New player looking for Guild.
Hello My Name Is BloodMaster X,
New to Guild wars 2, and need help? Than look no further! My guild is focused on helping new players out and show them the ropes, we are a community group! The reason I started this guild was because, when I first started playing this game, I did not know how to do anything and no one would help me. People would just say” Hey look at the noob!” “ or “ No I don’t have the time to help you, go bother someone else!”. If you have ever gone through this like I have, please do not hesitate to join, I want your experience playing this game better than mine was, when I first started out! I hope you all join and feel free to contact me if you have any question, you can contact me here or in the game, whatever is easier for you=]. And we are in Maguuma server.
Thank you for reading,
~BloodMaster X~
Sounds Great, I will look for you in game. I work evenings so usually jump on for an hour around 11pm.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2, Nelrick!
If you haven’t decided on a Guild yet, I want you to give us a try as well!
We are Great Architect, a mature Guild that does both PvP and PvE. We are located on Stormbluff Isle and welcome everyone, Veterans as well as completely New Players like you!
Btw, Rangers aren’t very sought in PvE right now, apparently most people think they don’t do much to party play, if you want to enjoy the Game as a new player, I recommend a Warrior or Guardian, since both of these classes are pretty forgiving and sought out.
If you are interested in us, you can take a look at what makes us up;
Our Community
- Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
- Mature – We screen our applicants. Our ages range from 18 – 60. We are not religious & you may hear some cursing.
- Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 50+ members. Most active around 10PM+- EST.
- Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin, paid for a year. Active forums.
- Helpful – Useful and easy to navigate information on our site. Enjoy answering questions.
- Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
- Live Streamers – We support Twitch. Our streamers often do giveaways.
- Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and welcome new players.
In-Game Activity
- WvW – Weekly WvW night.
- sPvP – Currently putting together a tPvP team, will soon have a custom arena. Regular meetings once a week.
- Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
- Dungeons – Eager to run Dungeons.
- Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are at level 3-5.
- World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
- Missions – Actively unlocking missions.
- Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.
If you still have questions, feel free to send me a Mail InGame at any time or directly apply at
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
I bought the game when it came out but, of course the expansion for WoW came out. After a long time on WoW I need something new. I decided to blow the dust off of GW2 and give it a whirl. To be honest I wish I would have done much sooner, I was playing a bit this morning before work and noticed everyone can rez
(Great Idea!!).
Honestly what kept me from leaving my last MMO is the learning curve. I am not what you call a stellar player and mostly love to PvE. I am looking at an interface that is completely foreign to me.
One thing I did learn is that a good friendly Guild who does not mind helping new players is half the battle. I am looking for a Guild who does not mind new players. I am in EST time and if I need to start a new toon that is fine. I am mostly just trying out races and classes to see what I like. I was thinking of a Ranger as it seems like it may be the most survivable class, if not input is something I enjoy receiving
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Is always looking for more interested active members. Check us out here
I have found a friendly guild. Thank you for all the replies
Hi there, you might like our guild.
We are on Sea of Sorrows server.
We are an international guild with members from NZ/AU/US/CAN/.
Senility aims to be a multi-gaming casual guild for the adult gamer (18+). We all lead busy lives with our work and family commitments – that at the end of the day we want a stable and competitive guild, without the fear of being dismissed or berated for prioritising our real life responsibilities over those of MMo’s and gaming in general.
Senility is not a hard-core guild. We are tailored to the working adult and/or parent who cannot afford to spend countless hours on an MMO when life’s priorities demand our attention. Senility offers an adult community that specialises in casual play for adults who want to enjoy MMO’s without the pressures and time demands that other guilds sometimes inadvertently place on their members.
We are not about the race, we enjoy the journey and adventures getting there.
(Best to whisper or mail me in game – or follow the link to my recruitment thread in my sig for a list of officers)
Adult Multi-Gaming Guild – Sea of Sorrows
SOR – [BURN] recruiting All time zones
International players are welcome too.
[BURN] is newer guild recruiting mature and laidback players
PVE and WVW havoc/roaming after working hours
We are looking for members to grow the guild together,
as a community.
Female friendly
Newbie Friendly
Multi-Server Friendly
Currently on guild bounty
New Player PVE mentoring
LvL mentoring
Prime time: 8:30p.m(+8gmt) or 5:30am server time. (SEA/OCEANIC)
Other Prime Times are subject.
Main language: English
Others: Canton, Mandarin.
Highly recommend:
-Just want to have a fun and good time in WvW (nothing too hardcore)
-Sociable people who want to make new friends.
-Casual PVE and fractals.
-People who are new to this game.
Try us for a week, if we’re not a good fit for you we’ll understand. It’s about the person, not the numbers.
Send me a mail if you are interested.
The Bovine Rebellion
What We Are About
We are a guild focused on character development and fun. This guild was created by friends who have a love for the game. Our leader is a Guild Wars 1 veteran and has a love for the world of Tyria. We help each other with whatever our members need to do. Be it finishing their personal story, completing maps, killing other people in world vs world or even farming dungeons to get those coveted exotic armor sets. We accept everyone who enjoys playing.
Why You Should Join Us
So why should you join the Bovine Rebellion? Well don’t be alarmed, we still eat beef. Also, we hold weekly Fractals and Dungeon runs. We have a day dedicated to helping our members with leveling and map completion. There is a Guildie of the Month award and we accept all players, regardless of rank or skill. And we try to make our members feel appreciated.
We play on Borlis Pass. If interested you can message me in game at Palton De Nomin or go to our website: