Need good/active WvW based servers?

Need good/active WvW based servers?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bizzle.8349


Here recently I’ve become very unhappy with my server’s inactivity in WvW, when I started playing it seemed like we always had players running WvW and it was fun to find other players to run with and claim territory for my BL but over the past few months it seems like no matter when I get on there is hardly ever anyone playing. I’m really thinking hard about switching servers so my question is what are some good, active WvW based servers and guilds in those servers?

Need good/active WvW based servers?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Missy.6803


Honestly, Tier 2 and Tier 1 are those tiers for a reason I am on a T1 server, Tarnished Coast, and the WvW is always hopping here. is the TC website…and I’m going to shamelessly plug my guild’s site in here too, We’re a PvX guild, and I’m an officer in ESP who organizes most of our WvW as well as a server representative/coordinator and TC Mumble admin if you have any questions.

~ Scorned Siren ~Tarnished Coast ~
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander

Need good/active WvW based servers?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimwar.3789


For WvW, I recommend Stormbluff Isle server. Currently poised at the top of Tier 4-5, we fight at the ideal ranking for varied and balanced matches each week versus five other relatively competitive servers. (Outside our tiers, matches are often against the same old opponents, completely lopsided blowouts, massive queues and blobs or, conversely, sparsely populated.) We are a stable server with an active community TeamSpeak so come here to stay.

If interested, do visit the server webpage ( or message me in-game for more information.

Stay Thirsty,

Deux Ex [XX] on Stormbluff Isle