Newish player looking for guild
Sure thing, we have new people playing with us too. Although we play in blackgate server, you can still hang out for PvE + dungeons =)!
Sent an invite already
IGN : King Yumi
Server : Blackgate
The Unholy Mackerels [UM] is a small-medium sized (30 active w/ no activity req. ~6-15 prime time), social and fun PvX guild residing on FA. Although we are on FA, we allow new recruits to guest to try out our guild and allow time before moving.
We treat everyone here like a part of the family and our relationships with each other become long-term friendships. We are down to earth and genuinely just like to fun but also like to work together to get things done!
There’s so much more about us but I really want to be an open book when it comes to describing our guild to you so to avoid missing anything, I will link you our recruitment thread and our guild’s website, which has absolutely everything there is to know about us! – for more info and to sign up!
If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer, just let me know. Good luck in your search!
Hello here is our guild info:
From Our Ashes [Rise] is a PvX guild on BlackGate that emphasis community and togetherness. We enjoy all aspects of what Guild Wars 2 has to offer and we play pretty much all of it. Having an atmosphere of friendship will make the game more enjoyable while still having a competitive attitude. Most of us have come from different backgrounds and areas of the game, but we are all here together now and we will Rise to new levels.
We run a two week guild schedule of events that focus on different aspects of the game. We want to experience all the game has to offer and want to play through it together.
Whisper Obran, Greggerz, Bruzie, Tiffany Lockheart, or Rotti for more info or for invite.