Original Guild Wars - forum section
Oh, and I do not have finished The Underworld so LFP too
Have a look in there, you’ll find guides and players:
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Yeah, I’d check out the GW reddit for sure; it’s good for information, finding people to play with, and trading. You can also search the most recent Kamadan chat posts on Kamadan Trade Chat (just google that to find the website) to look for people selling/trading the mats you need for your armor.
With Guild Wars Guru shutting down soon (/bowhead), yeah I’d go reddit Guild Wars too.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
You can try this site to find buyers and sellers and (sometimes) prices.
ANet may give it to you.
Thank you guys, I will check that.
You can probably keep a toon in kamadan with an offer while you play GW2 (most rigs should be able to handle it). If you only have one monitor, alt-tab occasionally to see if you have any nibbles.
With Guild Wars Guru shutting down soon (/bowhead), yeah I’d go reddit Guild Wars too.
They have done a lot of work moving many of the guides and such from original GuildWars Guru to a new section being provided on GuildWars2 Guru.
Just FYI
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
Be aware that you are not allowed to exchange GW1 items for GW2 items and vice versa.
Be aware that you are not allowed to exchange GW1 items for GW2 items and vice versa.
You are, but if you get conned ANet will do nothing about it.
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