[NA] LF EXP Raiders for Scheduled Raid group

[NA] LF EXP Raiders for Scheduled Raid group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Skittles.7830


Hey guys and gals!

Currently, Team Rainbow of Vial of Salt[VoS] is actively recruiting experienced members to join our 4th guild raiding team! If you are experienced and looking for a NA primetime scheduled raid team then feel free to look at what we have to offer! Below is a list of our player requirements and expectations. If these expectations seem like something you would like to be part of feel free to contact me for a trial!

Raid Dates and Times
Monday-Wednesday 8PM EST
Each raid session will end after 2 hours or at the discretion of leadership
Please show up 15 minutes before the start time

Gear Expectations — In and Out of game
We expect you to be fully geared in ascended (unless the build allows for some exceptions) and to use the optimal consumable for your build.
We also expect for each member to have TS and a working mic.

We are currently in need of 2 tempest mains, 2 PS warriors, and 1 Chronomancer (DPS). We are looking for players that are very experienced with these classes in a raid setting. We also preference players that are able to play other classes in addition to these.

We trial our potential members in Spirit Vale and judge them on Ability to Communicate, Compatibility with current raid members, player expectations (above), and personal talent, willingness to explore new approaches, and ability to react outside of their comfort zone.
You will be evaluated under two main criteria—fights you are familiar with and fights you are playing a new role in. For familiar fights on familiar roles we will see how well you perform and if you carry yourself well. For fights that you are not familiar with and on roles you aren’t familiar with we will evaluate you on your communication and willingness to try the new role/fight.

Last Bit
We have some other expectations that we will make you aware of during the trial but these are our core values for our players. If this is something you would be interested in then give either of our raid leaders a shoutout. Our IGNs are Skittles.7830 and Darn.6532. Use the following format when mailing us in game:

  • Hello, I am:
  • My account name is:
  • I can play: (profession)
  • My Preferred classes/roles, in descending order, are as follows:

Thank you for your interest and hopefully we will see you around soon!

Vial of Salt [VoS]

(edited by Skittles.7830)