(edited by argad.3091)
NA Group of Friends Looking for New home
Part 2
What we Want:
• Our #1 Rule is have fun! We don’t do it unless it’s fun.
• A lot of our members love to havoc. We love small fights, camp capping, yak slapping and sentry takes.
• Somewhere that has a well-established leadership/community.
• Somewhere that we can roam (and find people to kill) and not get zerged while doing it.
• Somewhere that will let us be ourselves, be stupid, drunk, and have our community events, that we like to organize and do in WvW. *A note here, even when we are stupid, drunk or in events we usually accomplish good things in WvW we just do it with a hint of style and lots of fun.
• Obviously a TS/mumble/etc that we can use. Community VoIP must have a room where music can be played. (For our crazy nights)
• We want an active PvE community as well as we have people in our group who do both WvW and PvE. So the PvE community must be as good as the WvW part.
•Silver or Bronze League.
• NA servers, we haven’t totally ruled EU servers out. We want to play in NA Primetime and not be outmanned and still have good fights. And then of course we need an English-speaking server. We aren’t ruling EU servers out just leery of them and we need convincing.
• We would like a community that will refresh the siege that we build
What we Don’t Want:
• We know there will be times when we are outmanned, but we don’t want it to be always outmanned.
• We don’t want constant enemy zergs. We don’t mind finding them just don’t want a server where that is all there is.
• We are also not looking to be paid to move somewhere. And we frown on servers who pay for guilds to move to them. Servers like this will most likely not be a place we choose. We are not the types to server hop or jump on bandwagons etc.
• Gold League is totally out of the question, as it doesn’t fit our needs.
This is not my main account, this account I rarely use so reaching me in game may be hard. Secondly, replying here allows all the members who are transferring to read and see what the answers are.
Please answer these Questions on this thread when replying:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
Thanks in advance for all your replies.
(edited by argad.3091)
Why are you leery of EU? Maybe I can clear up some common misconceptions? I moved in June after playing NA since beta and I love it. Completely different game this side of the pond, similar to what you’ve outlined (every weekend we have drunk guild run events, for example )
(edited by Jayne.9251)
You should definitely consider Northern Shiverpeaks. We have been heavily recruiting players & guilds just like your group.
Make no mistake. NSP is not for everyone. If your guild is just looking for some easy wins and the final score at the week is really important to you – you will not want to be on NSP.
The players still on NSP and the ones transferring here are the type of players that play games on “hard-mode”. Not to be confused with hard-core, serious, get your act together or gtfo. The players here are here because they enjoy being challenged and don’t get frustrated or give up because “omg they have so many zerglings”.
We have a relatively new community website at http://northernshiverpeaks.org and have been successfully building a stronger community between all of the players and guilds.
You may have already looked over our recruitment post here but let us know if you guys would like to get together in TeamSpeak with some guild officers/commanders and have a chat.
Why are you leery of EU? Maybe I can clear up some common misconceptions? I moved in June after playing NA since beta and I love it. Completely different game this side of the pond, similar to what you’ve outlined.
We worry about being outnumbered too much. We worry that our loaners (people who can play in NA middle of the day ) wont be able to have 1v1 or 1v3 fights. We worry we would be zerged over when there are only 5 of us flipping camps. We worry that we won’t have people to do PvE during our Prime time. stuff like that.
It’s not that EU is out it’s not. We just need reassurance is all. In fact we have one EU server on our radar at the moment. I won’t name them because I don’t want to discourage others servers from replying.
This move is extremely important to us we are being very careful in our choice. Some of us have never been on any other server but our current one (since beta days) and so it is a big deal to move .
So please do try and sell us on your server. We really want to know what is out there and how other servers are.
You should definitely consider Northern Shiverpeaks. We have been heavily recruiting players & guilds just like your group.
Make no mistake. NSP is not for everyone. If your guild is just looking for some easy wins and the final score at the week is really important to you – you will not want to be on NSP.
The players still on NSP and the ones transferring here are the type of players that play games on “hard-mode”. Not to be confused with hard-core, serious, get your act together or gtfo. The players here are here because they enjoy being challenged and don’t get frustrated or give up because “omg they have so many zerglings”.
We have a relatively new community website at http://northernshiverpeaks.org and have been successfully building a stronger community between all of the players and guilds.
You may have already looked over our recruitment post here but let us know if you guys would like to get together in TeamSpeak with some guild officers/commanders and have a chat.
We have looked over your thread. We took it to mean you guys were too serious for us, please forgive us if this is a misconception of ours.
Perhaps you could answer these questions as an opener for us:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
I will say our WvW Events while fun are still for the most part WvW focused meaning we do try to accomplish things while doing the events. Aside from 1 event (this event is only for about 2 hours and the goal is fun above all else) we do we are focused on doing good for the server.
Not gold league but rarely outmanned…
The problem with that request is that RNG will still be a thing and that Silver league will be chewing up and spitting out a lot of servers over the next few months.
Your best bet as it stands today are Borlis Pass, Ehm Bay, and CD for Silver. I don’t know enough about bronze, though SF and HoD look pretty strong ATM.
We have looked over your thread. We took it to mean you guys were too serious for us, please forgive us if this is a misconception of ours.
Perhaps you could answer these questions as an opener for us:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?I will say our WvW Events while fun are still for the most part WvW focused meaning we do try to accomplish things while doing the events. Aside from 1 event (this event is only for about 2 hours and the goal is fun above all else) we do we are focused on doing good for the server.
Don’t take my server cheer leading and smack talking to seriously
Small groups of 15 are NSP’s specialty! We have 2 or 3 "big"* WvW focused guilds and more recently we have gotten some large guilds into WvW that were previously more PVE oriented. But yes – There are plenty of small(er) groups on NSP that are always doing their own thing.
Not familiar with your crazy events but we love to have fun. We have to because it isn’t about “winning”. If you are more concerned about winning you would do better on FA or SBI. Tell me more about your crazy events!
I <3 NSP. #NSPpride. I’m not sure what I would change but if I had to pick something it would have to be getting more of our PVE players involved in WvW. We have already gotten some and the new community website and community TS3 server has played a huge part in that.
edit: even our “big” WvW focused guilds are not 100% WvW. They do guild nights and other events outside of WvW but when they have their WvW nights they are still only about 30-40 of them. That’s a big WvW guild for NSP at the moment but still small to some other servers.
(edited by Boom.6148)
Consider Dragonband. It fits a lot of what you are looking for, and needs more people willing to command the militia population.
We have a community VOIP, and a good solid PVE population for ya as well.
No matter what happens this season, DB will still be in Silver league next season. so no worries of having to be in Gold league any time soon.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
Consider Dragonband. It fits a lot of what you are looking for, and needs more people willing to command the militia population.
We have a community VOIP, and a good solid PVE population for ya as well.
No matter what happens this season, DB will still be in Silver league next season. so no worries of having to be in Gold league any time soon.
Perhaps you could answer these questions as an opener for us:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
Not familiar with your crazy events but we love to have fun. We have to because it isn’t about “winning”. If you are more concerned about winning you would do better on FA or SBI. Tell me more about your crazy events!
We are not at liberty to give details of the events we run publicly as that would blow our cover on our current server wide open. We are well known on our server so we are trying to keep this on the down low as to not create more drama on our current server. Let’s just say they are popular and lots of fun!
But… But… Now I’m extremely curious and without even knowing details I want to join. Well played, sir. Well played.
Your needs sound exactly like you belong on Crystal Desert! Check out our recruitment thread for the details https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/recruitment/Crystal-Desert-Stands-Strong
Consider Dragonband. It fits a lot of what you are looking for, and needs more people willing to command the militia population.
We have a community VOIP, and a good solid PVE population for ya as well.
No matter what happens this season, DB will still be in Silver league next season. so no worries of having to be in Gold league any time soon.
Perhaps you could answer these questions as an opener for us:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
1) Most of our wvw guilds field 15ish, so you would fit in. You wouldn’t be the biggest or smallest.
2) We have had some guilds do events on Thursdays when the match about over and decided, so I don’t think it would be a problem for you to do some either, and even do it on a different day.
3) I’d like to remove Tequatl from our server, and have no one ever mention it again. Or, have people in EBG forget Stonemist exists, pretend its not there, finally see that the SMC is a lie.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
Thanks noobler for relying. And to everyone that has replied thus far. We are taking our time at this choice. We don’t forsee a transfer until Season 1 is over. But plz all know we are sending scouts out to servers. So please keep replying.
We worry about being outnumbered too much.
Yep. It used to be that way, but it’s changed. Even EU silver league on some servers have what they call a night crew. Watch the MOS (weekdays though, weekends tend to skew real data) during the time you usually play. It’s typically a good indicator.
We worry that our loaners (people who can play in NA middle of the day ) wont be able to have 1v1 or 1v3 fights.
Having played both NA and EU, I can tell you definitively that there are way more roamers in all tiers compared to NA. It’s one of the things that keeps me in EU. I can even say in a match thread that I’m looking for duels and will get whispers all week. It’s fantastic. And these duels occur anywhere from 8am EST to about 8pm EST
We worry we would be zerged over when there are only 5 of us flipping camps.
Some servers have havoc squads, but most are starting to realize their worth. Servers like Baruch have always had them, a few others too. There are blobs, particularly during EU prime, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But I spend 90% of my time roaming and can say I can find my ninjas.
We worry that we won’t have people to do PvE during our Prime time.
That’s the easiest one. You can always check temple run sites like gw2stats and guest. It is quieter after 9pm EST on most servers both in pve and WvW but there are bodies to fight in WvW. So instead of facing 100 man blobs, you’d be dealing with 50 man blobs. And as havoc, you know it’s easier to avoid one 50 man instead of one 100 split in two.
This move is extremely important to us we are being very careful in our choice. Some of us have never been on any other server but our current one (since beta days) and so it is a big deal to move .
Then I’d recommend sending a scout over for a week to see for yourself. People can claim anything they want. Having firsthand feedback is usually best to help you decide. I won’t sell you on Piken, the server kind of speaks for itself. But I really do love it here.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
To add to what Jayne said, NA midday is EU prime time so you’ll definitely have people to play with on EU servers. Most NA servers are ghost towns outside of afternoon-night time whereas a lot of EU server have 24/7 presence.
If you’re worried about being outnumbered then EU is probably where you should look. NA WvW is where night-capping and population disparity is most prevalent. The vast majority of EU server are relatively equal in strength. T3 servers can actually compete against T1 servers. Just look at Mos.
We worry about being outnumbered too much.
Yep. It used to be that way, but it’s changed. Even EU silver league on some servers have what they call a night crew. Watch the MOS (weekdays though, weekends tend to skew real data) during the time you usually play. It’s typically a good indicator.
We worry that our loaners (people who can play in NA middle of the day ) wont be able to have 1v1 or 1v3 fights.
Having played both NA and EU, I can tell you definitively that there are way more roamers in all tiers compared to NA. It’s one of the things that keeps me in EU. I can even say in a match thread that I’m looking for duels and will get whispers all week. It’s fantastic. And these duels occur anywhere from 8am EST to about 8pm EST
We worry we would be zerged over when there are only 5 of us flipping camps.
Some servers have havoc squads, but most are starting to realize their worth. Servers like Baruch have always had them, a few others too. There are blobs, particularly during EU prime, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But I spend 90% of my time roaming and can say I can find my ninjas.
We worry that we won’t have people to do PvE during our Prime time.
That’s the easiest one. You can always check temple run sites like gw2stats and guest. It is quieter after 9pm EST on most servers both in pve and WvW but there are bodies to fight in WvW. So instead of facing 100 man blobs, you’d be dealing with 50 man blobs. And as havoc, you know it’s easier to avoid one 50 man instead of one 100 split in two.
This move is extremely important to us we are being very careful in our choice. Some of us have never been on any other server but our current one (since beta days) and so it is a big deal to move .
Then I’d recommend sending a scout over for a week to see for yourself. People can claim anything they want. Having firsthand feedback is usually best to help you decide. I won’t sell you on Piken, the server kind of speaks for itself. But I really do love it here.
Which Server are you on?
To add to what Jayne said, NA midday is EU prime time so you’ll definitely have people to play with on EU servers. Most NA servers are ghost towns outside of afternoon-night time whereas a lot of EU server have 24/7 presence.
If you’re worried about being outnumbered then EU is probably where you should look. NA WvW is where night-capping and population disparity is most prevalent. The vast majority of EU server are relatively equal in strength. T3 servers can actually compete against T1 servers. Just look at Mos.
And your server is?
Which Server are you on?
I’m on Piken hon. Up until the leagues started we were actually a medium population server, ranked third. But gold league EU is much MUCH different than NA. Completely different beast, including roaming and guild fights. Given the time you play, and the time that your earlier playing teammates are on, I think you’d find it very close to what you described above.
I read your OP and found it quite well written and thoughtful. And based on what you’ve written, it seemed like you’d be a good fit here. Yep, even in gold league.
Drop by Piken forum and say hi if you want more info: http://pikensquare.info
I mostly, however, wrote the above Q&A stuff to cover all EU servers though. Just a bit of info really for anyone.
Edited to add: as for English speaking servers, look at the mos … See the flag colours? Blue indicates international servers, meaning English is the predominant language. The other flags signify French, German or Spanish servers. But even on those servers you’ll find English speakers too. It’s just that English isn’t the dominant language.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Hello Argad, (I apologize for the long post, but felt it neccessary)
I as you can see am Polbella formerly of Fergusons Crossing NA server moved to Ruins of Surmia EU server then to Seafarers Rest EU server, presently I reside on Farshiver Peaks EU server and here I will stay forever and always. I have read your post and decided I should respond to you, cause I think I have the fit that is right for you.
RiOT is the guild I reside in, and we like you love to have fun. Please feel free to check out our guild site and see more on what we are about. http://www.thecivilrebels.com/
The community of Far Shiverpeaks is well established and the people are great to play with. The community team speak is a welcome place to go to when you are playing. Most people that come there are adults, and they like to have fun, drinks and laughs while playing. In my guild there are about 8 NA players, and there is another NA guild that recently transfered here. TANK. So there are always players to play with. At any rate the advantages to playing on an EU server much out weigh the cons. The play style on the EU servers is more advanced, so there is much to learn and more fun to be had than on the NA servers. The EU players are more open to adult ideas so your comments about drunken raids stuck me, cause we do that all the time here. With results as well.
We have a great PvE community, and one that will guest to other servers to get things done oh and did I mention that we are Silver League. The servers we play against have decent numbers in the evening so there would be plenty of good fights for you to encounter here, and I am hoping that I am convincing you. Siege is almost always refreshed here in WvW, and I can assure you that you and your guild would not always be out manned, and that your guild would not always be facing large enemy zergs. I would love to offer you and a few of your officers/players or friends to come to our server and see for yourselves what you think of the community. Please feel free to contact me in game. Polbella.7219 so I can set things up for you if you are interested. Now that I have had my long response to you. I will reply to your Questions
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
They would fit extremely well. I have to say having 15 more players to run prime NA time on our server would be amazing. I am always up to having more players to play with, and I hope a group of you would come over and test the waters to see what you think
Do you think your server would support our crazy events?
We have a few commanders on our server love to do drunken raids. Lots of fun and all are welcome. So I feel your guild would fit right in. What kind of WvW events do you already have? Previously mentioned. Myself and others in my guild love to do small raiding parties at night, Gollum runs are common place as well. Why?? Just because we can.. hehe.
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
The one thing about my server I would change would be to have more (MORE) wonderful fun people to run with in my main time. Which like you is NA time. Not because we don’t have awesome people here now, but because more is always better and more fun to be had.
I really hope to hear from you argad.
Aka Bella. the blonde necro from RiOT
The NSP community is very diverse and very fun. We have LOTS of fun in WvW and have some of the most skilled players and guilds in the game, despite our numbers. Most of us have been used to constantly being outmanned vs silver league servers, however with our recent initiatives to get PvE players involved, we have full or near-full BL and EB maps Friday-Sunday.
I will not lie and say that our community is well-established, as northernshiverpeaks.org has been up just shy of 2 months. However we are making large strides and we are convinced NSP will become a very strong server in many ways. I personally facilitate our weekly server meetings, and I can tell you that our server and the people on it are dedicated to making NSP a place everyone wants to be.
Also our guild community is incredibly diverse and you are 100% guaranteed to find a guild that you fit in with, if you don’t already have one established. In particular I was talking to the leader of Big Crits today. They have a “no language limitations” policy where people can say what they want, be themselves, and “swear like sailors”. Thought that might interest you.
In our WvW scene, we have a philosophy where we play to the strengths of individual guilds. From what I’ve read, I’d say we would like to coordinate with you guys when we need specific targets handled. You seem like a very “on-call” kind of guild that I could rely on if I needed some camps defended, enemies kept off our ruin cappers, or enemy supply lines severed. For the most part we have roamers that like to do these kinds of things, but they are not always organized to the point where they are then we need them.
NSP has a strong PvE community, more so than WvW. As I said, we are working to merge the 2 communities. NSP is known for its temple zergs daily at reset. The guild I am in, ZoS, is said to be the oldest in GW. We run map completion zergs for the server every week, and include all players in our activities. NSP has commanders who lead in both WvW and PvE, and at times pull PvE zergs into WvW as a server event. We are also currently building initiatives to train average players into WvW machines. We believe that you can be both casual and successful at the same time. NSP is NOT hardcore by any stretch.
If you’d like to be part of a strong, blossoming community that values guild relations and cooperation, we’d love you to take part in our growth. It feels so good to be part of something!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Hello Argad!
Please take time to look on your recruitement thread : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/recruitment/Gunnars-Hold-Strong-EU-seeks-NA-SEA-coverage/first#post3167648
I come from Gunnar’s Hold EU server, who has ’’gold’’ prime-time but we’re in need in some offpeak help which I think you will be great addition!
If you need more aditional info, please contact me or fab.3298
P.s: We worry that we won’t have people to do PvE during our Prime time.
Had to edit the post when I saw this
Our server is well known for some PvE stuff, like March on Mount Maelstorm/Frostforge. New addition for our PvE players is daily PvE boss run which starts at midnight EU and last for 4+ hours. I think you will like it
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Ekense.5279)
Consider Dragonband. It fits a lot of what you are looking for, and needs more people willing to command the militia population.
We have a community VOIP, and a good solid PVE population for ya as well.
No matter what happens this season, DB will still be in Silver league next season. so no worries of having to be in Gold league any time soon.
Perhaps you could answer these questions as an opener for us:
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
i aint gonna speak for the whole DB wvw community. but things are a bit more light hearted on here now that larger guilds left for gold league servers.
as for 15 man teams, sure those are always wanted, we have borderland maps that few people are on at times and 15 men would keep the enemy on thier toes for sure.
as for letting you do whatever you want in form of event, i dont think anyone would care really, the guild I am in communicates with the heirarchy of the server wvw groups but we also mainly do our own thing and are appreciated for the role we play (25-30 man roaming squad that constantly pressures enemy 1/3)
but even if it isnt DB that you end up on, i do hope you guys find a good home, so many people have left the game/wvw community due to loss of fun while playing.. we dont need to lose more fun players
and sometimes even a decent human being
I think that Eredon Terrace is worth a look because we’re a pretty good match for everything you say you want and don’t want. We have room for more commanders, work to defend our borderlands and are active on emeny borderlands (even when outnumbered), appreciate scouting and communication in map chat and TeamSpeak, have an active TeamSpeak sever open to guilds and WvWers grouped into a variety of channels, and cooperate and have commanders that will respond to requests for help, even when they are commanding while drinking (yes, we already have some commanders who do that quite well). We also have players who will stand and defend and fight, even when the odds are heavily stacked against them.
We are Bronze League and what that means is no queues except on reset night, and they are usually short (5-15 minutes) and on one map only. Mild lag generally only happens during really large battles for keeps or Stonemist Castle. We tend to face other smaller servers, which leaves lots of room for roaming, camp capturing, yak slapping, sentry taking, and one-on-one and small group fights without being zerged. We also have some duelists and small group and GvG fighters, as do several of the other servers we frequently face off againt, and they generally have a “Fight Night” once per week on one of the maps and informal fighting going on throughout the matchup. An active group of 12-15 could have a big impact on our success, even during NA primetime, even doing their own thing. I’ve been doing solo roaming during the last two match-ups and have had a fair amount of one-on-one fights and some solo camp captures without getting zerged.
The bottom line, and I’ve said this in a few recruiting threads already, is that everyone on ET can make a difference and can get listened to, even without a tag. I encourage you to read the most recent ET recruitment message, which should be on the first or second page of the recruitment forum, which includes a before an after message from someone who transferred to ET. We also have people who left ET for higher-tiered play and came back, both for the variety of type of play we get in our tier range and because of the community on ET.
We do have a coverage problem during parts of the day, when we tend to lose a lot of things, but our coverage during NA primetime and over the weekends has generally been pretty good, and even when we are outnumbered, we tend to hold on to some things through it all, take things back, and do some strikes into enemy territory. I find our PvE coverage OK and do quite a bit of PvE, but a lot of the harder event chains are only done rarely, but you could guest to other servers to solve that problem if you find it too sparse. There is the occasional melt-down over map chat or TeamSpeak when we do particularly badly out of frustration but they are rare, not meant personally, and we bounce back from them quickly. The norm is for everyone to be cordial, if not helpful. For the most part, everyone cooperates and works together and I’ve seen more than one tower or keep saved by the cavalry arriving from another map, responding to a call for help.
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
I think you’d fit very well, be greatly appreciated, and could make a huge difference. We have all different styles of play and they are all appreciated.
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
We generally have at least one “Fight Night” per matchup and recently had a Ladies Night organized by some women on ET to encourage women to play WvW and command (they are planning on doing that once per month). I don’t think anyone would have a problem with crazy events or drunk commanding so long as you are helping out and not dragging us down. ET cares about results, not whether you sing Shakira in TeamSpeak (yeah, we’ve had that) or command drunk (yeah, we’ve had that, too).
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
I wish we had better and more consistant coverage, especially outside of NA primetime. We lose a lot of stuff overnight and through the day but do a good job taking and holding stuff during our primetime when we have coverage and can lead in points per tick during our primetime. If you seriously are worried about points, we’re usually not the winning server and there will be some disapointment, though we went up a lot in rankings before the Leagues (we were at the bottom) and are working on building up (you could certainly be an important part of that). If you want good fights at all levels (ranging from 1v1 and small group fights to zerging with some pugs) and a great community, especially during NA primetime, we’ve got plenty of that. Even when we’re outnumbered and losing in points, we’re doing things and not giving up. Like I said, everyone on ET can make a difference.
(edited by Berk.8561)
FC is almost a perfect fit for this sort of group. We have a server teamspeak and each guild has its own channels with the guild leader given total power over their guild channels.
we also have 4 public channels per each wvw map as well as float teams. We have 2-3 guilds that do exclusively WvW, the rest also do PvE as well.
We have very little drama – almost zero ever in teamspeak, just the occasional random map-chat person that you can find on any server.
we use commander cross-channel chat to communicate across maps and stay informed. The servers we face are not too big to roam vs looking for fights, nor are they too small to find any. On weekends we queue 1 map often but I don’t think I’ve ever seen 2 maps queued at once before.
We have a lot of experienced commanders who are very amicable in working with others.
lastly FC is nestled right in the 3rd/4th seat of bronze league so no matter who fight win or lose its still a closer match than any Gold or Silver league matchup.
We have scouts out this week we will be sending more out to other servers we find interesting or that fit our style.
We are taken this very seriously, we do not foresee moving until Season 1 is over, so we still have time to scout.
I like doing crazy events like a 2 man golem rush on a tier 3 keep when outmanned. Been successful a handful of times too. NSP is a great place and mostly our commanders are part of smaller guilds so we (myself included) rely on name recognition and getting the job done with whoever is around, pug’s as most say, I tend to use the many guild wvw group :-).
NSP is a fun place. And roamer friendly! Besides what other server can boast of a Birdday 75 golem rush?!?!
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
I like doing crazy events like a 2 man golem rush on a tier 3 keep when outmanned. Been successful a handful of times too. NSP is a great place and mostly our commanders are part of smaller guilds so we (myself included) rely on name recognition and getting the job done with whoever is around, pug’s as most say, I tend to use the many guild wvw group :-).
NSP is a fun place. And roamer friendly! Besides what other server can boast of a Birdday 75 golem rush?!?!
Always remember 10/5/13. The next birdday party we must use omegas!!!!
PB Officer
I like doing crazy events like a 2 man golem rush on a tier 3 keep when outmanned. Been successful a handful of times too. NSP is a great place and mostly our commanders are part of smaller guilds so we (myself included) rely on name recognition and getting the job done with whoever is around, pug’s as most say, I tend to use the many guild wvw group :-).
NSP is a fun place. And roamer friendly! Besides what other server can boast of a Birdday 75 golem rush?!?!
Always remember 10/5/13. The next birdday party we must use omegas!!!!
I’m thinking a January Doomsday party :-). And yes must be omegas!!!!!
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Come join us on Northern Shiverpeaks before you get stuck in another boring week of queues, skill lag, and mindless zerging.
We need competitive individuals and guilds that are willing to fight regardless of whether or not we are outmanned or what the score is. Come run with us if you are ready!
Come join us on Northern Shiverpeaks before you get stuck in another boring week of queues, skill lag, and mindless zerging.
We need competitive individuals and guilds that are willing to fight regardless of whether or not we are outmanned or what the score is. Come run with us if you are ready!
We do play to win…however we are also a “party group as well” so we a looking for a place that will put up with our antics and still do good stuff too.
We are still looking for a new home. And it has been made public on our server now, which has pushed us to look harder and try to speed up the process. As such, I will be scouting with my main account now.
(edited by hmsgoddess.3869)
Have you sent any over to us? Really hope you do. I still think you’d be a great fit here.
We are still looking for a new home. And it has been made public on our server now, which has pushed us to look harder and try to speed up the process. As such, I will be scouting with my main account now.
For whatever it’s worth, your talk of playing defensively in another recruitment thread sounded great and would have made me consider your server if I were in the market for a switch. We have some fairly dedicated defensive players and I’ve seen some spectacular saves on Eredon Terrace, carried out by commanders bringing in the cavalry from another map, even with the enemy already in the lord’s room. I do hope you’ll look at Eredon Terrace (and also some of the other servers not at the top of the Bronze League). We have a lot of fun and some spectacular fights even if the points don’t make it look that way.
I second the Eredon Terrace vote. =)
Come Join us over on Eredon Terrace and have you guildies apply to the IoM guild if you are dedicated to the WvW aspect as we are iom.enjin.com
If you prefer EU and still looking into moving, you can try Far Shiverpeaks. Pretty balanced server and a great community. FSP has a strong EU primetime presence and also decent NA/Oceanic presence. There’s a small NA guild here, TanK, whom are doing a great great job for FSP, you guys could be an awesome addition to the power.
Far Shiverpeaks
If you prefer EU and still looking into moving, you can try Far Shiverpeaks. Pretty balanced server and a great community. FSP has a strong EU primetime presence and also decent NA/Oceanic presence. There’s a small NA guild here, TanK, whom are doing a great great job for FSP, you guys could be an awesome addition to the power.
We currently have 2 scouts on this server
Have you sent any over to us? Really hope you do. I still think you’d be a great fit here.
1 scout transferred there today.
Have him give me a whisper, be glad to show him around.
I’m excited about the prospect. You guys focus the home bl like I do.
Hello. I am a commander here on anvil rock and would like to tell you a little bit about anvil rock and how we are fairing in both the wvw side and the community side.
1st off to answer your questions.
How well would our small group of 15 fit into the WvW scene?
When it comes down to tier 7-8 a 15 man group does bring a bigger impact to the match up. I read that you like to stay in the home borderland to defend, but do like to raid here and there. When it comes to defense, if you needed help a simple pm will always do and our bigger force on the maps at that time will come to help. We will afterwards help fix broken walls or gates and then help replace siege if needed then continue on. When it comes to raids if you feel you need a few more people ask anytime and we will bring people over unless we are in a bad situation on another map. Basically if you let us know what your moves are we will try to find ways to help support those moves.
Do you think your server would support our crazy events? What kind of WvW events do you already have?
Well I have always wanted to try necro minion night or a flame troll night so I don’t see why not. Most on our teamspeak are new so we have not yet set much in the form of specific events. We were planning a pajama party l8r on this week though.
If you could change 1 thing about your server, what would it be?
Wish more including myself were more active on forums. We have promoted TeamSpeak a lot these last 3 weeks but rarely about forums.
As a server we have been improving a lot over the last month. A month ago you were lucky to get 10 people in TeamSpeak. It has now increased to around 40 at primetime each day and 100 or so at reset. I’ve had mail from another server asking about our teamspeak due to our quick reactions to any threat on our maps.
We have also had a new commander join the server and guild km join the server. Both have been overall pleased with their choice. A lot of people that saw wvw as a drag finally see wvw as a fun challenging opportunity. People are learning here. Siege is getting refreshed more often. It’s an overall good atmosphere here for a server that not to long ago was at rock bottom. It would be nice to talk to you to see if ar is the right server for you. If it is then great. If not then best of luck in your endeavors. We have a lot to improve on here but we are definitely on the upside.
Guild tbt [allergic to grapes]
have to say,if EU is an option, then Gunnar’s Hold has to be a prime consideration.
The majority of a playerbase is made up of small/medium size guilds 10-30 people, we do not have any huge guilds running in WvW. Sure the randoms will form a blob when necessary but we understand zergs/blobs means lag and so try to avoid running them as much as possible.
We are arguably one of the strongest EU primetime servers outside T1 and we also have a similar sized guild to yours [DOIT] who also share your defensive ethos.
It would be nice to be able to hand over a fully sieged Cliffside or Longview along with a fully upgraded north supply camp after a hard night’s battles.
We also have a server wide TS and forum at http://gunnars-hold.eu where you would be more than welcome to come for a chat anytime.
So, to answer your questions.
Your guild size would fit perfectly into our setup
We are all for crazy events and they are well supported, ‘Heavy’ night, Mini night, Necro night scared the kitten out of the opposition when they saw 60 people and their minions. We also have ‘open’ mic nights where random commanders wreak havoc across a map. and more….
If we could change 1 thing about our server? Nothing tbh. We are reasonably stable with a mature playerbase all we really lack is 1 or 2 smallish NA/SEA/Oceanic guilds. We have players from these regions but as yet, no guilds.
Oh, we do have PvE (whatever that is) apparently. Does the wurm north of bay count?
Gunnar’s Hold www.gunnarshold.eu
have to say,if EU is an option, then Gunnar’s Hold has to be a prime consideration.
The majority of a playerbase is made up of small/medium size guilds 10-30 people, we do not have any huge guilds running in WvW. Sure the randoms will form a blob when necessary but we understand zergs/blobs means lag and so try to avoid running them as much as possible.
We are arguably one of the strongest EU primetime servers outside T1 and we also have a similar sized guild to yours [DOIT] who also share your defensive ethos.
It would be nice to be able to hand over a fully sieged Cliffside or Longview along with a fully upgraded north supply camp after a hard night’s battles.
We also have a server wide TS and forum at http://gunnars-hold.eu where you would be more than welcome to come for a chat anytime.
So, to answer your questions.
Your guild size would fit perfectly into our setup
We are all for crazy events and they are well supported, ‘Heavy’ night, Mini night, Necro night scared the kitten out of the opposition when they saw 60 people and their minions
. We also have ‘open’ mic nights where random commanders wreak havoc across a map. and more….
If we could change 1 thing about our server? Nothing tbh. We are reasonably stable with a mature playerbase all we really lack is 1 or 2 smallish NA/SEA/Oceanic guilds. We have players from these regions but as yet, no guilds.
Oh, we do have PvE (whatever that is) apparently. Does the wurm north of bay count?
We have scouted your server already, no choices have been made yet as to where we are going as we are still scouting.
When the time comes to decide (which is after all locations on our list have been scouted) the entire guild/friends will vote on the which one we go to.
I will say I loved my scouting time with you guys, ya’ll were totally awesome and I was very impressed with how you handled yourselves when faced with adversity. No matter what we choose I will remember you guys fondly.
I hope you will consider Dragonbrand, you sound like a good group of people and you could fit in and hang out with our good groups of people
To answer your questions from a different DB perspective, ill offer my own insight as well as what youve heard from a few of my servermates.
Your 15 man group would be ideal. That seems to be very common on DB and works well for us. Often, this 15 man group gets along well with that 12 man group and they occasionally team up with each other and play together. Then they split up and work together seperately. We have a few larger guilds that take care of the zerg-work, and we have plenty of small groups and roamers too. The majority of people get along well enough and help each other, the ones that dont seem to either stop playing or transfer to tier 1..
Dragonbrand would support your crazy events with few exceptions. Obviously if you selfishly interfere with the regular functions of WvW we might give you a hard time about it (if your naked dance party in Garrison was distracting you from calling out that Garri was under attack people might give you a ‘wtf?!’ or two). If you needed to run around as a 15 man Quaggan zerg i think you might get some followers.. Im not sure we have any quirky fun events going on and i personally would welcome some and hope to enjoy your antics.
If I could change one thing about Dragonbrand… I dont know. Im quite happy here, i think im going to have to go with more fun wvw events. I think we would get a kick out of that. As Orswich said, weve become more light-hearted since the league started and our more ‘hardcore serious business, if its not done my way i will rage and hate’ players seem to have moved on to ‘gold-er pastures’.. I think if i were going to change something id want to find more ways spice it up out there and bring people together for silly fun time (while still being serious enough to not lose too bad at the time) :P
feel free to get ahold of me in game. we would be more than happy to set up a time to meet with you and your friends in our public TS3 if you wanted to actually stop by and hang out for a bit. or if you just have any more questions id be happy to help. i hope you find what youre looking for, and i hope you find it on DB cause you sound like good friends to have
<3 – Yalta [ALS]
We have chosen our new server. We have decided on Far Shiverpeaks on the EU servers. We have named our guild Naked N Drunk [NUDE].
We want to thank all of you guys, we meet some great folks, and you all have lovely servers. Thanks for showing us your great communities. Keep kicking butt. And Don’t forget to defend.
Its been great having you with us the past few weeks and glad you choose to settle with FSP. A Massive welcome from RiOT
Welcome to Far Shiverpeaks !
Far Shiverpeaks