New Guild - Check here!

New Guild - Check here!

in Looking for...

Posted by: RivenStyler.2361


Hello, my name is Niv and I’m looking for core players for my new guild , if you ever thought about how it is to be the one that makes the changes, the one in control, in other words – a Leader, this is the post for you.

If it’s making you wonder, if you ever wanted to reach the top from the very beginning and you will be all the way through it with your team, now is your chance.

if you’re tried of a regular playing schedule and you thought about trying something new, do it invest in something different, something that people will respect you for, not just another legendary in your inventory, Something that the game is meant for it – socialization , to see your friends progress, and to know that you are part of something bigger.

Myself :
Hello , my biggest fun is MmoRpg games is team play, and a perfect one. Not just another dungeon clear for gold, team play for respect between each other, sharing and guidance, I was a leader of a speed run guild, long time ago and a casual guild four months ago. I am a really open guy , positive and easy to reach my trust.

What I’m offering :
1. The chance to see how things grow from the beginning to glory.
2. Socialization always comes first , always find a connection to everyone.
3. A chance for you to make your marks on what you want from my future guild to be.
4. Tools and Guidance of how it is to lead, more then how to dungeon tour with members.
5. A Family, that core members that will stand along side you always.

What I’m looking for :
1. Respectful players on top, Know your place, know when to be serious and know when to laugh.
2. Speaking is a must (in the past we have had members from all over world with many accents), social programs always on [ Skype – TeamSpeak]

Domination is really high , that means representing 100% of the time. The right to kick and invite other players is always on going.
higher rank , lower spaces for that rank to be.

(edited by RivenStyler.2361)