[PG] Perpetual Gamers - Blackgate PvX

[PG] Perpetual Gamers - Blackgate PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: KumajirouSan.3527


Perpetual Gamers was founded in the days of Guild Wars 1 then founded in GW2 in September as an Oceanic/North American guild. As new years rolled around we fell victim to inactivity as a lot of members quit the game but now we’re back with a good compliment of upgrades!

The goal of [PG] is to be a real community, in most guilds you’re either somebody or nobody and here we want everyone to be a somebody. We want to have a lot of communication and make friends along the way. We also have 24/7 buffs and if WvW or PvP is your thing we do weekly guild activites! Guild Missions are also on standby for when we gain enough members which will hopefully be within the next week or so.

Perpetual Gamers is open to whoever wishes to join, the only requirements are that you represent (exceptions made for personal guild banks) and that you keep a friendly attitude towards everyone else. No raging if someone makes a mistake. If you’re interested in contributing to the guild please send a Personal Message to KumajirouSan.3527. Hope to hear from you