[NA][SF] Returning player lf PvX guild

[NA][SF] Returning player lf PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Destrayer.1943


Lf Pvx guild, willing to transfer later on.
Current Server: Sorrows Furnance [Na}
Time zone: EST
Play style: 80 theif atm, very hit and run, can co-ordinate well with WvW groups.
I am usually on 2pm to 2am Est on weekdays depending on my work scheduale.

[NA][SF] Returning player lf PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


Hey Destrayer. Our guild is PvX, with a focus in WvW. Many of us are in the EST timezone and play from 8pm to about 2am EST during weekdays. We’re located on the Sea of Sorrows. (though we are currently in discussion for a possible transfer to Tier 1 within the next week)

If you haven’t found a guild yet, feel free to read more about us on our website! – http://www.coostorybro.com

-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

(edited by xinglam.1857)