Pax Team "Your Dumb" recruiting +1 member

Pax Team "Your Dumb" recruiting +1 member

in Looking for...

Posted by: BlackCalvin.3714


Team Your Dumb is currently looking for 1 core member to add to its roster that is able to meet at 12pm server time NA on Saturdays and Sundays for practice.
-18+ years of age
-Must have Champion Title for 2+ classes and be able to play those classes with profiency
-Sociable Persona
-Be Available Saturdays and Sundays at 12pm server time.
-Have TeamSpeak and a working mic
-NA residents are preferred

Current Core Members:
Lux Fortuna-Theif/Guardian
Kirito-All Classes
Ghost of Konan- Necro/Elementalist/Mesmer

Current Substitutes:
Roundy E-Enginner
King Krumm- Enginner

Tryouts will be this Saturday at 12pm server time. Replay via mail or thread if interested.

(edited by BlackCalvin.3714)