[NA]Random PUG Group [RPG], A PvE/Raid Guild

[NA]Random PUG Group [RPG], A PvE/Raid Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: UnawarePolarBear.9502


Random PUG Group [RPG] was founded during the launch of Raid Wing 1 [Spirit Vale] by a core group of friends simply looking for a place to get kills reliably. We accomplish our goal quite consistently and comfortably and have decided that we’d like to share the experience with anyone who is willing.

We’ve since expanded to fractals and dungeon runs and most of our members enjoy and encourage other players to experience all types of content in Guild Wars 2. We’re incredibly enthusiastic about future and current content in the Guild Wars franchise.

Moreover, multiple members of [RPG] have experience leading guilds, raiding, and teaching other players.

[RPG] is looking for players who are skilled and want to learn raids, or already have existing experience in raids. We are also looking for members who are interested in dungeons and fractals. We’re an incredibly open group and like new ideas as well as trying new strategies. Moreover, our group is looking for new friends and new experiences. Our current goal is to flesh out more raid teams and expand RPG to be a mainstay guild for us and others.

[RPG] is looking for members who are open to criticism, learning, and ultimately the betterment of the guild as a whole.

To get a better feel of the guild and what we’ve accomplished, enjoy these lovely videos. As a precaution, some of them have some [NSFW] language!

Moreover, we’ve also recently begun offering guild missions as well as expanding our guild hall, Gilded Hallow, in order to provide upgrades as well as other neat things for the guild. We’ve made a lot of progress and have already reached Guild Level 11 in an incredibly short amount of time, as we have quite a few passionate people.

Have no fear though, if you don’t want to raid, our group can usually be found doing a various amounts of PvE Content. We’re sure you’d fit in somewhere.

As you can see, we’re a pretty relaxed group, and always try to bathe in the dank memes and fun that can be had while raiding and playing Guild Wars 2.

We’re incredibly optimistic that [RPG] is the right guild for you.

You can mail/whisper UnawarePolarBear.9502 (Ailarin, Ailenthus, Raenhart, etc.) if you’d like to join! If you’re interested in joining a raid team, please make sure that you note that in your mail! If you have any questions, just post below and I’d be happy to answer them.