[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


IMPORTANT: Once HoT launches we will be closing recruitment as we won’t be able to trial new recruits since we will be focused on raiding and everything else the expansion offers. There is a possibility that recruitment will reopen once we get the content on farm, but that could be months after release. If you want to join you need to join as soon as possible.

Currently Recruiting: Everything. We are interested in talent, class is not an issue. We are looking for people who can commit and be consistent for our core group. We are also recruiting for our secondary groups that might not be as demanding of peoples time.

Website: Here

Schedule: We don’t have anything set in stone yet. Once I receive enough feedback about peoples schedules I can make sure everybody is sorted out and able to raid at the times they want. Our main core group has very limited slots, about 1-2 left. This group will be looking to raid as much as possible. If that means 5 days a week for 5 hours a day we will do it. If people are on to raid we will be raiding. If another guild is pulling more hours and getting better results then we will pull more hours. If you are interested in this group let me know asap.

Our second raid group still has a few spots open, about 5. This group will be less time demanding, and will more than likely be aimed towards people on the east coast, or west coast players who are getting out of school/work. This group will probably be raiding 2-4 hours about 3+ days a week.

Our third raid group is the weekend group and semi weekday group. They will pull decent hours on the weekend, approximately 3-5 on Saturday and/or Sunday, and depending on peoples schedules Friday and any day in between.

Our fourth group and beyond will be a guild/friend pug group. This will be the least consistent and most sporadic of the groups but a great group nonetheless. It will be the group that forms with people who just want to raid at that time.

Unfortunately I do not know the exact raid times as of right now. These are approximations as of right now but keep checking back in the coming months as I will continue to update this thread. Join soon to get priority on votes for raid times. These are subject to change.

Focus: Raiding. We are after world firsts. Afterwards we can focus on things like Fractals and Dungeons. We expect you to already know how to do Dungeons. Dungeons at this point are the skill equivalent of Silverwastes and map completion. Although we are focused on raiding, poor performance in the other aspects of PvE will not be accepted.

Guild Values:

We want #1. We are competitive and we’ll be going for any advantage possible. Optimal group comp, players, schedule, it doesn’t matter, we have our goal.

Community. Be open minded, accept criticism, and understand that you are part of a team and not against each other. I’d say have some thick skin but if insults and words become too heated it will become an issue. If somebody messes up there won’t be any raging or yelling, we expect them to realize their mistake and/or accept the suggestion to fix it. We like chill people, so be chill.

No arbitrary rules. We don’t care if you are 12. We don’t care if you’re a girl. Live in your moms basement. Or run a smuggling business. Whatever it is we expect you are a decent human being and know how to act properly.

Teamwork. I feel like this is obvious but I’ll say it anyway. You are part of a group, there are other people who now rely on you. Do not let them down and they won’t let you down.

Equality. Nobody will be getting special treatment. I don’t care if you are the best player in the world, if you are disrespectful to your guildmates you will be handled. If you participated in the raid you are equal to everyone else.

What we can provide for you:

Solid Teammates. You can ask anybody in guild chat for a run and know it will go as smooth as possible. If for some reason players aren’t up to the standard then it will be dealt with by me and them privately. Since everybody is good and friendly it comes natural that there aren’t any cliques or one good group carrying the rest. If you haven’t ran with competent, open-minded players that you can rely on then you need to try it, it is unlike anything any other guild can offer.

Quality over Quantity. We will deliver hard, fast, solid progression through raids. The hours might seem like a lot but overall our attempt counts and hours will be much shorter in the longhaul. It will be intense the first couple of weeks/months, but once we figure it out it will definitely become super relaxed.

Our expectations:

Skill. We want players who can come up with new ideas and present them with confidence. We are also interested in playing with people who have a strong understanding of their main and any alt they play.

Loyalty. If you leave the guild you will not be invited back. We expect you to rep outside of things such as personal guild banks, wvw, and pvp guilds. Rep us when we’re doing raids, fractals, and dungeons. If you rep just to use us as an LFG it will get noticed very quickly.

Your priorities. If you decide it’s a good idea to wash your car instead of showing up to our schedule, or going out to buy pizza and show up 20 minutes late that won’t be acceptable.

Alts. The more the merrier. You must know how to play an alternate class other than your main. If you can play all classes at a high level then that’s what we’re looking for. If you can only play one class you’re just shooting yourself in the foot.

All right, so how do I apply?

You can begin your application process by clicking here

All of us are super pumped to finally have raids and we certainly hope you are as well!

One final note if you have any questions you can message me in game, my IGN is Dom

(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Guild Missions currently being built!


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: December.3580


Really great guild

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: December.3580


The trial is super good guys, a lot of fun!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: floorpoop.8671



[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: December.3580


If you guys wanna challenge yourselves this is a great guild to do so!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Guild Bounty is built!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Heylo.4938


pretty sick guild furshore

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: December.3580


Solid guild looking for more players

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Errant.1509


If you need people to fill out runs feel free to give me a ring, but I can’t commit to 100% rep, GL!
IGN: Shadow Sanctuary

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: bumperkarl.7825


This guild. This guild right here.

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Are e-daters allowed in your guild?

Yes. We also allow Love Triangles.

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sylvaranti.6021


Hey there, I’m interested. Applied!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


New Raids hype! Try us out and see how it goes!


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


The future is here. With the announcement of raids we are now interested in skilled players to join us in competing for world firsts

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Existencex.9712


to da top.
some SICK d00dz

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


We’ve been getting a lot of good players we are still interested in potential raiders!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Futureproof your pve experience by joining the best guild in NA. Apply and see if you have what it takes.
