[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


Da Pain Train is ready for the 2nd league, after months since the first league we have learnt alot on how to run a community guild aiming to be a stepping stone from PvE and how to do this in a way that doesn’t cause problems that we encountered last time.

There are alot of changes coming to the guild, and this recruitment thread will outline the new PT.

What is PT?

PT is for everyone that likes to WvW, if it’s 1 hour a week or 60 hours a week. New to WvW and no idea where to start? Join PT. Fire away with any questions or queries you may have without fear of being ridiculed like team chat. There will be no elitism, it is aimed to be a sociable environment.

We currently have a very active core that were mostly new to WvW, commanders and experienced members have educated and trained them and now we more than capable of holding our own in any situation. Our members don’t just log into WvW for 2 hours a day for raids, we live in WvW and cater to all players, whether you enjoy scouting, sniping, defending or mindlessly zerging about. We’re not just a dedicated WvW guild, we’re bigger than that. We provide a guild for those players that are highly skilled but unable to play much so can’t be apart of a hardcore WvW guild.

We use a public TS for WvW provided by the Deso Community.


We are only recruiting players that have no guild for WvW and all players must rep PT 100% whilst in WvW.
There are no mandatory form ups and you will not be kicked if you don’t play WvW for any amount of time, aslong as when you do play WvW you are reppin us. We do not require you to run mandatory builds but we do ask you to run full, or mostly, PVT gear until you are experienced enough to stay alive. We have suggested builds on our forum section that you may choose to follow.

How to apply

To apply goto the PT section on these forums and fill out the very short application we require:

How is PT structured?

PT has many ranks and this is how the new system will work.

Da Ugly One – My rank

PT Command -Commanders that lead for PT and help maintain the guild.

PT Vanguard – Members that have been with PT from the start, always rep and have permissions to promote or kick players and full access to the banks, this rank is earnt, not applied for.

Paintrainer – Members that rep 100% even during PvE.

Member – Members that have proven they rep PT consistently, not just for our assigned raid times, and are not just here for karma trains and loot. These guys love WvW and actively help Deso.

VIP – Members that belong to other WvW guilds, these guys have helped PT out and repped us at random times since the last league. We value their commitment and they will be allowed to keep their spot in PT. This rank is not applied for it has been earnt.

Trial Member – All new invitees are placed under this rank, once you have proven you are commited to improving in WvW or to helping Desolation at all times of the day, you will be promoted by Vanguards.


PT is starting up a GvG squad and this will be lead by All Shall Perish to cater to the needs of our more hardcore members. Anyone is able to be apart of this team but there are stricter rules and regulations as set forth by Perish.

PT Events

So on joining PT, what kind of events can you expect?

PT will be running 7 days a week with some kind of event. We often have commanders running open raids throughout the day and late into the night / morning.

We have organised form ups at 1530 – 1700 GMT Monday – Friday.
The MOTD is updated on a daily basis by commanders that will be running an event that evening.
We run open raids often reaching 70+ members on TS if needed, if more spread of our forces are required for a decent PPT, you will often find PT running a closed raid in a passworded TS channel with anywhere from 20-45 members.

PT is very active and you will always have 10+ people to play with at most times of the day (Even more once recruitment opens and the tournament is underway)

PT recruitment will open on Friday the 21st of March at 1530 GMT

Much love, Ins.

I have removed the link on how to apply, if interested or have any further questions feel free to post here or mail me on these forums and i will provide the link / answer it.

This was a copy paste from a forum with different formats so it isn’t made to look “pretty” here and is missing a sizeable amount of text.

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


So if you have limited play time or want a more chilled WvW experience, hit us up

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


Also looking for more guilds on Deso. Should be cheap transfers if we maintain 9th position, with our PvE force coverage is never an issue. Feel free to drop me a /w or mail if you have any questions.

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


PT has steadily grown, had alot of applications from people coming from other servers and we are sitting at around 230 members. We can form up 20-30 man raids most times of the day.

As we have trained more commanders you will find organised PT raids from the hours of:

WvW Raids:
1530-1700 &1900-2200 GMT Monday
1530-1700 & 1800-2200 Tuesday
1530-2000 GMT Wednesday (Commander training event, all new commanders sign up for 30 minute slot each with a closed raid) some raids after
1530-1700 & 1800-2200 GMT Thursday
1530-1700 & 1800-2200 GMT Friday

Guild missions:
1800 GMT Monday

If these times suit you and you’re bored of your guild only logging into WvW for 2-3 hours a day, consider coming on over

Saturday and Sunday we dont ever have planned form ups, but you’ll usually find PT commanders leading in public channels on TS. I’ll usually pop on and a lead a drunken paintrain.

These are just our organised form up times (Recently we have been running with 45-60 PT closed raid on TS) we have an Australlian commander and a Canadian commander that will soon be leading our early morning & late night forces respectively. There is always PT in WvW, 24/7.

I am actively looking for more commanders, old or new, to join us and help turn PT into more of a powerhouse. Many guilds and servers dislike us, but that’s because we can spawn a zerg out of no where and lay waste to their WP’s before they know what’s going on or we just tend to blob them.

I’ll get some videos in this channel later, in the mean time if you have any questions or queries feel free to message me on this forums or on the deso community forums where you will find our full recruitment post (Was limited here so i had to snip bits out)

See you on the battlefield o/

As i little boast we pulled in 3 precursors in 3 hours the other day hehe

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

(edited by Ins.7139)

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


A couple of our videos in here https://www.youtube.com/user/DaPainTrainGuild

And this video was never meant to go public but posting it anyway. I commanded for 17 hours, this is footage was recorded from the last 3 hours, all untagged. Quality aint great. (4 precursors total that day 4k+ kills)

Most our members were new to WvW during season 1. Now they aint

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

(edited by Ins.7139)

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cri Up.9638

Cri Up.9638

The motherblob in action – http://www.twitch.tv/mashercrasher/c/3958026

As well as some of PT’s small scale fights, which are by all means awesome too – http://www.twitch.tv/mashercrasher/c/3958035

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


What do PT do when the BL’s are deserted or we’re bored?

We farm EOTM paintrain styleee

We’ve only just recently started recording everything. Want in, transfer to Deso now!

This was from earlier, probably one of our best farms. 1 hour 30 minutes run. Filled bags god knows how many times.

Enjoy http://www.twitch.tv/mashercrasher/b/514731071

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

(edited by Ins.7139)

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


And one more video from yesterday. Last video for recruitment to get people over to PT (need more commanders!) We love to farm ^^

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


As head of our GvG team I am also looking to recruit players from all backgrounds for my GvG squad, whisper me if interested.

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


So here we are, nearly at the end of the tournament and what a tournament it has been. PT have been going all out managing to field anywhere from 20-80 man groups nearly 18 hours a day. We are all tired, we are all burnt out but the fun is just about to begin. 1 week until we say NO to boring PPT and HELLLLO lootbags.

A couple of videos

Borderhopping hunting down Seafaries:

Bit of a grudge match against SFR commander (love fighting him)

And the most recent, fights, fights, fights!

We might be a community guild, we allow you to run any build you like, turn up to any or no raids. But we know what we are doing. We have recently recruited more commanders, some from other servers, some have returned back to Deso to fight the good fight.

Looking for more commanders, mail me if interested or have any questions!

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


PT is still recruiting players that will rep 100%. We had a fun tournament & got many precursors

Handarand from SFR created this video, so all credit to him. Quite alot of PT commanding in it, enjoy the show. Deso ftw!

We’ve had players and commanders join us from many different servers. All i would say is you need a decent sense of humor for Deso!

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[PT] Da Pain Train recruiting on Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ins.7139


Well PT is still growing, 250 members and we can pull in 20 man guild groups at all times of the day easily. 40+ for any other raid is not a problem.

We are having ALOT of applications from other servers, Deso will soon be the FOTM server it seems in EU T1 as we are still in slack mode and dominating matchups.

I need more commanders for PT, PT will one day be running guild raids around the clock, farming EOTM or decimating WP’s in WvW.

Join us now, before recruitment shuts and we focus on developing all our newcomers

www.desospeak.com/forum for PT info and videos in Media section!

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!