New player looking for friendly guild :)
Hiya, Fed! Welcome to Tyria! If you’re on an NA server and don’t mind guesting, my guild, Ember Solace, sounds like a great fit. =) We’re a small-ish PvX guild on Tarnished Coast with friendly, helpful players who love answering questions. Plus, we have regularly-scheduled events, spur-of-the-moment events, and even social things like trivia and raffles. If you’d like to know more, you can visit our forums. If you register, you get read-access to our GW2 sections so you can see the types of events we like to do and get a feel for our community. If you have any questions, please let me know! =)
Hey Fed!
Consider joining [Nob] on Eredon Terrace! We do it all and always like helping new players.
My main focus right now is WvW and new people are what we are looking for to get Eredon Terrace back to where it should be.
Hope to hear back form ya!
I probably should have mentioned this, but I’m on the [Tarnished Coast] server. Thanks to all that have replied so far!
Hi! If you’re over 18 years old and are a late-night gamer in NA, you could join Insomniacs Anonymous [IA]!
We’re a small, yet growing, guild of dirty minded individuals who play games late at night. We accept all kinds, and are VERY laid back. I wouldn’t call us strictly casual…maybe a nice middle ground of casual and hardcore that leans more towards casual…if that makes any sense o-o We run events every Monday night, but attending them isn’t required.
Our home server is Fort Aspenwood, but unless you want to run WvW with us (we don’t do it too often, even though we’re a PvX guild), it won’t be a problem. We’ll accept players from other servers
If you’re interested, or wanna ask me more about it, PM me here, or send me or SqualZell.7813 a mail in-game.
(edited by doodrun.4823)