Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: katsu.4052



Hey all, my name is Obi, I am 1 of 4 leaders of Prescribed [Rx]. Although we did not start in Kaineng, Kaineng is where we grew from 10-20 members to the 160+ members we are at today. We were with Kaineng from when they went from tier 5-6 to tier 2 and back down to where it is today, we really tried to weather out the ups and downs to keep Kaineng as our home server, but the time has come to look elsewhere. This was not a decision that was made lightly.

More Info on us:

  • PvX w/ WvW focus
  • We field about 15-20 members from 7-11p PST.
  • Enjoy running without a commander tag (although we have members with it who do tag) to distract the enemy and take pressure off of the main group
  • Very strong roamers and pvp’ers (have many champion titles in the guild) and we actively sPvP/tPvP.
  • We have a solid EU player base (about 20% of the members).
  • Our guild has 2 NA leaders and 2 EU leaders.

Some things we are looking for:

  • Strong and stable PvE and WvW community that we can be loyal to and stick with (we are not band-wagoners).
  • Server-wide teamspeak3.
  • Professional server website and forums.

We would like to talk to some server reps and possibly make some visitations to server teamspeaks, please contact me in-game or on these forums.

NA | Sea of Sorrows

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: katsu.4052



We have decided to transfer to SoS and are excited to join them!

Thank you to everyone that has reached out to us and given us info about your respective servers.
NA | Sea of Sorrows

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Sent you a pm.


Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sent you a pm on the forums as well

Isle Of Janthir

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wildchild.7502


Much respect to Rx. Theses guys are solid !

Guardian – Exg Wildchild /Necro – Wildchild Two / Ranger – Aleksi Laiho
SIC – Isle of Janthir

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Taras.4367


sent a pm check it out : )

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: katsu.4052


I’ll be away til later tonight (watching the Hawks stomp the 49ers!)

I’ll answer PM’s and try to connect later tonight or tomorrow night.

Thanks all.
NA | Sea of Sorrows

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


A fellow Seahawks fan? You got to come to SoS then.

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

Love you guys Rx we need to coordinate where we both move to Haha . Rx is a great guild we had a lot of fun with them on kaineng .

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Toble.2968


Hey all, my name is Obi, I am 1 of 4 leaders of Prescribed [Rx]. Although we did not start in Kaineng, Kaineng is where we grew from 10-20 members to the 160+ members we are at today. We were with Kaineng from when they went from tier 5-6 to tier 2 and back down to where it is today, we really tried to weather out the ups and downs to keep Kaineng as our home server, but the time has come to look elsewhere. This was not a decision that was made lightly.

More Info on us:

  • PvX w/ WvW focus
  • We field about 15-20 members from 7-11p PST.
  • Enjoy running without a commander tag (although we have members with it who do tag) to distract the enemy and take pressure off of the main group
  • Very strong roamers and pvp’ers (have many champion titles in the guild) and we actively sPvP/tPvP.
  • We have a solid EU player base (about 20% of the members).
  • Our guild has 2 NA leaders and 2 EU leaders.

Some things we are looking for:

  • Strong and stable PvE and WvW community that we can be loyal to and stick with (we are not band-wagoners).
  • Server-wide teamspeak3.
  • Professional server website and forums.

We would like to talk to some server reps and possibly make some visitations to server teamspeaks, please contact me in-game or on these forums.


We may not have too many WvW guilds right now, but our wvw is stable. Os and the people who you see in wvw every day on NSP aren’t going anywhere.

We are known for a few things, pve and roamers(Havoc) are one of them. We have a server website and ventrilo (Not teamspeak) and would be glad to have another larger guild to help the server in wvw!

No BS though, we do have it rough, get matched up with large server, have lots of fairweather pugs in wvw as well and It’s a challenge to be here, but when you suckle on the sweet teet that is victory over another organized guild larger than you, all seems right in the world.

We love our server and don’t much care right now if we don’t have enough coverage to win, so we are not desperate for guilds. We will not pay for you guys to transfer, but we will welcome you happily, so let me know!

-I Am Harmless (WvW Exec roaming officer)

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


Hey, please give Yaks Bend a look at. We’re always glad to have roamers and small sized group come to our server. I’ll try to get one of our commanders to send you a PM and hopefully, you can talk to some of us on TS if you are interested. I know CNB is going to talk to YB also. Good luck on your search.


Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: PSYCHOSIM.2935


IF your interested in an EU server, all the things u are looking for as a guild, is found on Far shiverpeaks. They will help u with the transfer.

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Laggin Dragon.3062

Laggin Dragon.3062

We’d love to have you over at Sorrow’s Furnace.

We have quite a few skilled Commanders and guilds when it comes to WvW and we all work pretty good with each other. We have a few small roamer groups but I don’t think we have enough, so your small man groups would fit right in (I like the small 5-10 man fights but I normally run with my guild to take big things). We don’t have the 24/7 WvW coverage like some servers, if we had a little better night presence we’d be higher ranked. But we do the best with who we have, and when we’re on we do quite well. We have fun in WvW, and when it comes to the WvW core it’s an all around good community.

And as for PVE Sorrow’s Furnace does quite a bit of that as well (we’re more of a PVE server than a WvW one). Even after I got into WvW I still liked PVE, it’s good money and when you spend it on WvW you have to make it up somewhere. We get our temples open a few times a day, we kill our World Bosses, and so on. We used to do Orr runs, we’d start at Fort Trinity and work our way to Grenth, there’s a few of us who’d like to start them back up.

As for the VOIP most of us use Mumble, but there are a few guilds who use TS3 (run by one of the guilds on the server).

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. And if you’d like to set up a meeting then I’ll get some of the other WvW leaders together and we can all talk.
I hope you find the right server for you and your guild. Thank you.

Alcott – Level 120 Ele
Leader of Core of Scarlet/Sapphire Alliance [CoSA]

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: voLaaa.9108


Hey couldn’t help but notice that you have a pharmaceutical name as well. So do we you should stop by or think about Crystal Desert and us pharmacists can hook up and mingle and at the same time fill out prescriptions… OF DEATH!!! And also my guild leader likes your guild name a lot, since he’s actually a pharmacist (owns his own pharmacy), and would LOVE for you guys to join us in Crystal Desert/WvW.

Aeryn Tyrell ~ 80 Guardian
Apex Prime [APeX] - Critical Mass [CM] - The Disaster [TheD] - Baewatch [Bae]

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Colossal Squidy.8649

Colossal Squidy.8649

you guys are tough i remember fighting you guys im from Crystal Desert and enjoyed playing against you i hope you consider us a choice!

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: shiri.4257


Hey couldn’t help but notice that you have a pharmaceutical name as well. So do we you should stop by or think about Crystal Desert and us pharmacists can hook up and mingle and at the same time fill out prescriptions… OF DEATH!!! And also my guild leader likes your guild name a lot, since he’s actually a pharmacist (owns his own pharmacy), and would LOVE for you guys to join us in Crystal Desert/WvW.

Yah what my buddy said there. I remember I asked before if you guys were medical field related but wasn’t. Something to do with a workout routine. Either way, as volaa said, I have a soft spot for the guild name. I’m not one of the CD community people, but probably check out the CD recruitment thread. Just let them know we love you and all that good stuff. Good luck on wherever you choose to go though.

Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gulagman.9045


Hello there, I hope I wasn’t too late in responding to your message (IRL obligations prevented me from doin so yesterday). Anyways, I responded and we should be in contact with you tonight. Thanks


Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: katsu.4052


Hey couldn’t help but notice that you have a pharmaceutical name as well. So do we you should stop by or think about Crystal Desert and us pharmacists can hook up and mingle and at the same time fill out prescriptions… OF DEATH!!! And also my guild leader likes your guild name a lot, since he’s actually a pharmacist (owns his own pharmacy), and would LOVE for you guys to join us in Crystal Desert/WvW.

Yah what my buddy said there. I remember I asked before if you guys were medical field related but wasn’t. Something to do with a workout routine. Either way, as volaa said, I have a soft spot for the guild name. I’m not one of the CD community people, but probably check out the CD recruitment thread. Just let them know we love you and all that good stuff. Good luck on wherever you choose to go though.

Haha, yes this is true, the founders are CrossFitters
NA | Sea of Sorrows