[NA] finally deciding I should join a guild.

[NA] finally deciding I should join a guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: GinghamLion.3614


Hey there, so I’m a semi experienced player, no expert by any means. But I’ve been playing without a guild this whole time. I have 1 level 80 thief, and a few alts I’m working on. But here’s what I want out of the game, and subsequently, out of the guild I’m looking to join:

I like dungeon runs. I’d love to do any dungeon, with by group, as long as they’re patient and willing to teach/instruct. I’m not good at Arah, but I’m looking to learn.
I play a good deal of spvp, so a PvX guild is necessary. I just invested in a few different sets for WvW roaming so I’d like a small group to roam with as well.
I’ve never done fractals, but again, I’m interested in learning.
To be picky, I don’t want a HUGE guild. I want to get to know the people I’m playing with.
I’ve also not done many world events, and I’m interested in doing those as well.

Basically I’m looking for a guild that will be fun to play with, and also help me better myself in this game.

That’s mostly it. I’m interested in hearing from you all.

[NA] finally deciding I should join a guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: makarios.7254



Tyria is best played with pals, as you may have heard from the locals, “The roads aren’t safe out there.”

[Salt] of the earth is a founding guild on the Fort Aspenwood server. We are a Christian/ Family Friendly community. Our community website encompasses many other games but the primary, atm, being GW2. We have an active Facebook group where we not only share gaming stuffs but also RL issues/ praises/ concerns/ passions.

Our GW2 schedule looks like this:
• Monday: 9pm EST we have teamspeak prayer time
• Monday: 9:30pm EST fractal runs for beginners
• Tuesday: 9pm EST WvW havoc and zerg squads
• Wednesday: 9pm EST dungeon runs (beginner +) we run story first for those that don’t have then progress (as time permits) to path runs.
• Thursday: 9pm EST WvW havoc and zerg squads
• Friday: 9pm EST tPVP and sPVP events
• Saturday: 9pm EST fractal (mid to high level fractal runs)
• Sunday: 9pm EST guild missions

We try to make something available at least once-a-day for our community.

We emphasis quality of attitude over quantity of players. We welcome anyone, not just Christians. We do not beat you down with the Bible. At peak times (evening EST) we have 20-30 active members a day. At presence, we have 154 on our roster.

If any more questions, please send an in-game PM or mail to makarios.7254

Pharseer Makarios // Charr Mesmer