Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] –
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks –
(edited by xivor.8754)
Chariot of Fire [FIRE] is a Christ-centered, family-friendly PvX fellowship that is located on the Northern Shiverpeaks server in Guild Wars 2. Originally created in 2007 in the first Guild Wars, the [FIRE] guild has a rich history within the Guild Wars community. Our members share a common goal: to enjoy the game in a God-honoring, family-friendly gaming environment. Our guild is based upon four major tenants that define us:
The very essence of our guild is a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our goal to be a Christ-Centered community and we desire to honor God in all that we do. It is our belief that our faith is primary and our gaming is secondary, and we have a strong hope that others we interact with see Christ shining through us.
Our goal is for every member to play in a comfortable environment where they are in control of the conduct they absorb. By maintaining a family-friendly environment, our gaming fellowship is safe for gamers of all ages. We have established a Biblically-based Standards of Conduct that aids in maintaining our family-friendly environment.
Fellowship is what drives us to play with each other. We are more than an in-game character, but a real person that lives on past the log-in screen. We encourage fully immersing into the social experience that comes with our fellowship, which includes in-game collaboration, website communication, and Teamspeak communication.
Jesus met with people where they were at, and He built relationships with those people, regardless of stature. We are not an exclusive guild that wishes to hide away. We wish to build relationships with those in the community around us, and use our Godly example of Christ to positively influence them for Jesus. We regularly interact with others in our server community, and we hope to continue to be highly regarded as a friendly and helpful community.
[FIRE] members engage in group activities in all areas of Guild Wars 2. Our guild has a active footprint in WvW and are steadily working to improve our effectiveness on the battlefield. In addition to WvW, we have a healthy level of casual weekly PvE activities that we engage in. Our desire is to have a healthy balance between WvW raiding and PvE activities. We will accept new members from ANY server, but those that wish to participate in our growing WvW sector will need to be on Northern Shiverpeaks or be willing to transfer to NSP from their current server.
World Versus World:
Weekly Coordinated Raids | Casual Havoc | Casual EOTM (leveling)
Player Versus Environment:
Weekly Guild Missions | Casual Dungeon/Fractals | Casual HoT Raids | Casual Farming | Casual Living Story
Structured Player Versus Player:
Casual sPvP
Times of Activity
Though we have members that play all hours of the day, our busiest and “official” play times are as follows:
Social Activity
Contact Information
Contact any of our officer team here or in-game at any time with any questions or concerns!
(edited by xivor.8754)
Bumping up for all the right reasons. We are looking to grow a fellowship of well-rounded players. Those that are new to and wish to learn WvW but feel insecure with a competative environment are welcome! Faith-based, family-friendly, community-driven!
Gained a few new members, some NSP members, some on other servers. Had a few good raids in WvW, and really enjoying the T4 matchup this week with IoJ and DH! Also, had a nice lil mentorship activity where we brought some new members around to the various world bosses and introduced new PvE activities to them.
All types of game-play accepted! We do tend to have more organized WvW events than other activities, but there are plenty of impromptu group activities going on as well! Christ-Centered, Family-Friendly, Community-Minded.
Welcome to the new members we gained in the past week! We hope your stay with us is an enjoyable one!
We are looking to bolster our group PvE content activity. We have been talking about running guild SW raids, and bolstering up a Fractal night with multiple groups of varying levels possibly.
As well, we wish to re-build some of our WvW activity to bring us back up to a 15-20 person guild raid for our major guild raids. RL has caused some of our activity to lessen, so new blood would be a nice addition! New to WvW? No problem. All we want is a family-friendly demeanor, a willingness to learn, and the ability to get on TS and remain social with us as we teach and raid!
Anyone looking for a family-like community will find it within [FIRE]! I have known this guild for awhile now and I look up to them and respect them SO much! They are hilarious, driven, intelligent, compassionate, chill, fun, and so respectful! I feel so honored to know them, hang out with them, and run with them in WvW from time to time! You want a good guild? Then I highly encourage you to take a closer look at [FIRE]!
Thanks for the kind words, Trista. We love running WvW events with you guys! Good luck in your recruitment efforts as well!
Xivor hows things over there in NSP now that you had some decent matchups for once, you guys having fun I hope, stay safe old friend.
Xivor is a good guy, and I support his desire to build a community like [FIRE]. If you want some experienced WvW then this guild will work for you. If I was in NSP, this would be the community that I would be looking for.
We are currently rebuilding our WvW section. Since Christmas, we have lost a few major WvW players to higher tiered servers after being stuck in a lopsided T2/T3 matchup for months straight. We also have had a fairly decent number of WvW-centric players get blasted with life issues and are currently taking a break for a bit.
But, we had a good, solid 18 FIRE members raiding last night. We did some BL defense in NSP BL, and then put some pressure into DH BL, locking down the southeastern corner for the rest of the night, including Hills. Even in lopsided matchups like we have been having, FIRE pushes on and strives to have fun even when the going gets tough.
We train our own, so those new to WvW are welcome here. Our guild is perfect for someone that falls into the following categories:
“I am a Christian, and I want a family friendly guild to do some PvE without cursing and lewd conversation. I might even dabble in WvW in a friendly group once in a while.”
“I am a Christian, and I value clean, family-friendly conversation. I love WvW and would love a clean, coordinated guild that focuses on fellowship over elitism. I also do some PvE on occasion.”
“I used to be scared to WvW because I was not good enough. I would love to learn the ropes. I do a ton of SW, though! I am not a Christian, but I am willing to hold the standards of conversation set by the guild!”
If you are anything similar to the above, then we would be the perfect guild for you. No elitism. Friendly, God-honoring, focused on the player over the skill.
And though I post a lot about WvW, this is NOT all we do. We are a balanced PvE guild. We have people running SW, dungeons, sPvP and many other activities on a daily basis!
BTW, thanks for the shout outs, guys. I miss you, XTD! Things are not bad. I reflected on some guild struggles in my previous post. We are overcoming them! T2/3 is a killer, but it won’t stop us. We handled the fall of SoR…three times, lol. We can handle this!
Some good fun and fellowship in the past few days. Did some awesome SW runs and saw some good exotic drops. Had a PvE Fellowship Night last night that saw some dungeon runs and other open world PvE content. We followed with an impromptu, unscheduled small WvW raid to help defend our BL. FIRE is always trying to do things together. Tonight and tomorrow, we hope to have an outstanding turnout for WvW. Hope we get a balanced T3/4 matchup!
Hoping for a big turnout for tonight’s raid! Last Saturday, we raided with 18 FIRE members!
Slowly rebuilding our activity after some attrition due to T2/T3 imbalance. Have some outstanding new members transferred down from T1/T2 and looking forward to building more diversity in our raids. Raided on Saturday with 15, looking to increase our numbers to 18-20 each raid! We are balanced between PPT and fights, and our goal is to have fun. We have a healthy combination of jokes and laughter on TS combined with fight coordination and call-outs. Looking for those that desire a family-friendly environment, free from cursing, improper conversation, and raging, Though we are a Christian-based guild, we do not require our members to be born-again Christians. We just require all members to abide by simple standards of conduct that are Biblically based that build our family-friendly gaming environment. WvW skill is not required…we will train! We just ask that you be flexible and willing to learn and adapt! Apply at our website application at:
21 members participated in our Guild Meeting/Guild Missions last night. Outstanding turnout! Outside of WvW, there is plenty of PvE to be had! SW, dungeons, and more. Just talked about having some time for our newer players in starter maps teaching jumping puzzles and mini dungeons on our Thursday PvE Fellowship Night. With FIRE, there is always some fun to be had, and family friendly, too!
Did I mention? FIRE has the honor of having several husband-wife, brother-brother, father-son members! In act, I believe we have several married couples in our midst (self included, as my wife is in FIRE, too…and my brother!
FIRE is very deeply rooted in being a comfortable, friendly place. Our standards are based on a faith background, and we are deeply rooted in each other. Many members have stated that they are here with us, not because of our performance on the battlefield or how well we do PvE content, but because of the community we have here.
Looking for more new friends that want an immersive experience!
Solid impromptu raid last night….brought 15 out randomly and papered most enemy towers in EB. FIRE is currently more PPT-oriented now, but hopes to improve in fights as we train our newer members in tactics and builds. Raiding offically 3 days a week, with other occasional impromptu raids. In need of DPS eles and power necros, but FIRE does not recruit based upon profession. We recruit based upon those that wish to be part of and engage in a family-friendly community!
Friday night reset! Hope to have some fun on the battlefield!
Had a couple amazing fights on the battlefield! FIRE fielded 15+ for Friday and Saturday, and we had huge success. Last night, FIRE led the NSP main effort on EB and had some amazing, successful fights against IOJ and DH that left our inventory overflowing with bags. So glad that we could be part of such an amazing community here on NSP. Best community we have found!
We are at our 100 member milestone! Come join the fun! Still raiding 3 times a week in WvW with an average of 15 per raid. Also, started up sPVP night on Tuesdays on order to grow in our small scale tactics and 1v1 capabilities. Message me for more info!
I am gonna bump this thread for this awesome guild
(edited by Tigerfangs.5018)
Wow,. a third [FIRE] thread. Xivor, just how many [FIRE] threads are there?! I’ll bump this one too – very happy to have these guys on NSP.
I lost track. :-P
FIRE was out on the prowl today in WvW. Had a great time working together with MEGA, RISE, and ZoS! Teamwork builds community, and community is what we live for! Looking for some community-minded members. Though we are a Christian guild, anyone that is looking for a family-friendly gaming environment is welcome. Just fill out our application and our officers will spend a couple daus voting on your app! Located at
We are doing well. Rebuilded up on the battlefield after some attrition due to the imbalanced matchups. Our raids vary in size from 12 to 27 now, averaging 15. We have some great friends on NSP, and we love to work together with the groups here.
Very different than T1/2 servers. Less elitist, less hardcore, more friendly. Very much like what we were hoping SoR would become. Still major coverage gaps, however. I wouldn’t change ve8bg here for anything at this point, however.
When you knew us on SoR, we had like 5-10 in the guild. We now have 107 with 9 applicants pending, and currently 66 on NSP. Substantial growth for a Christian guild. We love it!
Had an awesome training night last night. We had some Guardian training, as recorded below:
And then we immediately moved into a defense of our EB keep and then some awesome fights as we took back our EB corner. This is the EB defense push:
This is a typical raid for FIRE on our Training Raids on Wednesdays. Anyone on NSP is welcome to join us! We want to teach and train each other, especially those new to WvW. If you carry an interest and zeal to learn, and you desire a family friendly environment, then come check us out!
Bumping up our thread after a slowdown in active recruiting! FIRE is still growing strong, and though we have not done any active recruiting since May, we have still gained an insane amount of great new members that found us through word of mouth or other means since then!
We are still raiding strong in WvW, 3 times a week with coordinated WvW with experienced drivers on the Northern Shiverpeaks server. Additionally, we have 3 nights designated for coordinated PvE events, each event a little different. And, finally, something new: we now have our own sPvP custom arena!
Message me for details or visit Membership approval is by application through the website!
Couple of awesome raids in WvW lately. We are now running a ~15 man group running in coordination with other friendly forces on the map, and a 3-5 man havoc group for those that prefer small ops!
Additionally, our PvE activities have grown! Last week, we did a coordinated clear of Cursed Shore, and the week prior, we had a Living Story Achievement Hunters night, and a GW2 Fashion Show!
Fun and community all around! Christ-centered, family friendly!
A great group, definitely well worth a look. Stable, great community, strong players, and a variety of styles, these guys got anything you could want lol. <3
Bumping up to remind everyone to have a great Thursday! The weekend is almost here!
I’m really glad these guys came to NSP. They’re a lot of fun, and integrated into the NSP community right from the start.
After getting to know them over the past year, I can’t imagine that there’s a guild that does Christ-centered, family-friendly, fellowship, and community better than FIRE does.
Thanks for joining us as a guest teacher with your TFG guildies last night for our WvW training night. I know many of us, commander and member alike, learned a ton about proper siege placement and usage in defending our main structures. We appreciate your collaboration!
Community! This is what NSP is all about, and something that FIRE is firm on building up!
Bumping up for exposure. All week, we have been running 18-19 on the battlefield, and it has been great! FIRE offers a guild with 115 members on NSP that rotate in and out of the battlefield during our NA prime raids, which keeps our numbers at a healthy 15-20 per raid, even while dealing with life situations, such as kids and such. WvW doesn’t have to be just for college kids! We embrace family-oriented members and understand the eb and flow of real life. And, we ensure family-friendly conversation, so your little ears do not hear profanities through your speakers! – Read about us, watch some of our raid snapshots, and apply within.
Some good recent WvW runs, but also some great PvE activities. Monday had our best turnout for our Guild Meeting/Prayer/Missions Night. Over 25 people in attendance on TS, with over 40 online that night. Currently, we have 89 players that have played in the past 24 hours, with 119 in the past week. We are one of the more active Christian guilds in GW2 and we are the most visible (if not the only one) on the Northern Shiverpeaks server.
Additionally, we are the only (known) Christian guild to have multiple regularly-scheduled, weekly, driver-led WvW runs in the game! And it is our goal to jump on the new guild-claim features and defensive direction the new WvW borderlands map will have in order to build our guild’s identity in WvW and usefulness in WvW through claim/capture/defense/holding strategies. Try to take our keep. Bring your bags to us!
But we have a lot more to offer than WvW. Though that tends to be the catalyst of our recruitment spams in this thread, we have much more going on than that! Currently, our officer team is gathering together and strategizing our ascent into Heart of Thorns and the quest for our Guild Hall, We fully intend to immerse ourselves in the new expansion, but don’t worry…for those that will not have it at release, I hope to also have non-HoT PvE activities prepared for you guys, too!
We are looking for you! Being a Christian is NOT a requirement. But, we are a family-friendly guild, and we ask that all new members keep to a Christ-centered standards of conduct, which means we ask for respect for each other, no improper language and lewdness, and positive attitudes. We have a lot of families in our guild and little ears listening to our speakers!
Message me here or at Xivor.8754 for more information. Also, information, videos, and our application for membership can be found at our website at
Really looking forward to next week! Halloween content AND Heart of Thorns! Our event schedule is changing up, and we are looking forward to embracing the new part of the game…while still participating in legacy core GW2 activities for our non-HoT members.
Bumping up! Looking to build up our sPVP group, so that we can lead into having a weekly, coordinated sPVP activity. Additionally, we wish to continue to grow in WvW. Currently fielding 20ish per raid, we are at a very good place for WvW for our tier, but wouldn’t mind a few more to help keep the numbers consistant. We also have room for havoc teams to run alongside us to perform scout work and prep work before major caps!
Additionally, we are looking to build up raid teams! We are looking for patient players with the capability to have flexibility in their builds, gear, and playstyle, and the patience to engage in new hard content over and over until success is achieved.
If you fill one of these roles above, definitely seek us out! We do not accept only born-again Christians, however they do comprise 98% of the guild. Looking for family-friendly and community-oriented above all!
Bumping up! FIRE leadership has gathered together and refined our vision as a guild! Our aim is to ensure a quality experience for all our members with a balanced game focus. Below is our newly refined vision for the Chariot of Fire guild!
“Chariot of Fire is a Christ-centered, family-friendly, fellowship-oriented, community-minded guild, which is focused on building and strengthening relationships through group activities and cooperative, fun gameplay.”
In doing so, we have cut back on some of our more instanced or higher-level oriented gameplay in order to focus on activities that nearly everyone could participate. A renewed focus on Open World activities as primary guild activities has increased the fellowship we have with one another. Additionally, we have lessened our WvW activities due to unhappiness with the new WvW map and the state of WvW. One of our more recent changes is the addition of a weekly Bible Study as well!
Chariot of Fire wants to be a guild for those of all game types to find fun and fellowship, with a refined focus aimed at improving relationships. Those that focus on one game type specifically will not find their gaming needs met, unfortunately. New members can expect a push from leadership to participate together, rep the guild more often, communicate in guild chat, use Teamspeak, and collaborate on our website. Activity and communication breeds community!
Check us out!
Unity. Friendship. Brotherhood. Fellowship. Community. Social.
We are a Christian guild that is looking for members that desire the above traits. We want our time online to be meaningful and uplifting. We want members to become engaged.
If you are looking for a Christ-centered guild and share a desire for the above, then do not hesitate to reach out to us!
We are currently fleshing out our membership roster, looking for those interested in coordinated WvW, coordinated Raids, and other coordinated content. Casual players are still invited, but we would like to build up our coordinated gameplay teams. Players that have little experience but have a desire to learn the mechanics and tactics for coordinated WvW, raids, and other content are especially welcomed. Most importantly, we are looking for those that wish to be social! Interaction on TS, on our website, in Guild chat, is essential for building community and fellowship! As Christians, we thrive on a culture of relationship-building, and we wish to bring in new members that appreciates these same things!
If you are a Christian, check us out. If you are a Christian who plays casually, check us out. If you are a Christian who would like to grow in coordinated WvW, HoT Raids, Dungeons, Fractals, and large-scale open-world PvE events, then DEFINITELY check us out! These are areas we are striving to grow in as well!
For those that know us from the past, we have a rich history in WvW. We are actively rebuilding our WvW roots and hope to add on additional weekly raids in the near future. Currently training new commanders to bear the load of the battlefield!
FIRE is still active! We are adding a 2nd WvW event starting this Saturday after our Guild Missions, slowly returning to our force we had last year! Several new, great members in the past month, and some spring cleaning of inactive members. Looking forward to what the new season will bring to Chariot of Fire!
Are you guys looking for a mesmer main and thief secondary to add to wvw? I’m hunting for a full server that has people to join in with that are friendly and easy to get along with.
Hey there! Sorry I missed your message! We do not necessarily recruit based off class or skill, as our primary focus is community and fellowship. That being said, if you were a good fit for our guild in those respects, then I am sure one more Mesmer would be very valuable to the team!
FIRE is actively recruiting again! We have been running WvW twice a week, and have recently trained up a new commander within the guild. Additionally, we have been graced by the presence and leadership of one of our former commanders coming active on our server once again to do some leading for our groups!
Looking to build up a PST Raid Team for Friday evenings after our 2hr WvW event; have 5 signed up, looking to fill it! Led by yours truly!
There are always things to do in FIRE. Even when there are no activities, there is still fun and fellowship among Christian brethren!
Bump for the week! Looking for a few good men and women!
Bumping up. Level 56 guild hall, and flying through the upgrades. Pretty soon, we will have our GH fully complete!
Looking to add a good 10-20 active members this spring! We are looking primarily for born-again Christians who are looking for a fellowship of like-minded people. We also are looking for people who enjoy WvW (without the elitist mentality) or are willing to learn WvW. And finally, we are looking for the same for Raids…those who enjoy Raids (without the elitist mentality), or those that wish to learn. Both are areas we wish to build up in our guild and 10-20 well-rounded members can make these areas successful!
More importantly, however, if you are a Christian looking for a home, and neither of these things interest you, do not be dismayed! We desire family-friendly fellowship over any and all in-game activities!
Bumping up for exposure! Still actively recruiting!
Bumping up! Check us out!
Chariot of Fire [FIRE] is going strong! Maxed our guild hall a few weeks ago, which was an exciting achievement to complete!
Right now, Raven is leading Raven’s Random Adventure on Thursday nights, where she lets each participant pick an activity they wish to do, placed them in a hat, and draws. The winner is the activity that everyone will participate in! This has been a popular event, and guests are welcome to join in the activity too!
WvW is coming back! I will be commanding on Saturday evenings from 9pm to 11pm eastern time. Its been a while since we have had strong commander-led WvW on a regular basis, so I am expecting activity to be fairly light starting out, but as the word gets out and members get acquainted with WvW again, I think we can get back to our 15-20 man raid once again!
As you can see, FIRE brings a variety of activities. But honestly, its our love for Jesus that brings us together. These activities are just the manifestation of our fellowship with our common bond in Jesus. We are a family. If a Christian family is what you are looking for in GW2, then we would love to consider you for membership. Our application for membership is on our website listed below in my sig.
This Saturday will be a blast. If you are on NSP and looking for some WvW fun, look for commander Combat Medic Barbie, and come play with FIRE! Join us on TS for some fun and fellowship!
Had good fun on Saturday. Working with Nealie to refine some builds to offer as best-in-class builds for WvW so we can be more effective on the battlefield. Offroadtwo has been leading near daily Bloodstone Fen squads for nightly farming! Been some good times with FIRE!
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