Piken square LFG

Piken square LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alberto.1350


Don’t know whether this is the correct area for this thread. If not, I apologise.

Anyway, as the title suggest i’m looking for a guild most center in WvsW (indeed I play PvE and SPvP, but with a lower frequence).

I’m coming back to this game after 2 years, so i need a refresh regarding the dynamics that seemed changed a lot (even though I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to understand the modifications which had been taken).

Said so, my characters:
Main. Guardian Lv80 (altruistic healing) full equipped (not ascended, just a couple of jewelries)
1- Engineer Lv80 (Glass cannot, but I’d like to change the build)
2- Thief Lv80 (Crit/cond damage – I use this a few)
3- Necromancer Lv45 (Bulding it up that moment).

If someone is interested in an extra hand, I’d appreciated it.
I’m not available to play everyday due to working/studying.
Answer here or Pm or mail on my main in game.
Thanx a lot

Alter. Guardin

Piken square LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Try visiting piken.eu. It’s the server’s website and has a ton of info on guilds and what’s being organized.


Enjoy the server, it’s quite a nice one.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Piken square LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alberto.1350


thx i’ll do it!