Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toupi.9271


Hello everyone.

Predator eSports is a new multigaming organisation. We are currently looking around for teams and players on multiple games that are interested in a partnership with our organisation.

Our website:

As we are still in the start up phase, a lot still needs to be done.
There are already some things that I can tell you about how we can support teams & players:

- Each team will be provided with a Teamspeak 3 server.
- You get the extra’s of our multigaming organisation. Such as the use of a website, discount on our sponsors’ products, possibility to get team shirts,..

In the future we will be able to provide more services for our teams (such as LAN support, gameservers,…)

If you are interested in a partnership, please visit our website ( and send us an email (or check the other contact details).

Hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,

Predator eSports

Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toupi.9271


There are still spots avaiable.
We already had quite some requests for a variety of games.

So if you are looking for a multigaming organisation for any game, just contact us! Who knows if we can work something out.

Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toupi.9271


Still able to send in applications!

Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toupi.9271


You can still apply, after all we still have some spots left for this game!

Predator eSports looking for GW2 PvP team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toupi.9271


We are closing our application today, so if your team wishes to play under a professional multigaming organisation we would request you to send your application in the next couple of hours.

Thanks in advance