Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join PACT and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat or TeamSpeak that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time!
Aspiring Brotherhood [PACT] PvX is now recruiting once again! Extremely Active, Diverse Event Schedule, Guild missions, Weekend Econ boost and International.
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Members: 350+
Policy: Must be 18+. Respect your fellow brother and sisters. No Discrimination, Harassment, Politics or Religion in Guild Chat/TS.
Guild Website: http://www.PACTGuild.com
Leadership Team: See http://www.pactguild.com/members for an up-to-date list
What does PACT stand for?
People Actively Cooperating Together
An acronym coined by a member, not by a leader or an officer. Here in PACT we are a family. Recruits, members, elites, officers, councilors, advisors, leaders; no one rank more important than the other, just a different way to say that we are a family. The Leaders—Mothers and Fathers. Advisors—the eldest child. Councilors—the understanding brother and sister. Officers—the helpful sibling. Elites—the brother and sister that explains what it means to be family. Member—the youngest sibling. Recruit—the newborns to the family. Here in PACT, we aren’t a guild, we’re a family. We’re all here for one thing. To play together. To be together. And in all honesty, to have fun together.
History of PACT
Founded in February 2013 by several members that wanted to build on the principles of brotherhood and unity and offer our community with an organized structured place to call home. We treat everyone from the time they enter PACT with the utmost care and respect.
The Future of PACT
All members no matter the rank can call PACT home. We have a dedicated leadership staff but without loyal members there would be no family, therefore the guild belongs to every member in PACT and not just a single entity. We ask that you be proud of what we have together and speak up if you need to be heard. We are here to serve our community and make sure everyone gets to feel like a large piece of the puzzle, without you we are crippled, together we are strong! Help us help you!
Lastly, we have all our guild events unlocked and run these often we do try to make sure all members get there commendations in which we stick together.
What do I have to do to be a member of PACT?
1. You must be 18+ this allows us to keep a mature and dependable member base.
2. You must reside within Fort-Aspenwood or be willing to transfer.
3. Follow our guild policy: "No Discrimination (no bashing of Race/Sex/ Sexuality/Age/Education/etc) No Religion/Politics in TS or guild chat.
4. Respect your fellow brothers and sisters (no name calling, yelling, or any verbal/sexual abuse what-so-ever) No harassment (this is not match.com friendly flirting is ok, just know where to draw the line) .
5. Lastly have fun! If you are not having fun then we are not doing our job correctly.
While we are primarily English speaking, we have many multilingual members that can speak French, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and even German allowing PACT to expand where other guilds cannot. We want everyone from all around the world to experience our philosophy and we strive to become an international guild.
It’s hard to get to know people strictly through chat, so when you join us on TeamSpeak this helps not only missions but helping to make friendships and bonds within the family. We have 50 slots and regularly have 20 – 40 during prime time. While its not required for anyone to be in TeamSpeak, it is a helpful tool we have available.
PACT would NOT be the right fit for you… *
If you are Greedy, Needy, Leety, or Cheaty. We call these the Eedies and they are NOT welcome! They take the fun out of the game for everyone else.
What sets PACT apart from the other guilds?
Well the experience itself is much different than other guilds. Everyone is treated as a key member of the guild or rather family. Your first few moments in PACT you will quickly notice you’re not just a number you are an important member to our growing family. We will show new members how to make gold, level quickly, run WvW, be successful in sPvP, and obtain the maximum number of commendations every week with guild missions in which we do have all guild missions unlocked.
We also have a Legendary Weapon Support Group ( LWSG ) which with the help of our family we help small groups of people going for there first legendary to achieve this heavy goal in the game.
We bring interesting events that are new to most people. TS Karaoke, Hide and Seek, Jumping Puzzles, Drinking Games, Darts, Forum Contests, Rampages, Lotteries, Dye Giveaways and so much more!!!!
Who do I have to contact to get an invite?
Fill out the form on http://www.pactguild.com/recruitment.
A Leader and the webmaster of PACTGuild.com on Fort Aspenwood server