New player looking for PvE (Gandara)

New player looking for PvE (Gandara)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jabloom.9512


Hi, i have recently joined and really enjoying the game but at the moment I’m looking for an active guild to clear group content and enhance the enjoyment of the game (it’s called guild wars after all!)

I’m English and so an English speaking guild is what i am looking for

My only other experience from MMO games is WoW and i have had experience clearing end game raid content.

I’m a sociable guy and hope somebody can point me in the right direction for a guild that i can join the ranks of

(I will be online a lot at the moment as i have time off but generally i will be online after 5pm)

I am on the Gandara world server and small to mid sized guild is where i would feel most at home

Good evening, Good afternoon and Good night,

(edited by Jabloom.9512)

New player looking for PvE (Gandara)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Troopa.6179


Hi Jabloom

I’m glad i found your post on this forum. As it seems you are a potential new recruit for our guild.

We’re called The Technical Engineers [XOR] and located on the Far Shiverpeaks. We’re more a casual guild and online around 7-10pm CEST.

Because we do most of our time Dungeons, Fractals or other PvE stuff like farming champions, particiapte in meta events etc, we do not require a server transfer.

Whenever we play togheter we’re a team coordinated in a powerfull teamplay.
Beside these points we are small and take us time to build us up.

For better communication during our game time we use a private TS3 server.

if you need more information, check out our recruitment post or ask me
For an invitation write me a PM (in-game or not)

regards Troopa

veteran ranger (main)- Troopa The Hawk – tyrian survivalist
veteran engineer – Whiteclaw Pete – flaming bastard
veteran guardian – Wolfborn Troopa – healing eagle

New player looking for PvE (Gandara)

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild located at the Gandara server. We got about 500 members, ranging from totally new to MMO-ing to very experienced players. With 500 members around, there is always someone to play with or who would give you advise. You said you are looking for a smaller guild to feel at home, but I can assure you: you will love The Requiem of the Dead and its members.

[REQ] is a PvX guild, meaning we enjoy all content of the game. However, most people are into WvW and PvE, rather than sPvP. We organize events each day, ranging from WvW nights or sPvP tournements (in our private server or outside of it) to guild missions, map exploration events, dungeons or random events like a quiz, hide and seek or deadly darts.

Interested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums:

Hope to see you in-game soon,


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~