(edited by Windemere.6534)
[NA][PvX] New Outriders [NOR] Family Friendly
New Outriders had a great month, welcoming several new recruits and enjoying the newly scheduled events. Below is the Guild Wars 2 report from our monthly newsletter. We are still recruiting, so if NOR sounds like the right guild for you apply now or feel free to contact me in game with any questions.
NORnews issue 38 March 2016 – Guild Wars 2
In the past month, the Guild Wars 2 branch leaped through an Asura gate leaving behind its former NOMAD status and landing back in Tyria as a re-launched Barony! If you are, or ever have been interested in playing Guild Wars 2 but have not seen the forums lately, we encourage you to check out all the updates. We have several new guides, helpful tips and tricks, role-playing discussion, and fun screenshots of our characters and experiences.
With the re-launch of the branch we have already seen some great additions. Congratulations to Ismene on her well-deserved promotion to Knight, and a hearty welcome to our three new recruits Andremus, Sister, and AnubisShado! We hope everyone enjoys their time in the guild. We will continue to focus on growing the Guild Wars 2 branch with more quality recruits over the next several weeks.
We now have three weekly recurring, scheduled events! We will be running dungeons on Wednesday night, Fractals on Saturday night, and a rotating mix of different events on Sunday afternoons. We expect to be running even more events (both scheduled and unscheduled) as we pursue claiming a guild hall, expanding our guild perks, and eventually taking on the newest raid. We have tons to do and see as a guild, including PvP and WvW, and we’re excited to explore all of it.
NOR is not the only one undergoing significant changes as ArenaNet has unveiled a very transparent and informative AMA on what’s going on in their studio. There is a splendid chest’s worth of information contained in Dulfy’s GW2 Reddit Developer AMA Summary. They have some promising updates coming to the Heart of Thorns game-play, WvW, and Living Season 3 later this year.
It’s a great time to jump in and play Guild Wars 2 with NOR. We have a dedicated group of players who are happy to help out and group up for open world events. Remember that Guild Wars 2 has a generous free to play model so it’s easy to jump in and get a taste of the game!
Baron Windemere
Over the last few weeks, NOR has enjoyed the promotion of several recruits to full members as well as the addition of several more. The people who have joined and actively spent time with us have testified to the organized, friendly, and relaxed, drama free atmosphere we bring. If you’re looking for a friendly and mature guild that is on the smaller and growing side, I encourage you to fill out an application and come hang out with us!
NOR has been busy expanding its Gilded Hallows guild hall and now offers 3% XP boost and is just 2 kegs shy of the karma boost. Even as a smaller guild we have some dedicated and active members who are working hard to outfit our home. Want to be a part of it? Fill out our online application today!
It feels like we have really hit our stride recently with boss zergs, dungeon and fractal runs, and PvP groups getting together on a daily basis. We just unlocked the PvE mission slot for guild missions and look forward to running them.
Are you a friendly, mature player looking for a growing but stable guild with a diverse set of interests? Check out our recruitment post at the top of this thread and if we sound like a good match for you, fill out our online application today!
NOR is still actively recruiting. Curious what we’re up to? You can check it out in our latest monthly newsletter or just read what’s been happening in our Guild Wars 2 branch below:
NORnews May 22nd 2016 issue #040
It’s hard to believe that only one month has passed since the last newsletter as we have seen a lot of changes to both the game and the NOR branch, and all very positive! The HUGE spring quarterly update introduced sweeping changes to various rewards, the Heart of Thorns map meta, WvW, and several other quality of life improvements. As many people have delightfully observed, “Every part of the game is relevant again.”
NOR has been very busy doing whatever it takes to expand the Gilded Hollow guild hall, to the point that many of us saw little tiny flax plants when closing our eyes at night. Since initially claiming it last month, we have added the Tavern, the Mine, the Workshop, the Market, and are on the cusp of completing the first step towards the Arena. Several additional upgrades have provided the guild with numerous perks. The scribing station at the workshop allows you to access both your personal bank and material storage. We have added guild swiftness to the hall to make your errands go faster, and there is a free XP or Karma boost available at the tavern. We have a repair anvil, guild bank, and merchant all right near the entry waypoint to help process your loot! Please keep an eye on the forums and the guild panel message to see what we’re working on and what resources are needed for the next expansion.
Speaking of forums, please take some time to visit them regularly! We get a lot of questions about end-game gearing (especially fractal infusions), and guild hall expansion requirements – many of which are covered in the Guild Wars 2 area of the NOR forums. So if you don’t do so already, please check them out. Some specific threads of interest would be our GW2 Event Schedule, End Game Gearing Guide, Guild Hall Subforum, and of course Post pictures of your characters!
Over the next month, we will continue to run our weekly events for dungeons, fractals, and the Sunday SIEGE event. We’ve already begun more frequent guild missions in order to provide favor towards the guild hall, but also because the personal rewards are very useful for purchasing valuable items like Ascended accessories! As we continue to gear up and become more proficient with the harder content, we will definitely be looking forward to trying out the Forsaken Thicket raid as well. ArenaNet have introduced some interesting new achievements over the past couple of weeks with the Unidentified Lodestone and Bandit Bounty events. These seem to be precursors to the Living Season 3 content that is expected to be out later this year. There is a lot of exciting content for NOR to tackle for the foreseeable future!
With all that lies ahead, we’re happy to enjoy it with a growing group of great people. We welcome Burnedd, Dasaybz, Razirya, Elyon, Dr. Frankenheket, and Marcack as our latest squires. We also saw the return of Knight Alaer and former NOR recruit Armstrong to the GW2 branch. We have many new recruits checking out NOR for the first time and seeing what makes us great: Koviana, Ruzz, Dragung, Kaya, Xyain, Ormazd, CrazyChipmunk, Fanaira, ViVi, Mangageek, and Aramlug. We send you all a warm welcome and hope you enjoy the game to its fullest with us.
There are a lot of exciting things on the horizon for the Guild Wars 2 branch. We’re looking forward to exploring it together and welcome anyone else who wants to come along with us! Guild Wars 2 has a generous free to play model so it’s easy to jump in and get a taste of the game.
Hey, newly back playing gw2 again. Played @launch and only made it to 59, but I’ve been playing for a solid month now and I’ve got to say the game is far better now. I have one 80 atm and have been working on mastering my weapon/armorsmithing to craft legendaries
Anyways I saw the post and am definitely interested in joining.
Yesterday the GW2 branch of NOR held its second guild meeting since its relaunch a few months ago. We spent some time doing promotions, talking about our near term goals for the guild, having some giveaways, and then knocking out four of the weekly guild missions! If we sound like the type of guild you would enjoy, feel free to message me here, in game, or just go ahead and fill out the online application today.
- Nimue – Baroness
- Fana – Squire
- Aran – Squire
- Ernie – Squire
Congrats to Alaer and Aran for their black lion keys and to Fana on her dye pack from the gem store! We also had a nice Balthazar Hammer Skin, but we decided to save that for a special NORbie that couldn’t be present due to illness.
Announcements and Planning
- We will continue recruiting, mostly through reddit and the ArenaNet forums and by word of mouth.
- We will also be looking to appoint one more officer whose playstyle lends itself to high end PvE end game. We’ll be looking for someone knowledgeable in gearing, a wide range of class builds, etc.
- We will continue to work on expanding the guild hall. Please take a look at the “Message of the Day” from the guild panel to see how you can contribute. Many hands make the work light!
- We will continue running our weekly events. If there is something else you would like to see the guild do, let an officer know or feel free to coordinate one yourself!
- We want to raid! We will be putting together a forum to help us organize who is available with which classes and at what level of gear they currently have. We’ll also work on figuring out the best time of the week to get together for it.
- Forums! If you’re here, that’s great!
We would like to remind people to visit the forums on a weekly basis to stay informed on current goals and to help organize events.
- A general reminder that as we grow, we will continue to support a diverse set of play styles. This has gone very smoothly for us so far and we hope to keep it that way! We can all do our part by communicating our interests clearly when organizing group content. For example, “Looking to do a fast paced run through Crucible of Eternity explorer mode path”, “Looking to do a slow paced, casual story run of Twilight Arbor”, “Looking to do some fractals requiring agony resistance of 20 or less”, etc.
Guild Missions
We successfully ran the following guild missions, giving us a nice boost in guild favor and 5 guild commendations to each person that participated in every event!
- Bounty Mission (easy) – Poobadoo
- Guild Race (easy) – Devourer Burrow
- Guild Trek (medium) – Found 15 random locations in the allotted time.
- Guild Race (hard) – Bear Lope
It was really great to see NORbies support each other and make sure everyone finished a race or got credit during the events. It was a wonderful team effort, thanks to all for making it a fun time!
(edited by Windemere.6534)
If you guys do raiding I would love to join you guys for fun. I am quite experienced but hate being around tryhards or so called “pros”. Also what is your rep policy?
Greetings ICY,
We’re just getting organized for raiding at the moment, seeing what roles we have and at what gearing levels. We’re probably a few weeks off yet but would certainly welcome people interested in getting aboard early assuming that they fit in with the culture we have here otherwise.
We don’t have a strict rep policy right now, but it’s our intention (and the usual scenario) that people make us their primary home. Most people who rep other guilds do so for special or temporary purposes (scribing guilds, etc.).
Thanks for your interest.
Happy Father’s day to all the dads out there! If you’re looking for a drama free and family friendly place to spend your time in Guild Wars 2, give us a look!
Last night we finished building the arena in the Gilded Hollow guild hall! We continue to enjoy slow and steady growth here and looking forward to venturing into the Forsaken Thicket before long. If you’re looking for a stable, friendly home, read more about us in the first post of the thread.
New Outriders is still recruiting and enjoying steady growth. We had some fun runs with Ruined City of Arah the past week, we’re pushing into higher level fractals, and we have laid out our raiding requirements as we prepare to make our first foray into it.
If you’re looking for a place to call home where you can experience a wide variety of content at your own pace, with friendly, mature, and supportive players, give us a look and consider filling out an application!
We’re excited about the content coming for the LS3 update! We’re helping any people who are looking to finish up their Heart of Thorns story and expecting to make our first run into Forsaken Thicken soon. We have regularly scheduled activities and enjoy running other pickup runs for fractals and other grouped content. Our current schedule is as follows:
Monday, 9pm EST – Guild Missions
Wednesday, 9pm EST – Dungeons
Friday, 9pm EST – Raid Team
Sunday, 1:30pm EST – SIEGE (group content that changes focus from week to week between fractals, dungeons, guild or meta events, etc.)
If you’re looking for a small to medium sized guild with friendly and mature players, check us out!
NORnews July 24th 2016 issue #041 – Guild Wars 2 Branch
While the heat of summer may be encouraging some of us to slow down and take it easy, it certainly hasn’t impeded ArenaNet’s support for Guild Wars 2, and our NOR branch has continued to grow right alongside of it. Since the May newsletter, we have graduated from our provisional status and re-affirmed ourselves as a full Duchy. After a series of little teaser events popping up from maintenance patches, ArenaNet have officially launched Living Season 3 to begin on July 26th!
We have continued to make steady progress with Guild Hall upgrades, working our way up to level 20! The dueling Arena is completed and we have added a very useful Guild Portal, several types of resource nodes, and a magic find boost to the tavern. We have upgraded several other areas and added decorations. We will continue to chip away at additional upgrades and post the current list of items needed in the “Message of the Day” from the guild panel, as well as posting on the forums. Please take a moment now and then to see how you might contribute. As we move into the higher level upgrades the demands also increase, so distributing the load will certainly help a lot.
We have revised our weekly event schedule, which now reserves time for Guild Missions on Monday, Dungeons on Wednesday, Raiding on Friday, and a Sunday afternoon “S.I.E.G.E” that changes focus on a rotating basis. Sign-ups are posted in the events sub-forum, which is a great place to reserve your spot and/or suggest any specific things you would like to do during an event. While we’re still short of having ten people who are willing and able to raid on a regular basis, we have added a time slot to reserve it. We will consider filling in empty slots with pickup groups if we have around 7 or more NORbies, otherwise we will look at doing some other kind of challenging end-game content on those nights, such as Arah explorer paths or Twilight Arbor Aetherblade. If you are interested in raiding, please take a look at our Raiding Requirements and Group Composition discussions and let us know. We’re happy to help people get ready if they are interested and willing to put in the time.
New content is on the way with Living Season 3, starting July 26th! ArenaNet will be starting episodic releases with new personal stories, a fractal, the return of a revised PvP map called Revenge of the Capricorn, and several other changes that should make for exciting times ahead. The LS3 story will pick up where Heart of Thorns ended, and they have discounted the game by 50% for the week of July 20th through the 27th. If you have not purchased the expansion yet, this is a perfect time to upgrade your account as it comes with some great content in itself, and will also permanently unlock your ability to play LS3 for free so long as you login during the time it is active. For more details on Living Season 3, check out Dulfy’s summary, which includes a link to a very spoiler heavy trailer – so fair warning!
The near future is looking bright for Guild Wars 2 and we’re thankful to have everyone in NOR to help us enjoy it. If you have been thinking about trying it out, now is terrific time to do so and you can always try it for free. Happy gaming!
PM sent.
Guilds that cross different games are the wave of the future!
Tired of playing the game solo or always relying on LFG, and rather yearning for a home? Read the overview for New Outriders in this thread and send in your application today. We’re still highly interested in adding more like-minded members to our fun and drama-free group. We look forward to playing with you.
NORnews Aug. 21st, 2016 issue #042 – Guild Wars 2 Branch
The Guild Wars 2 branch has enjoyed a month of gobbling up new content, working together to complete achievements, and continuing renovations at the Guild Hall. The world of Tyria continues to unfold with strange and ominous events as experienced during Living Season 3, the appearance of Bloodstone Creatures, and possibly the sightings of ghostly anomalies throughout the land, but in truth we just suspect that Zyera is going crazy.
We have continued running weekly events for guild missions, dungeons, and an assortment of activities for our Sunday afternoon gatherings. We’ve seen a lot of great collaboration between guild members for obtaining difficult to get Tyrian mastery points from fractals and the diving goggles achievement. We continue to plan for raiding, and have reached out to a like-minded guild to form a raiding alliance. Details are still be worked out, so stay tuned for more updates!
After successfully upgrading our market and guild decorations trader, we are setting our sights on the Guild Memorial. This will be a really nice way to honor fallen NOR members and their loved ones. Please keep an eye on the message of the day from the Guild Panel to see how you can help. We congratulate Valikk on his well deserved promotion to Count; Mango, Fana, Aranhawk, and Elyon on their promotions to Knight; and our newest squire Cheese! We appreciate all the contributions they have made to NOR.
The upcoming months continue to present a lot of new and entertaining opportunities in GW2. ArenaNet will be celebrating their four year anniversary, so keep an eye out for sales at the gem store for any goodies you’ve been waiting to pick-up. If you have been thinking about trying out Guild Wars 2, now is terrific time to do so and you can always try it for free. Happy gaming!