Original Gaming [TM] - LFP

Original Gaming [TM] - LFP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Orijn.8105


Hi Guys,

Here’s a little about me :

I’m a 24 year old British guy, who likes video games, and more importantly … winning.
Like most of you reading this, I’m obsessed with PvP. Its ridiculous fun, way better than PvE and extremely competitive/addictive.
What bothers me is SoloQ… it’s awful. Half of the time you’re matched up with brainless idiots and the other half of the time someone d/c’s or just quits. I don’t know about you but I’m fed up with this.

Here’s what I want to do about it :
I have created a guild called ‘Original Gaming’. What I want this guild to be is a group of players (and eventually teams) who are actually serious about the competitive Tpvp Scene. Within the guild there will be teams of 5 players who will always play together, have practice times and become a more gelled unit and successful team. Eventually, if there are enough members, sub leaders will be assigned and different teams can branch off and become their own pro unit, I just want to bring the community together and hopefully create some great groups of players.

Ultimately, this is just me wondering if its a good idea as there seems to be so many people LFT out there.

Let me know what you think/if you want to join.

I myself would love to have a successful, competitive team one day, so please let me know if you want to be part of it.

<< Please send me a mail in game if you’re interested! [EU only of course]


(edited by Orijn.8105)

Original Gaming [TM] - LFP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Orijn.8105


So it seems to have been quite a success! We already have 14 members, a full 5man Team with practice times, and a B team up and coming already trailing members interested.

I have personally gone from 97% to 507th on the leaderboard so the gains have been really rewarding, plus its been great fun!

If you want to trial in our B team, or even create your own team let me know! I will try my very best to find everyone a good team of people to play with and become better/improve towards the big leagues.

Mail me in game @ Orijn.8105

Take care, gl + hf !

Original Gaming [TM] - LFP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dalgrimar.7641


For our second core team (B Team) we still need a experienced Necro.
Keep in mind Practice times are starting at 8pm GMT+1 uk times 9pm GMT+2 for rest of europe.
Feel free to contact me Dalgrimar.7641 as i manage our B Team for Original Gaming