(edited by chenzo.6543)
New player lf a guild
hi there
we would like to count you in our ranks,see our site and forum and apply when you can,PM me here or in game to Balor O Suilamhain ,we have site/forum and ventrillo
and daily fractal runs and fun stuff to do
we are the answer to the trend in the guilds now where your level and gear count more than you do,we are in Ring of Fire
For the vanguard
Hello, what server on you on? Depending on whether or not you are willing to change servers or are on Gates of Madness, my guild is recruiting. We are friendly and close knit. We are not very big but we usually have at least a full group on during primetime. We use a free voice chat, axondolby, which in my opinion is the best out there. We have experienced player & new players, we partake in lots of PvE as well as WvW, PvP, etc. Message in game or here is fine. You can also apply or contact me on murderers.guildlaunch.com . Hope to hear from you
Hi, My Guild is in Sorrows furnace. We are small but firindly and open to new players. Happy to help you learn the game and lend support of missions/story/dungeon whatever.
Let me know if you’d like to join, or like to learn more.
Hi Chenzo,
I’m the guild leader of a guild on SF called Wrath Incarnate (WIN) and hope you take a few seconds to read a little blurb about it.
We are a friendly and all inclusive guild hoping to make every members gaming experience positive and enjoyable. We have over 100 members and a great core group that logs in everyday; we are also home to casual players and don’t mind if you only log in once or twice a week.
We consistently run Guild Bounties, Treks and are working on unlocking the rest of the guild Missions. We are consistently running all dungeons in story and exp mode and will help you work through Fractals and teach you all the encounters. We also run into WvW once a week as a guild to mix things up.
We also offer full guild upgrades, Ventrilo, a website, MF weekends and no drama at all.
If this sounds like a good fit for you and/or would like to know more just send me a PM here or in-game.
Whats up Chenzo. Its Arrow here from [ARES] Dragonbrand, coming at you using the power of the internet.
We at Knights of Ares have a wide player base from all time zones that include experienced and new players. We like to call ourselves a community more than a guild and love to talk about things other then Guild Wars 2. We try to create the most dynamic environment in both our guild chat and mumble server. Our leaders/officers are all dedicated players who help out not only our members but anyone in tyria.
I could go on and on but it would be easier for you to just check out our guild trailer (at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AME7SxuJuKg) and website (at http://knights-of-ares.enjin.com/).
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Hi there friend!
TAV is a social/small/friendly guild focused in group activities and helping members.
Who we are
We are a small but rapidly growing guild of friends who would like to invite many more people to join us in our adventures.We all play on the Tarnished Coast Server (NA). We currently have around 20 active members and would like to see that number grow substantially. there are a core group of us who play on a daily basis running guild events or just helping one another improve our characters.
What does Tavola offer you?
-Friendly group of players who are always willing to help in any way they can.
-Scheduled guild events ranging from farming material & gold to WvW and bountys.
-Rewards for those who actively participate in guild events.
-Great Guild website and fourms
-24/7 dedicated ventrilo server.
-Experienced officers always willing to lend a hand.
-Holiday events and raffles.
-Daily dungeon runs.
-Our own customized GW2 game launcher.
if your interested in a guild were you always feel welcome then Tavola is the place for you. for more information please see out guild website and feel free to drop off your application if your interested.
http://tavola.enjin.com (some content need registration in enjin platform to access)