[NA] Herald LF Raiding Guild

[NA] Herald LF Raiding Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ryan.6813



As the title says I’m looking for a Guild to consistently raid with on a weekly basis. I’m a very competent and active player looking for a group of people that focus on PvE content while having a good time doing it.

I’m ideally looking for a guild with the following:

- Very active on a daily basis.
- Guild groups for Fractals/Dungeons/Map Events.
- Weekly Guild Missions.
- VOIP to hang out in. I’m very social
- Consistent weekly raid clears.

I can offer you:

- A skilled, competent player that makes few mistakes and learns very quickly from them.
- A dedicated and loyal member of your Raid team.
– A friendly, mature personality. Ideally your guild is 18+.
- An experienced raider/gamer (over 6 years of Raiding experience in a top 200 world capacity from WoW, with numerous Rank 1 world/server DPS parses).

I currently play a Herald, but am working on a Chronomancer as an alternate. Please feel free to mail/PM me in game for specifics.

Thank you for your consideration.