RazGerb The Machine/Tempest/Inferno
~The Best Rager Ranger NA~
(edited by RazGerb.6173)
Just like the title says, I’m looking for a serious competitive team. I would like to have
- voIP (Skype, Curse Voice,C3,Mumble,Teamspeak3)
- Serious and mature players
- Experienced players
That’s pretty much all I’m looking for
As for me here are some stats I’ve achieved while playing
- 10,700 AP
- Rank 80 (Dragon)
- Rank 42 NA SoloQ
- Rank 754 WvW (Silver Raider)
- 3,400 Hours combined
- Eight level 80’s, 2 Rangers, No engi
- Main Class Ranger (Condi preferred)
- Been in many guilds/teams
- Able to communicate effectively
As for other stuff, I do have the occasional rage out or I have anxiety when I do terrible in some situations, but leaving solo queue will help relieve my anxiety when it comes to playing the game. I can change my build to the preferred build to benefit any composition. I can play any class effectively if needed.
(edited by RazGerb.6173)
This is just a tip, but half the stuff in your post, TEAMS DONT CARE ABOUT. (caps for emphasis)
Nobody gives a crap about your AP, this isn’t PvE. Nobody cares about WvW, WvW is full of terribads. Yeah….
Must be why you lost to kronos 99% of the time mirror zerk spec then called him a WvW hero/duelist after losing. What’s even more funny is you, before the match, said “He can only play soldiers SA cheese and you would win 90% of the fights against him if it was zerker mirror”. Yet, he mirrored your spec and you lost BADLY. * Like you got 100-1’ed. This was three days ago. So yeah, pretty recent.
Then you proceeded to jump my thief in a 1 v 1 duel on a dueling server with a test build yesterday (Adventurer runes and carrion amulet with p/d and d/p) and not only did you fail to kill me in my duel, you ended up getting killed. *whispers “I only have 28 hours on my thief” Might want to reconsider your claim to being number 1 thief on NA.
By the way, did you enjoy the humiliation dye and packet of salt mail from all of us?
(edited by Lettuce.2945)
Nobody gives a crap about your AP, this isn’t PvE. Nobody cares about WvW, WvW is full of terribads. Yeah….Must be why you lost to kronos 99% of the time mirror zerk spec then called him a WvW hero/duelist after losing. What’s even more funny is you, before the match, said “He can only play soldiers SA cheese and you would win 90% of the fights against him if it was zerker mirror”. Yet, he mirrored your spec and you lost BADLY. * Like you got 100-1’ed. This was three days ago. So yeah, pretty recent.
Then you proceeded to jump my thief in a 1 v 1 duel on a dueling server with a test build yesterday (Adventurer runes and carrion amulet with p/d and d/p) and not only did you fail to kill me in my duel, you ended up getting killed. *whispers “I only have 28 hours on my thief” Might want to reconsider your claim to being number 1 thief on NA.
By the way, did you enjoy the humiliation dye and packet of salt mail from all of us?
Lettuce, and friends, you guys sound like a big pack of nerds.
Nobody gives a crap about your AP, this isn’t PvE. Nobody cares about WvW, WvW is full of terribads. Yeah….
Lol… Alot of people care, AP shows how much you’ve played the game. You are just acting like a generic PvP elitist. WvW is not full of terribads. Don’t even reply to a post if you’re just going to trash talk.
This is just a tip, but half the stuff in your post, TEAMS DONT CARE ABOUT. (caps for emphasis)
How is this a tip? Why can’t I include extra stats? I know alot of teams that care about alot of things. What do I expect, I didn’t expect any serious responses other than people criticizing content on the post. I thought you were a lot more understanding, guess I was wrong. Too many esports wannabes.
This is just a tip, but half the stuff in your post, TEAMS DONT CARE ABOUT. (caps for emphasis)
How is this a tip? Why can’t I include extra stats? I know alot of teams that care about alot of things. What do I expect, I didn’t expect any serious responses other than people criticizing content on the post. I thought you were a lot more understanding, guess I was wrong. Too many esports wannabes.
oh yeah? alot of teams? which teams? well when you get a team that regards AP as a source of experience, as well as regarding WvW experience as a source of mechanical skill. I’m willing to bet 1k gold on that team being stomped by GASM.
(edited by feroxeu.7416)
Nobody gives a crap about your AP, this isn’t PvE. Nobody cares about WvW, WvW is full of terribads. Yeah….Lol… Alot of people care, AP shows how much you’ve played the game. You are just acting like a generic PvP elitist. WvW is not full of terribads. Don’t even reply to a post if you’re just going to trash talk.
Even though he does have a negative context, what he says is true.
Whoa you guys really hyped this up. I apologize if I insulted you or your game mode man, Im just saying it’s unnecessary to include those details. I agree there are good players in wvw. Im sry ;(
Dude Lettuce are you really going to post about that on the forum? Its over man just forget about it. “Kronos is best dueler NA”. Happy now? Anyway theres more to being a good PvP thief than just 1v1. You guys enjoy wvw, Im sorry for talking crap about Kronos and your guild. I was just mad that I lost.
Also I didnt jump on you I just headshotted you for like 700 dmg and then you jumped on me :P
Im gonna delete my first post, Razgerb you should just delete this thread and make a new one man :/
(edited by Elitist.8701)
Whoa you guys really hyped this up. I apologize if I insulted you or your game mode man, Im just saying it’s unnecessary to include those details. I agree there are good players in wvw. Im sry ;(
Dude Lettuce are you really going to post about that on the forum? Its over man just forget about it. “Kronos is best dueler NA”. Happy now? Anyway theres more to being a good PvP thief than just 1v1. You guys enjoy wvw, Im sorry for talking crap about Kronos and your guild. I was just mad that I lost.
Also I didnt jump on you I just headshotted you for like 700 dmg and then you jumped on me :P
Im gonna delete my first post, Razgerb you should just delete this thread and make a new one man :/
Apology accepted. And just so you know, we spend most of our time dueling each other on many professions on spvp servers. So we really aren’t “wvw heroes”. But we did recently transfer servers like 2 days ago to all roam together. We were on different servers until recently. We even won a 4 v 25 yesterday which was epic. But what you need to understand is that we prefer death match types. We aren’t really crazy about conquest so that’s why we duel quite often and that way, we learn the game’s and profession mechanics which allowed us to 4 v 25 in wvw. Conquest favors specific specs and death matches favors specific specs. We try to find the balance between the two hence the numerous build experimentation we do. We do intend on tpvping a lot soon anyways. We had 10 tpvp games a week or so ago. Only lost one. I didn’t tpvp for a while because I wanted to learn the game’s mechanics and profession mechanics before doing so. Didn’t want to be a burden and rather, carry the team instead through pvp knowledge. Now we’ll tpvp for rotation knowledge, but our priority is still death match favored.
As for the head shotting me in my duel, if you do that…I’m just going to assume you want to troll me and jump me. Hence why I responded by fighting you. Maybe don’t do that next time?
(edited by Lettuce.2945)
gl with tpvp if youre going to all run SA thief PU mesmers and D/F eles who stack 4 stacks of might lol
gl with tpvp if youre going to all run SA thief PU mesmers and D/F eles who stack 4 stacks of might lol
Wait. I know who this is. This is the guard who got slapped so hard by me who talked kitten. Oh hi Mobos. 4 might. Lol. Ok, sure. Keep lying to yourself bud. whispers I wasn’t even trying when I dueled you. And you got beat by a guard who was only 6 hours old. Best guard NA indeed. Best guard NA. . Let that sink in and shatter your self belief Mobos.
By the way, don’t be a scrub and blame it on wrong sigils. You ran double doom. That’s the only thing that could have possibly helped you against me. And you failed with it. And you lost to an acro thief in a 1 v 1 after saying “No acro thief can beat me 1 v 1”. Lo and behold, you lost first thing after saying that. Sounds like a l2p issue to me. Maybe you should have a conversation with elitist. He said the same thing about Kronos. That he could only play SA soldiers cheese then kronos beat him badly mirror spec zerker amulet (not even SA). Is it your turn next? At least Elitist was nice enough to admit his mistake. I see you haven’t. Such a pleb. Stop being salty. Save the salt for the turkey today.
(edited by Lettuce.2945)
gl with tpvp if youre going to all run SA thief PU mesmers and D/F eles who stack 4 stacks of might lol
Wait. I know who this is. This is the guard who got slapped so hard by me who talked kitten. Oh hi Mobos. 4 might. Lol. Ok, sure. Keep lying to yourself bud. whispers I wasn’t even trying when I dueled you. And you got beat by a guard who was only 6 hours old. Best guard NA indeed. Best guard NA.
. Let that sink in and shatter your self belief Mobos.
By the way, don’t be a scrub and blame it on wrong sigils. You ran double doom. That’s the only thing that could have possibly helped you against me. And you failed with it. And you lost to an acro thief in a 1 v 1 after saying “No acro thief can beat me 1 v 1”. Lo and behold, you lost first thing after saying that. Sounds like a l2p issue to me. Maybe you should have a conversation with elitist. He said the same thing about Kronos. That he could only play SA soldiers cheese then kronos beat him badly mirror spec zerker amulet (not even SA). Is it your turn next? At least Elitist was nice enough to admit his mistake. I see you haven’t. Such a pleb. Stop being salty. Save the salt for the turkey today.
Dude really, now you’re just being dumb. DD/DF ele in general hardcounters meditation guard, doesn’t matter if Muubs is running double doom, he probably just thought you were a terribad and it turns out you have somewhat of a brain and so you beat him because you hardcounter him. Dude you’re more Elitist than I am man. Anyway Muubs is best medi guard NA, if he lost because of some random crap it doesn’t mean anything. Also, why is the whole FEAR guild full of such fanboys? You guys literally worship Kronos like a god. Its wierd man.
(edited by Elitist.8701)
Lettuce might still be mad about an unfortunate situation he had when attempting to join some tpvp teams.
Who even is lettuce and kronos. Randoms. Best dueler NA?…. plz. Get known, then you can kitten talk the way u do.
(edited by masskillerxploit.2165)
Actually I beat him when he went Acro cuz he wastes steals like a kitten and lost to SA after a 7 minute duel when I finally ran out of cds
This is entertaining, please carry on.
yes. #sharkkittentalksquad
Ill be honest here though, when I lost to Kronos I didnt really think less of myself as a player. I was just straight up mad because all he did was shortbow 3333333333333333 for like 10 minutes straight until it got to the point that I was so bored that I just healed with poison and stowed weapon and stood there while he finally switched to SD and killed me while I was half-afk. Then we go DP and I tell him im gonna play 26006, and for some reason he plays panic strikes and wrecks me. Every single time Kronos won against me it wasnt cuz he’s mechanically amazing, its cuz he got lucky or just stalled until I made a ton of mistakes. Then there’s that Saekim guy that played PU mesmer. Like, really? Who plays PU mesmer in a duel? Thats why I was angry at your guild lettuce. I didnt really mean to make fun of wvw players, I just got a bad impression from fighting Kronos and Saekim. You guys are skilled, sure, but I hate fighting like that.
(edited by Elitist.8701)
I can confirm saekim is not good.
gl with tpvp if youre going to all run SA thief PU mesmers and D/F eles who stack 4 stacks of might lol
Wait. I know who this is. This is the guard who got slapped so hard by me who talked kitten. Oh hi Mobos. 4 might. Lol. Ok, sure. Keep lying to yourself bud. whispers I wasn’t even trying when I dueled you. And you got beat by a guard who was only 6 hours old. Best guard NA indeed. Best guard NA.
. Let that sink in and shatter your self belief Mobos.
By the way, don’t be a scrub and blame it on wrong sigils. You ran double doom. That’s the only thing that could have possibly helped you against me. And you failed with it. And you lost to an acro thief in a 1 v 1 after saying “No acro thief can beat me 1 v 1”. Lo and behold, you lost first thing after saying that. Sounds like a l2p issue to me. Maybe you should have a conversation with elitist. He said the same thing about Kronos. That he could only play SA soldiers cheese then kronos beat him badly mirror spec zerker amulet (not even SA). Is it your turn next? At least Elitist was nice enough to admit his mistake. I see you haven’t. Such a pleb. Stop being salty. Save the salt for the turkey today.
Dude really, now you’re just being dumb. DD/DF ele in general hardcounters meditation guard, doesn’t matter if Muubs is running double doom, he probably just thought you were a terribad and it turns out you have somewhat of a brain and so you beat him because you hardcounter him. Dude you’re more Elitist than I am man. Anyway Muubs is best medi guard NA, if he lost because of some random crap it doesn’t mean anything. Also, why is the whole FEAR guild full of such fanboys? You guys literally worship Kronos like a god. Its wierd man.
Nah I’m not being dumb. I even asked him if he was sure he wanted to 1 v 1 because eles hard counters guards. He just got too confident because I was a “random”. I would say Mobos is above average at best. This is based off the fact that I’ve fought guards who gave me a harder fight than Mobos did. I’ve seen better.
And it’s not like we worship him. It’s just whenever I see people claiming to be the best thief, I just ask them if they’ve dueled kronos. Not because I think Kronos is the absolute best, but I want to see a good fight between good thieves. Like I know Amonatory is really good. I would love to see those guys mirror spec different types of specs duel some day. Would be really fun to watch. I think most of the “known” players aren’t just the best pvpers. Just a popularity contest. Granted, some of them are legibly good and have earned their spot. But some…Not really. Caed for example, I love his rotations and map awareness and he does great in team fights. Definitely seems like a guy who calculates. And that’s something I appreciate in players in general. Kronos is one of them as well. You guys just need to give credit where its due sometimes instead of just trying to straight up deny what’s staring at you in the face. I appreciate that teef teef teef can at least admit things. So props to you. It was fun watching you guys fight regardless of the outcome.
But Mobos on the other hand, has absolutely no sportsmanship whatsoever. You were just blatantly rude to all of us and got super salty when you lost. You even went as far to call someone an autistic kitten or something. I think it was the thief you lost to. When we beat you, you blocked us. Nice attitude there. No apologies at all.
(edited by Lettuce.2945)
gl with tpvp if youre going to all run SA thief PU mesmers and D/F eles who stack 4 stacks of might lol
Wait. I know who this is. This is the guard who got slapped so hard by me who talked kitten. Oh hi Mobos. 4 might. Lol. Ok, sure. Keep lying to yourself bud. whispers I wasn’t even trying when I dueled you. And you got beat by a guard who was only 6 hours old. Best guard NA indeed. Best guard NA.
. Let that sink in and shatter your self belief Mobos.
By the way, don’t be a scrub and blame it on wrong sigils. You ran double doom. That’s the only thing that could have possibly helped you against me. And you failed with it. And you lost to an acro thief in a 1 v 1 after saying “No acro thief can beat me 1 v 1”. Lo and behold, you lost first thing after saying that. Sounds like a l2p issue to me. Maybe you should have a conversation with elitist. He said the same thing about Kronos. That he could only play SA soldiers cheese then kronos beat him badly mirror spec zerker amulet (not even SA). Is it your turn next? At least Elitist was nice enough to admit his mistake. I see you haven’t. Such a pleb. Stop being salty. Save the salt for the turkey today.
Dude really, now you’re just being dumb. DD/DF ele in general hardcounters meditation guard, doesn’t matter if Muubs is running double doom, he probably just thought you were a terribad and it turns out you have somewhat of a brain and so you beat him because you hardcounter him. Dude you’re more Elitist than I am man. Anyway Muubs is best medi guard NA, if he lost because of some random crap it doesn’t mean anything. Also, why is the whole FEAR guild full of such fanboys? You guys literally worship Kronos like a god. Its wierd man.
Nah I’m not being dumb. I even asked him if he was sure he wanted to 1 v 1 because eles hard counters guards. He just got too confident because I was a “random”. I would say Mobos is above average at best. This is based off the fact that I’ve fought guards who gave me a harder fight than Mobos did. I’ve seen better.
And it’s not like we worship him. It’s just whenever I see people claiming to be the best thief, I just ask them if they’ve dueled kronos. Not because I think Kronos is the absolute best, but I want to see a good fight between good thieves. Like I know Amonatory is really good. I would love to see those guys mirror spec different types of specs duel some day. Would be really fun to watch. I think most of the “known” players aren’t just the best pvpers. Just a popularity contest. Granted, some of them are legibly good and have earned their spot. But some…Not really. Caed for example, I love his rotations and map awareness and he does great in team fights. Definitely seems like a guy who calculates. And that’s something I appreciate in players in general. Kronos is one of them as well. You guys just need to give credit where its due sometimes instead of just trying to straight up deny what’s staring at you in the face. I appreciate that teef teef teef can at least admit things. So props to you. It was fun watching you guys fight regardless of the outcome.
But Mobos on the other hand, has absolutely no sportsmanship whatsoever. You were just blatantly rude to all of us and got super salty when you lost. You even went as far to call someone an autistic kitten or something. I think it was the thief you lost to. When we beat you, you blocked us. Nice attitude there. No apologies at all.
caed, I think your being called out? comment?
btw lettuce I played like you were d/d not d/f which threw me off. not saying its an excuse but its an excuse but gg for the 4 might stacks.
@Lettuce: Oh, so THIS was what was going on last night. Haha. It was nice dueling you and Eva. Whole night was worth it. Got a highlight video of Gesol screaming like a little girl.
Mm, you really hijacked OP’s thread. No one cares about this Kronos guy. No one cares how few hours you have on thief, guard, whatever. No one cares about how great you are 1v1, really. Saekim can switch to condi or PU to win duels. Team players losing to boring duelists don’t really care or think less of themselves or have to “let it sink in” in regards to their self worth. They’re team players. Also, quit whispering, it’s creepy.
@OP: Mate, I’d make a different thread, this one is rather…derailed, lel. I’d also make a post like…this:
I’m looking for a highly competitive team.
I want our team to have:
My gameplay:
One more tip: It looks bad if you can’t take criticize regarding your post. It needed some work. Good luck!
This is entertaining, please carry on.
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