[NA]Looking for PvE or PvX Guild

[NA]Looking for PvE or PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: nikotuck.7259


Hello everyone! I am currently trying to get back into the game without an active guild to run with makes staying interested difficult. I am looking to join a PvE or PvX(blackgate based) guild that is looking for a player with an interest in running fractals, dungeons, and world bosses.

I’ve only gotten up to level 7 in Fractals and have yet to run most of the dungeons would like to learn. I mostly play warrior, but also have a ranger and guardian at 80 that I play from time to time. If you have any other questions you would like to ask me feel free to message me in game or ask on here. Thanks!

[NA]Looking for PvE or PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


I could always interest you in a spot in Wizened Wizards [WISE] guild. =)

We are a PvX (heavily focused to PvE) casual, yet structured, guild who wants to try to take part in all aspects that GW2 has to offer. Although we are a guild with growing numbers, we take more accustomed to the phrase ‘quality over quantity’, and that’s what we intend to do.

Being a casual guild, I have my rule of never removing one for inactivity; play at your leisure. Although I cannot assure you that you may/may not see many on at your time (especially with some schoolers/workers in the guild), we will definitely be on to have a great time with you!

Being a structured guild, while we don’t necessarily have a rep requirement as you join, we do keep an eye on this based to on our rank system, basically showing your loyalty/commitment to our guild, while always having fun with the other guilds.

If you want to take us into interest, and especially in becoming a member for us, you can always check out our guild expectations here -> http://i.imgur.com/lAPloUV.png

As always, a link to our recruitment thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/WISE-Wizened-Wizards-Casual-NSP-Server/page/2#post4706706

We do not make it required that you have to be on our home server (Northern Shiverpeaks) to join the guild at all, but if you plan to do WvW with us, then you will need to consider a transfer to NSP then. The type of voice communication we use is TeamSpeak 3, and I will try to get everyone to use it at that prime-time you listed!

Feel free to contact me in-game, as I will be sure to let you know of my response. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

[NA]Looking for PvE or PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Hey niko, welcome back!

If you run meta builds and gear and want to join a guild of similar-minded folk, check out the link in my signature. We’re looking for passionate, skilled dungeon-runners to join us on our daily tours. Let me know if you decide to give us a try.


[NA]Looking for PvE or PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


My guild’s on Tarnished Coast, not Blackgate, but I wish you the best in your guild search!