Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Guild Name – Eternal Riot [ER]
Server – Ring of Fire EU
Guild Leader – Hushy.9530
Raid Leader – Hushy.9530
Proposed raid size – 10-15 (with option to expand to 20 in the future)
So after taking a break from raid/guild leading i have decided that its time to return with a brand new guild. The guild will be a complete new start which will allow me to structure things the way i want.
The guild will be based on Ring of Fire EU which currently holds the top spot in bronze and is pushing towards silver.
What I’m looking for -
Firstly I’m looking for experienced WvW players to help form the core of the guild. (You do not have to be on RoF aslong as you are willing to transfer i would like to hear from you).
Secondly I would like to speak with someone who is interested in becoming a second/backup commander for the guild. (You do not have to be the most experienced commander, just have the drive to learn and become better).
And finally anyone else that is interested in helping the guild grow or is interested in joining please feel free to contact me.
About the guild –
The guild will essentially be created as a semi hardcore guild. This means that it will have some aspects of a casual guild such as no 100% rep outside raids however the guild will have dedicated raid builds that all members must use.
I would like to have 10-15 players attending the initial raids of the guild so that we can bond and get some initial training done. After this i would like to grow the guild to have a steady roster of around 30 with raids of 15-20 each night.
Anyways i think thats enough information for now. If you are interested at all feel free to drop me a message in game @ hushy.9530 and we can arrange to chat further.
**You can now apply on our website @ (Please note the website is still under construction but can support applications)
(edited by Hushy.9530)
Thanks for the responses so far, keep them coming!
Looking for members of all experiences! Training can be provided
Even if your not on RoF but are looking for a wvw guild give me a shout!
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