What is Project Knighthood:
We are an NA, PvE focused guild that, to put it simply, is like an extended family, only with hopefully less drama. Our goal is to provide a smaller, yet closer guild who can talk to each other about anything in addition to actually playing the game itself with each other. We try to give you a place to go, as well as a reason to log in!
Our recruitment process is thus- the first step is filling out a formal application, followed by an interview with myself, the recruitment officer. This is followed by a 2 week minimum ‘trial period.’ During this time, we invite you to our guild and Discord, and you have access to everything in the guild save the guild bank, special monthly guild events, and certain subforums on our guild website.
Requirements to Pass Muster: Different guilds have different requirements, depending on their size and goals as a guild. We strive for two things. Fostering a sense of community, as well as providing people to play with when online at least during popular hours. Our requirements reflect this. We ask that you be active within the game or strongly active in the guild Discord twice a week for your squire period, simple as that.
Other Requirements:
As a guild, we ask that we are your main PvE guild. As we also have a guild Discord, it’s also our strong hope that you use it, even if you can’t talk in voice, but it’s not a requirement. Our representation requirement is only that you rep us when doing major content with the guild, such as raids or guild missions. We do not have an age or experience requirement either. As a casual guild, that would directly contradict our style, after all! That being said, we do expect at least trace amounts of maturity, and we do have specific voice and drama-free policies in place. If you wish to know more, contact me or comment below.
Other Guild Information:
Guild Schedule: Our guild offers events 4 days a week that are open to any guild members, sponsored and ran by guild officers. These include fractals, dungeons, guild missions/events, and mapping/miscellaneous events, and lately, WvW, on a flexible schedule. Full members vote for what events the guild will promote on W/Th/F/Sun. 2 other days are used for progression raiding on M/Tu, which is selective to those who have passed our raid requirements. Speaking of, we hold open raiding on Saturday nights on a first-come basis in which any member (squires included) can partake. Our scheduled events happen starting at 9 CST to allow for the most members to make it, but you will often find at least a few members on before or after to do other content with.
Absences: Yes, we understand that real life does, in fact, happen (surprise!). We have policies in place that allow for both excused and unexcused absences, designed to allow some leeway but also prevent people from disappearing (to an extent. No system for this is ever perfect). If you don’t know if you’ll be able to meet the requirements for passing your squire period, just reach out! We allow extensions or re-applications should the situation call for it.
Current Recruitment: Slowed
We are currently have our target number of applicants and as such are deferring applications until after interviews take place. Once we get them sorted, we’ll open it up again on a person-by-person basis with more emphasis on the interview. TL;DR- you can still apply, but you may not get in immediately.
You actually made it through to the end, congrats! I admire your patience. If you’ve read my essay and still wish to apply, feel free to comment below with a way to reach out to you (via game, Discord, Reddit), or contact me yourself! I’ve linked all relevant information that you should need below.
Last but not least, I’m looking forward to meeting you! -SconeOfDoom
IGN: SconeOfDoom.8213
Discord (Have to add as friend to message): SconeOfDoom#1668
Website: http://knhd.enjin.com/ (Use this to check out our calendar and apply under the ‘Join Us’ tab in ‘About KNHD’!)
(edited by SconeOfDoom.8213)