there.
(Best to whisper or mail me in game – or follow the link to my recruitment thread in my sig for a list of officers)
Adult Multi-Gaming Guild – Sea of Sorrows