NA Jade Quarry LF Guild

NA Jade Quarry LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: dunksensei.9420


I’m recently getting back into the game after an extended break and looking for a guild to join. What I’m looking for would be a PvE or PvX guild that isn’t too hardcore because I need to take fairly long breaks from the game from time to time because of real-world obligations. My primary interests in joining a guild are world event/dungeon/WvW groups, missions, and of course buffs. In game I’m usually on my warrior, Vyker Ghostclaw, or my new necro, Reiho. Thread responses are preferred (easier to keep track of and sort through). Thanks, and looking forward to meeting some of you all in game.

NA Jade Quarry LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi there,

It sounds like Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry may be for you. We’re a medium-sized PvX guild, with a greater emphasis on PvE. By medium-sized, I mean we have 200+ members with 30-50 online during North America waking hours. Our guild has a fairly wide spectrum of players, from casual or new players to NA Top 1000 achievement hunters. You’ll also find that we’re a pretty fun group, with frequent joking around in guild chat or on our Mumble voice communications server.

Our members regularly group up for dungeons, fractals of all levels, and world events. Many of our members are regulars at JQ’s daily reset Tequatl. We do sPvP and WvW to a lesser extent – many of our members do those on their own and will sometimes group up if people are interested in going together. We run guild missions twice a week – Saturday and Wednesday evenings. We also do goofy guild events every few weeks. This past weekend, we rescued Santa Quaggan and his reindeer from the evil white charr. Zombie hide and week is also a staple guild activity.

We have no problems if you need to take breaks from the game. You are free to participate in the guild to whatever extent you feel comfortable/are able to. As a note, we do clean our guild roster monthly and remove any members who have been inactive for longer than a month. If you end up getting kicked for inactivity, we will send you mail in-game, and you should easily be able to get back in touch with us and get reinvited if you want to return.

I’ll contact you in-game later today when I get online. You’re free to give us a try, and no hard feelings if you decide we’re not for you.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

NA Jade Quarry LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sedanis.3650


Hey Dunksensei,

Tribe [TRB] is a “medium core” tight-knit PvX gaming community on JQ that runs Guild Missions Fri at 8pm CST, Dungeons through the week, and uses Mumble for voice chat.

We’re looking for:
- Skilled players that are willing to work with a team.
- Less experienced players that are willing to work hard and improve their game.
- Social members that have and use a mic when possible.

I’ll try to catch you ingame.

NA Jade Quarry LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Qoltera.3042


Hey guys, I’m in a similar situation with the OP. I also play on JQ and am also looking for a semi-casual guild so I don’t have to waste time with PuGs. I also want to get to know more people in the game so if either of you fine guild recruiters would want another member, who’s semi-experienced and willing to learn, send an invite my way