(edited by KuraiandAlbel.2790)
[NA][PvE][PvX] The Love Bunnies [ILB]
10/10 Would hop with [ILB] again! <3
I am the other lovely leader of this adorable guild. Our little guild has really grown and I am proud of what we have accomplished already. We really pride ourselves in our members and are always looking to expand our family. We are not looking to become a massive community, we just want to create a group of friends that like to enjoy a wonderful game together. We want to help you build a character or characters you are proud of and feel comfortable playing across all game modes. We want you to enjoy your stay and we are always looking for feedback.
~Hunny Bear
(edited by Vennie.8341)
Hello again! Just a friendly bump to let everyone know that we are still recruiting for a few more members. We have a few new friends as of this weekend and we had a nice time doing all of the guild missions together. If you are looking for a smaller, close knit guild, then we will be a nice fit for you.
Hello! It has been awhile! I hope all of you were able to have a nice and relaxing holiday! Now since it is back to grind (literally due to last minute Winter’s Day Farming), I decided to bump this thread back up! Since we are still recruiting. In fact, we upgraded our capacity for members, so that we will have a better base active rate so we can easily party up for Fractals, Raids, Dungeons, you name it!
Need more Bunnies! :o Thank you, please.
Another friendly bump and reminder that we are still looking for new members. Our activity levels has been rising, which has been a really wonderful, fun, and amazing experience. In fact, our weekly guild mission runs have been having a nice turn out, and it is a great time for everyone to chat and get to work together as a team. We would love to welcome more members to our cute family. Please feel free to message us if you are interested!
Bump for the Bunnies! Need more cuteness!
Hello again! It has been awhile since the last bump, but we are still recruiting members. Unfortunately our activity base has been dropping again, I am sure other guilds are seeing this as well, and we are still looking for friendly members that can call our guild home. We still run daily fractals and love teaching new people the ropes.
We have also begun running more dungeons on a weekly basis along with doing Raids once a week. In fact! We had our first Vale Guardian kill last week! That was very exciting. We were also very close to taking down Gorseval with about ~10% health.
We would love for you all to join in on the fun! Especially on Saturday evenings when we host our guild missions. Hope to hear from you soon!
I am very interested, as I am a casual player that tries to go on daily for a bit. I am mainly active on the weekends. I am also a new player (Level 26 Charr Elementalist) looking for a small guild to talk to and have fun with. One question, what is discord? I have ts3 and skype if that helps.